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Master's Degree Programme in Leadership and Development of Youth Education

Master of Humanities

Degree title:
yhteisöpedagogi (ylempi AMK), Master of Humanities

90 ects

Degree programme description

The general goal of the Master's degree programme in the management and development of youth education is to give you the expertise and competences necessary for youth education and improving young people's living conditions. You will become able to work in various specialist positions and to develop and lead the field of youth work and NGOs (Non-governmental Organizations) at local, national and international level. Studies in programme broaden your skills in youth education, pedagogy, youth policy, management and research and development issues. The degree programme gives you the skills needed to work in more diverse and theoretically challenging positions. These abilities include predicting, studying, initiating and coordinating development projects to enhance the wellbeing and participation of young people.
The competence developed through the degree programme is divided into core competence and supplementary competence.
Core competence (must know) comprises the knowledge, skills and aptitude required of graduates by employers. All graduates should possess this competence. In addition to this, supplementary competence is necessary for deepening or expanding the core competence. Core competence is developed through programme-specific advanced professional studies and the Master’s thesis. In degree programmes of 90 and 60 credits, core competence accounts for 60 and 50 credits, respectively. The thesis (30 credits) is included in core competence. Core and supplementary competences are specified at the module level.
The study of core competencies consists of two youth education modules:
Changing operational environments of youth education-module 15 ECTS credits
Contemporary professionalism in youth education, 5 ECTS credits
Youth in social change, 5 ECTS credits
Strategic development of young people´s wellbeing, 5 ECTS credits
Youth educator as a developer-module 15 ECTS credits
Developmen t methods for youth education operational environments, 5 ECTS credits
Pedagogical development in youth education , 5 ECTS credits
Pedagogical leadership in the development of the work community, 5 ECTS credits
Supplementary competence (should know) deepens and/or expands core competence. Supplementary competence allows students to specialise in a certain area. Supplementary competence is acquired through advanced professional studies that are common for all degree programmes in Master School. In degree programmes of 90 and 60 credits, supplementary competence accounts for 30 and 10 credits, respectively.
The curriculum consists of programme-specific core studies (30 credits), supplementary studies common for all programmes (30 credits) and a Master’s thesis (30 credits), which is a development project.
In accordance with your personal study plan (HOPS), you may choose supplementary competence courses as follows:
1) courses common for all Master School students
2) core competence courses from other Master’s degree programmes (specifically agreed)
3) courses corresponding to Level 7 provided by other higher education institutions.
Common Master School courses are provided as online courses, courses taught in English, intensive courses and on a blended learning basis. Student groups are multidisciplinary, which promotes the development of your networking skills.
The Master’s thesis (30 credits) is a research or development project. You will study topical questions associated with your field of study and produce development data through research. Thus, the Master’s thesis is always a project that aims to develop the work environment, workplace or field of industry/business.
The degree programme is built on the European (EQF) and National (NQF) Qualifications Frameworks. Master School is Xamk’s multidisciplinary, international and change-oriented learning and RDI environment.


Nuorisokasvatuksen johtamisen ja kehittämisen koulutuksen tavoitteena on, että yhteisöpedagogi (yamk) -tutkinnon suoritettuasi pystyt toimimaan nuorisokasvatuksen ja nuorten toimintaympäristöjen erilaisissa asiantuntijatehtävissä paikallisella, valtakunnallisella ja kansainvälisellä tasolla. Näissä tehtävissä kykenet sekä kehittämään omaa työtäsi ja ammattialaasi että johtamaan sitä. Koulutuksen avulla laajennat osaamistasi:
• Nuorisokasvatuksen erilaisista toimintaympäristöistä
• Nuorisoalan tulevaisuuden ennakoinnissa
• Työn ja ammattialan tutkimuksessa ja kehittämisessä
• Johtamisessa ja esimiestyössä

RDI and cooperation with world of work

Xamk offers excellent facilities to support your learning. A significant part of studies take place outside the classroom. Innovation and project environments (e.g. Xinno, Xentre, CampusIT and Logistiikkaverstas Logistics Workshop), different kinds of simulation environments and teaching restaurants, eLearning environments and working-life and RDI projects will facilitate your learning. You can also conduct your studies in two authentic local environments: in the forest and at sea.
You will be able to carry out study sessions and placements or do your master's thesis in the area of research and development in the field of science and technology, which is a permanent co-operation with the Youth research and development centre, Juvenia. The activities of Juvenia combine youth research with the development of the youth field through project activities. It focuses on strengthening the inclusion, citizenship and community of young people and the prevention of exclusion. The regional, national and international networks of Juvenia open up a wide range of opportunities, in particular to strengthen research and development skills and to internationalization.

