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Environmental health and vaccinationsLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: TH00FF37


5 op


You can take into account different environmental factors that can strengthen or threaten health.
You can promote healthy, safe and accessible environments for the different age groups.
You can collaborate in exceptional situations and emergencies of environmental health.
You can apply national and international rules and regulations applicable to the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases.
You master the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases in Finland and can advise a client accordingly.
You will complete the national Advanced Vaccination Competence course (1 ECTS credit).


How does the environment affect health and wellbeing?
What are the most common health risks of living and housing environments?
In what type of situations does a public health nurse collaborate with environmental health care?
What are the rules and regulations related to infectious diseases?
What are the main infectious diseases in different age groups and how do you prevent and treat the patients?
What are the factors and situations related to infectious diseases that increase the risks in different age groups?