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Information security awaranessLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: MO00AA07


5 op


You understand the possibilities of information processing. You are familiar with information security and privacy legislation. You know how to use information security development tools. You understand the importance and principles of information security awareness. You know the rules and guidelines concerning privacy and user information.


How is information processed in the digital age? What laws affect information security and privacy? How is information security designed and developed to ensure continuity? What are and where to find rules and guidelines for using digital services? How to find out what user information is collected and stored when using digital services?

Assessment criteria, good (3)

a. You are able to use professional vocabulary and concepts related to information security. c. You are able to look for information in the key information sources of the information security. e. You are able to use the key models, methods, software and techniques of the information security.