Implementation of studies and flexible learning tracks

Koulutus toteutetaan monimuoto-opintoina. Opintoihin kuuluvat ydinosaamisen opinnot järjestetään lähiopetuksena Mikkelin kampuksella, mutta ne on mahdollista suorittaa suurelta osin myös etäopiskeluna verkossa. Lähiopetusta ydinosaamisen opinnoissa on aluksi 2 - 3 peräkkäistä arkipäivää kuukaudessa harventuen opiskelun edetessä. Koulutus on mitoitettu kestämään kaksi lukuvuotta, mutta tutkintoon kuuluvat ydinosaamisen opintojaksot on mahdollista suorittaa kolmen lukukauden aikana.
Täydentävän osaamisen opintojaksoista valtaosa toteutetaan verkko-opintoina. Lähiopetuksena toteutettavien opintojaksojen lähipäiviä ei ole sovitettu ylempien tutkintojen ydinosaamisen opintojaksojen lähipäiviin. Lähiopetuksena toteutettavalla opintojaksolla on kolme lähipäivää.
Opinnot on mahdollista lähi- ja kontaktiopetusta yhdistelemällä koota joustavasti omaan työ- tai elämäntilanteeseen sopivaksi kokonaisuudeksi. Opintojaksojen suorittaminen itsenäisesti verkossa mahdollistaa opintojen nopeuttamisen tai rytmittämisen lähiopetuksesta poikkeavalla tavalla.
Opintoja on mahdollista myös integroida työelämään. Työn opinnollistamisesta laaditaan suunnitelma, jossa yhdistyvät opintojaksojen ja työn sisällölliset tavoitteet opintojakson suoritukseksi. Suunnitelma laaditaan yhdessä opintojaksoista vastaavien opettajien kanssa.

Career opportunities

Graduates of the master’s degree programme find employment mainly in similar fields to those of the youth educators (bachelor’s degree) programme, although the nature of the duties and responsibilities differs a lot. 85% of graduates are working in a position of specialist or manager (Väisänen & Määttä 2016). Employment situation also good. 97% of graduates are employed after six months of graduation. The employment situation is even better than average (Ojala & Ahola 2009; Rantanen, Isopahkala-Bouret & Järveläinen 2010). A community educator can work in the following fields:
* Municipal youth work (instructing, planning and management positions)
* Non-governmental organisations (coordination and project management positions)
* Child welfare
* Schools (youth work at school, youth guidance and councelling activities)
* Workshops for young people (individual trainers)
* Entrepreneurs (leisure services)

Leadership and Development of Youth Education, master studies
Leadership and Development of Youth Education, master studies
Master's Degree Programme in Leadership and Development of Youth Education
Master's Degree Programme in Leadership and Development of Youth Education
Master's Degree Programme in Leadership and Development of Youth Education

06.11.2023 - 17.11.2023


16.01.2024 - 31.05.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

3 op

RDI portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

40 % Contact teaching, 60 % Distance learning


Mikkeli Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Master's Degree Programme in Leadership and Development of Youth Education
  • Pekka Penttinen
Teacher in charge

Pekka Penttinen

    Leadership and Development of Youth Education, master studies


You are able to analyze the significance of theoretical base of youth education and application possibilities in work life.
You are able to analyze the multidisciplinary composition of youth education and its social and professional development.
You can extensively and proficiently perceive today's and upcoming challenges in a field of youth education.


How is youth education constructed in Finnish society?
How is youth education theoretically and practically analyzed as a part of education
How can professional youth education existing and upcoming themes be recognized in public discourse and every day work?

