Master's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation
sosionomi (ylempi AMK), Master of Social Services
geronomi (ylempi AMK), Master of Social Services and Health Care
naprapaatti (ylempi AMK), Master of Health Care
sairaanhoitaja (ylempi AMK), Master of Health Care
terveydenhoitaja (ylempi AMK), Master of Health Care
jalkaterapeutti (ylempi AMK), Master of Health Care
Having completed these master’s degree studies, you are able to apply multidisciplinary and evidence-based knowledge and development methods, which strengthens your professional competence in rehabilitation practices and related research-oriented development activities.
You gain a deeper understanding of the health effects of interventions and technologies that aim to promote individual physical activity. You also receive the competence required in the management and reorganisation of rehabilitation practices.
In addition, the studies enhance your abilities to evaluate and improve the quality and effectiveness of client-oriented rehabilitation services. You also develop your skills to communicate and work in multidisciplinary national and international teams and networks in the field of rehabilitation.
Degree programme description
The studies in the Master’s Degree Programme in Rehabilitation total 90 ECTS credits and are divided into three parts: core competence (45 ECTS credits), complementary competence (15 ECTS credits) and master’s thesis (30 ECTS credits).
o Scientific theory and methods, 5 ECTS credits
o Leadership, 5 ECTS credits
o Musculoskeletal functioning, 10 ECTS credits
o Management of the promotion of physical activities, 5 ECTS credits
o Wellbeing technologies in rehabilitation, 5 ECTS credits
o Multidisciplinary assessment of functional abilities, 5 ECTS credits
o Basics and methods of research-oriented development, 5 ECTS credits
o Sustainability in rehabilitation management, 5 ECTS credits.
Implementation of studies
In total, the duration of the studies ranges from two to three years (90 ECTS credits). The degree programme studies are fully implemented through an online learning platform and online courses, including webinars, group meetings, project work, independent tasks and peer discussions. Students must have a computer equipped with a webcam, the software needed in the studies and a microphone (headset).
Online lessons take place on predetermined days. The number of online lesson days is 2–3 per month during the first year and 1–2 during the second year.
You are advised to integrate report writing and other assignments into your own field of work with a focus on the development of rehabilitation practices.
The language of instruction is English. Tuition, assignments, exams and the master’s thesis writing process are instructed, conducted and completed in English.
Career opportunities
The master’s degree programme in rehabilitation provides you with the competences and skills required in specialist and expert positions in the field of rehabilitation, including development, management and leadership. The degree programme also provides you with the skills and competences needed in entrepreneurial activities.
In Finland, a master’s degree awarded by a university of applied sciences grants the same eligibility for public positions as a master’s degree completed at a scientific university.
Learning environments
Online learning enables a flexible way of studying. To some extent, you can plan your own schedules and study when most convenient for you. You are guided to prepare a personal study plan to ensure a steady progress. Studies can be completed alongside work.