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Indoor climate and ventilationLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: TT00BA25


5 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Johanna Arola


1. You are consistent in using the terms and concepts of indoor climate and ventilation in buildings.
2. You are able to choose the appropriate category of indoor climate and air quality and air flow rates in the design phase of buildings. Furthermore, you are able to justify the choices you have made.
3. You are able to support various activities during the design, building construction and maintenance that minimize the possibility of indoor climate and air quality problems in buildings. You can plan methods for studying existing indoor climate problems and for remediating them with appropriate methods.


* What is meant by the concept of indoor climate?
* Which regulations and guidelines deal with the indoor climate, air quality and ventilation of buildings? How should we apply these regulations and guidelines?
* How do we measure indoor climate parameters? How should the measurement results be interpreted and used?
* How to design ventilation rates for residences, offices and schools?
* How to measure air flow rates in ducts and terminal devices?
* What kind of filters are used in ventilation systems and how are they tested?


14.08.2024 - 08.09.2024


02.09.2024 - 20.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Department of Electrical Engineering, Building Services and Material Technology


Mikkeli Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Building Services Engineering
  • Johanna Arola
Teacher in charge

Johanna Arola

Scheduling groups
  • Pienryhmä a (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
  • Pienryhmä b (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
  • TTMI24SP
    Building Services Engineering, full-time studies
Small groups
  • 1
  • 2


1. You are consistent in using the terms and concepts of indoor climate and ventilation in buildings.
2. You are able to choose the appropriate category of indoor climate and air quality and air flow rates in the design phase of buildings. Furthermore, you are able to justify the choices you have made.
3. You are able to support various activities during the design, building construction and maintenance that minimize the possibility of indoor climate and air quality problems in buildings. You can plan methods for studying existing indoor climate problems and for remediating them with appropriate methods.


* What is meant by the concept of indoor climate?
* Which regulations and guidelines deal with the indoor climate, air quality and ventilation of buildings? How should we apply these regulations and guidelines?
* How do we measure indoor climate parameters? How should the measurement results be interpreted and used?
* How to design ventilation rates for residences, offices and schools?
* How to measure air flow rates in ducts and terminal devices?
* What kind of filters are used in ventilation systems and how are they tested?


Opiskelumateriaali kerrotaan opintojakson alkaessa. Pääsääntöisesti materiaali jaetaan Learnin kautta.

Yksilölliset oppimisväylät

Opiskelija suorittaa opintojakson pääsääntöisesti ryhmän mukana. Muista järjestelyistä sovitaan tarvittaessa opintojakson opettajan kanssa.

TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö

Opintojaksolla saattaa olla ulkopuolisia luennoitsijoita.

Tentit ja muut määräajat

Tenttien tarkemmat tiedot käydään läpi opintojakson alkaessa.

Opiskelijan työmäärä

Opiskelijan työmäärä on laskennallisesti 135 h.

Evaluation scale



08.01.2024 - 14.01.2024


08.01.2024 - 30.04.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Department of Electrical Engineering, Building Services and Material Technology


Mikkeli Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Building Services Engineering
  • Teemu Lahikainen
Teacher in charge

Teemu Lahikainen

Scheduling groups
  • Ryhmä A (Size: 20. Open UAS: 0.)
  • Ryhmä B (Size: 20. Open UAS: 0.)
  • TTMI24KM
    Building Services Engineering, part-time studies
Small groups
  • Ryhmä A
  • Ryhmä B


1. You are consistent in using the terms and concepts of indoor climate and ventilation in buildings.
2. You are able to choose the appropriate category of indoor climate and air quality and air flow rates in the design phase of buildings. Furthermore, you are able to justify the choices you have made.
3. You are able to support various activities during the design, building construction and maintenance that minimize the possibility of indoor climate and air quality problems in buildings. You can plan methods for studying existing indoor climate problems and for remediating them with appropriate methods.


* What is meant by the concept of indoor climate?
* Which regulations and guidelines deal with the indoor climate, air quality and ventilation of buildings? How should we apply these regulations and guidelines?
* How do we measure indoor climate parameters? How should the measurement results be interpreted and used?
* How to design ventilation rates for residences, offices and schools?
* How to measure air flow rates in ducts and terminal devices?
* What kind of filters are used in ventilation systems and how are they tested?


Opintojaksomateriaali jaetaan Learnin kautta.

