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Master's Degree Programme in Service Design

Master of Culture and Arts

Degree title:
muotoilija (ylempi AMK), Master of Culture and Arts

60 ects

Degree programme description

As a service designer, you are able to identify service design possibilities in strategic level design and development work in different fields.

You know how to find and define the different features of the service and the associated service experience, and have a critical and analytical approach to the field you are developing.

You are able to utilise service design processes, methods and tools in a target-oriented way.

You are able to use innovative ideation methods and develop alternative solutions and concepts together with stakeholder groups.

You know how to visualize thinking, research and design as well as feedback from the user with the help of pictures, texts, and models in the different stages of the process, and evaluate it.

The curriculum consists of programme-specific core competence studies (25 ECTS credits), complementary competence studies common for all programmes (5 ECT credits) and a master’s thesis (30 ECTS credits), which is a development project.

The programme-specific core competence covers 25 ECTS credits: Service design module (15 ECTS credits) and Service development (10 ECTS credits).

Core competence (25 ECTS credits)

Service process 15 ECTS credits

Design thinking 5 ECTS credits

Service design 5 ECTS credits

Service experience 5 ECTS credits

Service development 10 ECTS credits

Service conceptualization 5 ECTS credits

Service evaluation and productization 5 ECTS credits

In accordance with your personal study plan (PSP), you may choose complementary competence studies (5 ECTS credits) as follows:

courses common for all Master School students

core competence courses from other master’s degree programmes (as agreed)

courses corresponding to Level 7 provided by other higher education institutions.

Common Master School courses are provided as online courses, courses taught in English, intensive courses and on a blended learning basis. Student groups are multidisciplinary, which promotes the development of your networking skills.

The master’s thesis (30 ECTS credits) is a research or development project. You will study topical questions associated with your field of study and produce development data through research. The master’s thesis is always a project that aims to develop the work environment, workplace or the industry/business.

The degree programme is built on the European (EQF) and National (NQF) Qualification Frameworks. Master School is Xamk’s multidisciplinary, international and change-oriented learning and RDI environment.

A master’s degree awarded by a university of applied sciences is equivalent to an academic master’s degree taken at a university.

You can choose complementary competence studies from a wide supply of Xamk Master School’s common studies according to your interests. These common studies cover courses both in Finnish and English and include the following:

- Research and development
- Management, leadership and entrepreneurship
- International working environments
- Information, digital services and networks.

You can also choose complementary competence studies from other universities, if they are at the level of master’s degree.

In case you have previously completed studies at the level of EQF 7, and they match the objectives of the degree, they can be accredited as part of your studies. More information is provided by the Degree Programme Coordinator.


Palvelumuotoilun ylempi AMK-tutkinto antaa valmiudet työskennellä monilla eri aloilla, jotka tuottavat palveluita organisaation ulkoisille tai sisäisille asiakkaille. Koulutus on suunnattu kaikille asiakaslähtöisestä kehittämisestä kiinnostuneille ammattilaisille, jotka haluavat päivittää osaamistaan. Valmistuttuasi voit työskennellä palvelua tarjoavan yrityksen tai julkisen sektorin asiakasrajapinnassa esimerkiksi palveluiden kehittäjänä, tiiminvetäjänä tai esimiestehtävissä.

Opintojen aikana kehität osaamistasi oman työsi kehitystehtävissä tai käytännön toimeksiannoissa, joissa hyödynnät taustateoriaa aitoihin ongelmanratkaisutilanteisiin. Koulutuksessa haetaan vastauksia muuttuviin ammattialan ja yhteiskunnan asettamiin osaamisvaatimuksiin.

Opiskelu perustuu tekemällä oppimiseen (action learning) sekä monialaiseen yhteistyöhön opiskelijoiden, opettajien, yritysten ja asiantuntijoiden välillä. Opinnoissasi luot tärkeitä monialaisia verkostoja eri opiskelualojen ja työelämän ammattilaisten kanssa.

RDI and cooperation with world of work

Xamk offers excellent facilities to support and facilitate your learning: a significant part of the studies is organised outside the classroom in innovation and project environments, eLearning environments and professional and RDI projects.

You can complete courses and your practical training – or do your master's thesis – as part of research, development and innovation (RDI) activities in the field of the culture and creative economy.

The regional, national and international networks of Xamk and Xamk RDI open up a wide range of opportunities, in particular to strengthen your research and development skills and international activities.

The degree programme is multidisciplinary, providing you with the opportunity to meet professionals from various fields during your studies. Together with your teachers, they challenge you to practise your critical thinking and argumentation skills. As a result, you not only gain new perspectives on your own field, but also contribute to the development of other fields.

The networks created with experts during the studies are also a considerable advantage for you after graduation. This is something that students graduating from Xamk Master School consider one of the most important aspects of the education.

At Master School, you learn to retrieve and process field-specific research data and apply it to your own work. Learning is research-based, development-oriented and aimed at promoting innovation.

You can also carry out research work and other assignments as part of Xamk’s research, development and innovation (RDI) projects. RDI specialists are an essential part of Xamk Master School, building bridges with the world of work. Among Finnish universities of applied sciences, Xamk stands out as the largest in the field of RDI activities; the total number of ongoing projects per year is around 250.

Implementation of studies and flexible learning tracks

The programme consists of blended learning including independent studies and teamwork, together with web-based learning and contact classes on campus. There are usually two contact days on Kouvola campus in a month. One course (5 ECTS credits) usually includes three contact lesson days. The contact days are Friday and Saturday. The programme is designed to last three terms.

The studies are mainly in Finnish. The studying material might be both in Finnish and in English. There might be international visitor lecturers. The language of the master’s thesis is Finnish.

The programme is designed to allow you to work and study at the same time. Studies and work must be coordinated carefully so that all the demands and expectations of other areas of life support the study process.

Study guidance

At the beginning of the studies, you prepare your personal study plan (PSP) which helps you make choices related to the studies, practical training, master’s thesis and international activities. Your Studies Coordinator supports you in preparing the personal study plan. Studying at Master School provides you with the opportunity to build the career path of your choice, in line with your own objectives.

Student wellbeing

Student wellbeing is a top priority for us, and we support students in different ways in all matters related to their studies. Our entire staff ranging from the Studies Coordinators, Student Wellbeing Advisors, Study Counselling Psychologists, student healthcare personnel and University Chaplain are committed to ensuring your wellbeing.

BYOD – Bring Your Own Device

According to Xamk’s BYOD policy, students must bring and use their own devices on campus. More information is available on Xamk website.

Career opportunities

A master’s degree is service design gives you expertise in developing, reforming and managing service design work in many fields at local, national and international level.

You will graduate as an expert in service design who is able to develop services in many fields and manage multidisciplinary design teams.

Master’s degree programmes at Xamk are provided by Master School. Master School is a multidisciplinary, international and change-oriented learning and RDI environment. In Master School, you can develop and strengthen your skills and expertise in cooperation networks and promote your career as a service designer.

Possible job titles include:
- Service designer
- Leading service designer
- Development specialist

Learning environments

Lähiopetus tapahtuu Kouvolan kampuksella opintojaksoon soveltuvissa luokkahuoneissa, auditorioissa, sekä paja-, projekti- ja ryhmätiloissa.

Itsenäisen opiskelun tukena hyödynnetään oppimisalustoja verkossa.

Service design, master studies
Service design, master studies
Service design, master studies
Service design, master studies
Service design, master studies