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Master's Degree Programme in HR, viestintä ja johtaminen

Master of Business Administration

Degree title:
tradenomi (ylempi AMK), Master of Business Administration

90 ects


After completing the degree programme, you will be able to professionally manage change processes in human resources, communication and management. You will be able to lead and innovate in complex and unpredictable work environments that require a new strategic approach.

You will be able to take responsibility for the development of professional competences and working practices of teams and for the strategic evaluation of their activities. You will be able to promote organisational well-being and inclusive and effective management communication.

Degree programme description

In this master's degree programme, you will get acquainted with current HR management practices. In the context of strategic HR management, wellbeing and work ability management will be part of your studies. You will also learn about new ways and tools of organizational communication. Knowledge-based management with data analytics and management by communication are key areas of study. The course on diversity management is in English. It is also possible to choose English-language courses for complementary competence studies.

The Master's Degree Programme in HR, Communication and Leadership comprises 30 ECTS credits of compulsory studies, of which 10 credits are in human resources management, 10 credits in communication and 10 credits in management. In addition, at least one methodological course (5 credits) in support of the thesis, chosen from the Master School offer, is compulsory. 

Strategic HR, 15 ECTS credits
- Strategic HR Management
- Wellbeing and work ability management
- Business analytics
Interactive work community, 15 ECTS credits
- Effective organizational communication
- Participatory managerial communication
- Diversity management (in English)

Complementary Competence, 30 ECTS credits

You can choose from the multidisciplinary Master School programme, which is common to all master's degree students. Both Finnish and English language courses are available.

Complementary studies can also be taken from other higher education institutions' higher education degree-level studies (YAMK or Master's programmes).

Master's thesis, 30 ECTS credits

The scope of the thesis is 30 credits, and its planning starts in the first year of study. The topic of the thesis must be in the field of HR, communication or management.
The thesis is started when the methodology course is completed or ongoing. The thesis includes research and has a development approach.

Implementation of studies

The studies in the Master's Degree Programme in HR, Communication and Leadership are online studies.
The start of studies and the introduction day will be held at Xamk's Kouvola campus. This is a smooth start to your studies and a chance to get to know the other students. Participation is strongly recommended. Courses usually have an introductory lecture online. Other meetings and contact days can be held on campus by arrangement. These days are on weekdays and are for cooperating, learning and discussing together. Participation is always voluntary but highly recommended. Contact days will not be streamed or recorded.

The normal pace of study for those in employment is 15 ECTS credits per semester, which means a workload of around 400 hours. In this way, you complete the compulsory core competence studies in one academic year. If your own time allows, it is possible to complete the course more quickly by completing optional complementary competence studies alongside the compulsory courses.

In complementary competence studies, the groups are "interdisciplinary", i.e. they include master's degree students from different fields at Xamk. Most of the complementary studies are online courses. Some courses have contact teaching days of about 3 days/5 credits per course. The contact days are from 9 to 16 on weekdays.

Career opportunities

HR Manager, HR Director, Communications Manager, HR Developer, Expert in Knowledge Management

RDI and cooperation with world of work

The degree programme is multidisciplinary, providing you with the opportunity to meet professionals from various fields during your studies. Together with your teachers, they challenge you to practise your critical thinking and argumentation skills. As a result, you not only gain new perspectives on your own field but also contribute to the development of other fields.

The networks created with experts during your studies will also be a considerable advantage for you after graduation. This is something that students graduating from Xamk Master School consider one of the most important aspects of their education.

Development-oriented approach to work

At Master School, you learn to retrieve and process field-specific research data and apply it to your own work. Learning is research-based, development-oriented and aimed at promoting innovation.

You can also carry out research work and other assignments as part of Xamk’s research, development and innovation (RDI) projects.

RDI specialists are an essential part of Xamk Master School, building bridges with the world of work. Among Finnish universities of applied sciences, Xamk stands out as the largest in the field of RDI activities; the total number of ongoing projects per year is nearly 200.

HR, communication and leadership, master studies
HR, communication and leadership, master studies

HR, communication and leadership, master studies
HR, communication and leadership, master studies

Timing 01.09.2024 - 31.12.2024 Code HR00ES04-3002 Groups HRKV24SVY
Timing 01.09.2024 - 31.12.2024 Code HR00ES06-3002 Groups HRKV24SVY
Timing 21.10.2024 - 31.12.2024 Code HR00ES05-3002 Groups HRKV24SVY