Evaluation scale



04.08.2023 - 03.09.2023


22.08.2023 - 24.10.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

3 op

RDI portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

40 % Contact teaching, 60 % Distance learning


Mikkeli Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Master's Degree Programme in Leadership and Development of Youth Education
  • Katja Komonen
Teacher in charge

Katja Komonen

    Leadership and Development of Youth Education, master studies


You can use extensively and proficiently concepts of developmental work.
You can perceive developmental needs in a field of youth education.
You can independently plan, implement and evaluate goal-oriented development process.
You can recognize the ethical requirements of developmental work and know how to respond them in practice.


How can developmental needs be perceived in work life and professional field?
What are the methodological basis´ for developmental work?
What kind of methods can be applied to development processes?
How does development proceed as a process?
How can development processes be evaluated?
What is ethics in developmental work ?

Evaluation scale



06.11.2023 - 17.11.2023


08.01.2024 - 31.05.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

3 op

RDI portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

40 % Contact teaching, 60 % Distance learning


Mikkeli Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Master's Degree Programme in Leadership and Development of Youth Education
  • Sari Miettinen
Teacher in charge

Sari Miettinen

    Leadership and Development of Youth Education, master studies


You can structure the field of youth education as a pedagogical environment.
You can use pedagogical concepts proficiently.
You recognize the developmental needs of pedagogy and guidance and you know how to find theory-based solution for these needs


How can the field of youth education be structured as a pedagogical environment?
What kind of pedagogical and guidance methods can be used in the field of youth education?
How can youth education be developed pedagogically?

Evaluation scale



06.04.2023 - 21.04.2023


28.08.2023 - 15.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

RDI portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Mikkeli Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Master's Degree Programme in Leadership and Development of Youth Education
  • Pekka Penttinen
Teacher in charge

Pekka Penttinen

  • NKMI22SY
    Leadership and Development of Youth Education, master studies


You can use and apply professional concepts of pedagogical leadership extensively and proficiently.
You can recognize characteristics features of leadership in pedagogically orientated work community.
You can reflect critically workplace management and leadership practices from the view of pedagogy.
You can apply the pedagogical management and leadership concepts in work life.


What does pedagogical leadership mean in different types of work community?
How can work community practices been pedagogically analyzed and developed?
How can work community been understood as learning environment?
How could pedagogical leadership be applied in the change of work life?

Evaluation scale



04.08.2023 - 03.09.2023


05.11.2023 - 11.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

3 op

RDI portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

40 % Contact teaching, 60 % Distance learning


Mikkeli Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Master's Degree Programme in Leadership and Development of Youth Education
  • Katja Komonen
Teacher in charge

Katja Komonen

    Leadership and Development of Youth Education, master studies


You understand the backround and societal context of strategic development of young people´s wellbeing.

You can perceive international, national and local structures, actors, control mechanisms and processes of strategic development of young people´s wellbeing.

You can analyse the significance of the strategic development of young people´s wellbeing as a part of youth education´s working area as well as analyse the significance of youth education in development work.


What is the basis of the strategic development of young people´s wellbeing?

What are the international, national and local structures, actors, control mechanisms and processes of strategic development of young people´s wellbeing?

What is the significance of the strategic development of young people´s wellbeing as a part of youth education´s working fields?

What is the significance of youth education in development work of youth education?

Evaluation scale



04.08.2023 - 03.09.2023


21.08.2023 - 15.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

3 op

RDI portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

40 % Contact teaching, 60 % Distance learning


Mikkeli Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Master's Degree Programme in Leadership and Development of Youth Education
  • Pekka Penttinen
  • Laura Hokkanen
Teacher in charge

Pekka Penttinen

    Leadership and Development of Youth Education, master studies


You are able to analyze the modernization and social change in the youth’s life and defining of their generation.

You can predict the infulences of modernization and recognize development needs in the youth’s life.

You can apply the knowledge of modernization and social change to support the well-being of youth.


How do the social changes and current phenomenons of youth mold the youth's life course, generations, stage of life and lifestyle?

How can the effect of social change be identifyed and predicted in well-being of youth?

How can knowledge of social change be applied to the feeld of youth education?

Evaluation scale