Yksilölliset oppimisväylät

Opiskelija osallistuu ryhmän mukaiseen opetukseen. Opintojakso on itseopiskelupainotteinen. Itseopiskelun lisäksi opintojaksoon kuuluu talotekniikan laboratoriossa tehtäviä mittaustehtäviä.

TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö

Opintojaksolla ei ole TKI ja työelämäyhteistyötä.

Tentit ja muut määräajat

Oppimistehtävien ja tenttien aikataulu ilmoitetaan opintojakson alussa.

Evaluation scale



21.08.2023 - 01.09.2023


04.09.2023 - 31.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Department of Electrical Engineering, Building Services and Material Technology


Mikkeli Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Building Services Engineering
  • Anna Forsström
Teacher in charge

Anna Forsström

Scheduling groups
  • Pienryhmä a (Size: 20. Open UAS: 0.)
  • Pienryhmä b (Size: 20. Open UAS: 0.)
  • TTMI23SP
    Building Services Engineering, full-time studies
Small groups
  • Pienryhmä a
  • Pienryhmä b


1. You are consistent in using the terms and concepts of indoor climate and ventilation in buildings.
2. You are able to choose the appropriate category of indoor climate and air quality and air flow rates in the design phase of buildings. Furthermore, you are able to justify the choices you have made.
3. You are able to support various activities during the design, building construction and maintenance that minimize the possibility of indoor climate and air quality problems in buildings. You can plan methods for studying existing indoor climate problems and for remediating them with appropriate methods.


* What is meant by the concept of indoor climate?
* Which regulations and guidelines deal with the indoor climate, air quality and ventilation of buildings? How should we apply these regulations and guidelines?
* How do we measure indoor climate parameters? How should the measurement results be interpreted and used?
* How to design ventilation rates for residences, offices and schools?
* How to measure air flow rates in ducts and terminal devices?
* What kind of filters are used in ventilation systems and how are they tested?


Löytyy pääosin opintojakson Learnalustalta.

Yksilölliset oppimisväylät

Sovittavissa vastuuopettajan kanssa.

TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö

Tutkittava projektikohde ja ulkopuolisia luennoistijoita.

Tentit ja muut määräajat

Ilmoitetaan opintojakson alussa.

Kansainvälinen yhteistyö


Opiskelijan työmäärä

Keskimäärin 135 tuntia

Toteutuksen osien kuvaus


Further information

Opintojakso on tarjolla myös:
Avoimen AMKin opiskelijoille 5 paikkaa

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

Ilmoitetaan opintojakson alussa.


02.01.2023 - 15.01.2023


02.01.2023 - 31.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

4 op

Mode of delivery

20 % Contact teaching, 80 % Distance learning


Department of Electrical Engineering, Building Services and Material Technology


Mikkeli Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Building Services Engineering
  • Teemu Lahikainen
Teacher in charge

Teemu Lahikainen

Scheduling groups
  • Ryhmä A (Size: 25. Open UAS: 0.)
  • Ryhmä B (Size: 25. Open UAS: 0.)
  • TTMI23KM
    Building Services Engineering, part-time studies
Small groups
  • Ryhmä A
  • Ryhmä B


1. You are consistent in using the terms and concepts of indoor climate and ventilation in buildings.
2. You are able to choose the appropriate category of indoor climate and air quality and air flow rates in the design phase of buildings. Furthermore, you are able to justify the choices you have made.
3. You are able to support various activities during the design, building construction and maintenance that minimize the possibility of indoor climate and air quality problems in buildings. You can plan methods for studying existing indoor climate problems and for remediating them with appropriate methods.


* What is meant by the concept of indoor climate?
* Which regulations and guidelines deal with the indoor climate, air quality and ventilation of buildings? How should we apply these regulations and guidelines?
* How do we measure indoor climate parameters? How should the measurement results be interpreted and used?
* How to design ventilation rates for residences, offices and schools?
* How to measure air flow rates in ducts and terminal devices?
* What kind of filters are used in ventilation systems and how are they tested?


Opintojaksomateriaali jaetaan Learnin kautta.

Yksilölliset oppimisväylät

Opiskelija osallistuu ryhmän mukaiseen opetukseen. Opintojakso on itseopiskelupainotteinen. Itseopiskelun lisäksi opintojaksoon kuuluu talotekniikan laboratoriossa tehtäviä mittaustehtäviä.

TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö

Opintojaksolla ei ole TKI ja työelämäyhteistyötä.

Tentit ja muut määräajat

Oppimistehtävien ja tenttien aikataulu ilmoitetaan opintojakson alussa.

Evaluation scale
