Business growth and financial planningLaajuus (5 cr)
Code: KL00ES18
5 op
Teaching language
- Finnish
You understand how the needs of a growing business should be considered in planning and decision-making.
You understand the financial considerations of a growing business.
You recognize the different sources of funding available for a business.
You understand the main taxational considerations in financial planning.
You understand the importance of responsibility in financial planning.
Implementation and enhancement of corporate responsibility are important for businesses that are seeking growth. Corporate responsibility should also be considered in financial planning to ensure success.
What are the ways for a business to start seeking growth?
What factors and special features should be considered in the financial planning and decision-making of a growing company?
What are the financial sources available for a company?
What taxational aspects should be considered in financial planning?
What does corporate responsibility mean in financial planning?
Yritysvastuu ja muuttuva toimintaympäristö 5 op tai vastaava osaaminen
Vastuullinen toiminnan johtaminen 5 op tai vastaava osaaminen
Talouden ohjaus 5 op tai vastaava osaaminen
Vastuullisuuden markkinointiviestintä ja raportointi 5 op
Vihreän siirtymän mahdollisuudet yhteiskehittämisen kohteena 5 op
04.11.2024 - 17.11.2024
18.03.2025 - 31.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
5 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Department of Business
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 40
Degree programmes
- Master's Degree Programme in Kestävän liiketoiminnan kehittäjä
- Anna-Mari Kämppi
KLMI24SVYSustainable Business Developer, master studies
You understand how the needs of a growing business should be considered in planning and decision-making.
You understand the financial considerations of a growing business.
You recognize the different sources of funding available for a business.
You understand the main taxational considerations in financial planning.
You understand the importance of responsibility in financial planning.
Implementation and enhancement of corporate responsibility are important for businesses that are seeking growth. Corporate responsibility should also be considered in financial planning to ensure success.
What are the ways for a business to start seeking growth?
What factors and special features should be considered in the financial planning and decision-making of a growing company?
What are the financial sources available for a company?
What taxational aspects should be considered in financial planning?
What does corporate responsibility mean in financial planning?
Learnin materiaali ja muu mahdollinen opintojakson alussa ilmoitettava materiaali.
Yksilölliset oppimisväylät
Itsenäisesti verkko-opintoina suoritettava opintojakso. Ei ryhmätöitä. Mahdollisia vapaaehtoisia Teams-tapaamisia.
Opintojakson voi suorittaa myös nopeutetusti eli voit tehdä arviointiin vaikuttavat tehtävät ja/tai tentit oman aikataulusi mukaan opintojakson toteutusaikana.
TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö
Työelämälähtöiset oppimistehtävät.
Evaluation scale
Yritysvastuu ja muuttuva toimintaympäristö 5 op tai vastaava osaaminen
Vastuullinen toiminnan johtaminen 5 op tai vastaava osaaminen
Talouden ohjaus 5 op tai vastaava osaaminen
06.11.2023 - 17.11.2023
18.03.2024 - 31.05.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
5 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Liiketalouden koulutusyksikkö, Kouvola (vanhettu)
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 40
- Anna-Mari Kämppi
Teacher in charge
Anna-Mari Kämppi
KLMI23SYSustainable Business Developer, master studies
You understand how the needs of a growing business should be considered in planning and decision-making.
You understand the financial considerations of a growing business.
You recognize the different sources of funding available for a business.
You understand the main taxational considerations in financial planning.
You understand the importance of responsibility in financial planning.
Implementation and enhancement of corporate responsibility are important for businesses that are seeking growth. Corporate responsibility should also be considered in financial planning to ensure success.
What are the ways for a business to start seeking growth?
What factors and special features should be considered in the financial planning and decision-making of a growing company?
What are the financial sources available for a company?
What taxational aspects should be considered in financial planning?
What does corporate responsibility mean in financial planning?
Exercises and study material in Learn
Yksilölliset oppimisväylät
On-line course
TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö
Exercises relating to working life
Evaluation scale
Yritysvastuu ja muuttuva toimintaympäristö 5 op tai vastaava osaaminen
Vastuullinen toiminnan johtaminen 5 op tai vastaava osaaminen
Talouden ohjaus 5 op tai vastaava osaaminen