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Prosessiautomaation projektitoiminnan koulutus (ylempi amk)

Master of Engineering

Degree title:
Insinööri (ylempi AMK), Master of Engineering

60 ects


This degree programme is developed for persons with an educational background in automation, electrical or process engineering, or other related fields and who are dealing with process automation issues and would like to update their skills in process automation project activities.

Degree programme description

Complementary competence

You can choose complementary competence studies from a wide range of Xamk Master School’s common studies based on your interests.

The common studies comprise courses instructed both in Finnish and English and include the following:

- Research and development 
- Management, leadership and entrepreneurship 
- International working environments 
- Information, digital services and networks. 

You can also choose complementary competence studies from other universities provided they are offered as master’s degree level studies.

If you have previously completed studies at the level of EQF 7, and they match the objectives of the degree programme, they can be accredited as part of your studies. More information is provided by the Degree Programme Coordinator. 

Implementation of studies

Koulutus on suunniteltu työelämässä oleville opiskelijoille, joten se toteutetaan lähes täysin verkossa tapahtuvana etäopetuksena. Koko koulutuksen aikana on yhteensä vain kolme läsnäoloa vaativaa lähiopetuspäivää (kaksi ensimmäisen opiskeluvuoden syyslukukaudella ja yksi ensimmäisen vuoden kevätlukukaudella). Lähipäivät järjestetään lauantaisin klo 9–16 ja ne pidetään Xamkin Kotkan kampuksella.

Koulutuksen pääasialliset opiskelumuodot ovat yhteiset verkkotapaamiset ja itsenäinen työskentely. Verkkotapaamiset, jotka sisältävät luentoja, harjoituksia ja ryhmätöitä, toteutetaan ensimmäisen opiskeluvuoden aikana noin joka toinen viikko klo 16–19. Verkkotapaamisia on koulutuksen aikana yhteensä n. 15 - 20 kertaa.

RDI and cooperation with world of work

The degree programme is multidisciplinary, providing you with the opportunity to meet professionals from various fields during your studies. Together with your teachers, they aim to encourage critical thinking and improve your argumentation skills. As a result, you will not only gain new perspectives on your own field but also contribute to the development of other fields.

The networks created with experts during your studies will also be a considerable advantage for you after graduation. This is something that students graduating from Xamk Master School consider one of the most important aspects of their education.

Development-oriented approach to work

At Master School, you learn to retrieve and process field-specific research data and apply it to your own work. Learning is research-based, development-oriented and aimed at promoting innovation.

You can also carry out research work and other assignments as part of Xamk’s research, development and innovation (RDI) projects.

RDI specialists are an essential part of Xamk Master School, building bridges with the world of work. Among Finnish universities of applied sciences, Xamk stands out as the largest in the field of RDI activities. The total number of ongoing projects per year is nearly 300.

Learning environments

Opinnoissa käytetään Moodle-pohjaista oppimisalustaa

Opiskelumateriaalit järjestetään opintojaksojen mukaisina kokonaisuuksina alustalle. Materiaaleja ovat esim. luentoesitykset, videotallenteet, interaktiiviset tehtävät ja muu kirjallinen materiaali.

Process Automation Project Activities, master studies
Process Automation Project Activities, Master studies

Timing 06.01.2025 - 30.04.2025 Code PP00FI86-3001 Groups PPKT25KY
Timing 02.09.2024 - 20.12.2024 Code PP00EV22-3001 Groups PPKT24KY
Timing 06.01.2025 - 30.04.2025 Code PP00FI85-3001 Groups PPKT25KY
Timing 06.01.2025 - 30.04.2025 Code PP00EV20-3002 Groups PPKT25KY
Timing 01.09.2025 - 19.12.2025 Code PP00EV21-3002 Groups PPKT25KY