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Safety and wellbeing in the school communityLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: KH00ES43


5 op


You understand the significance of a safe and healthy school environment in the general wellbeing of a community.
You are familiar with the legislation and instructions concerning the safety at school.
You have a command of means and methods for ensuring safe and healthy learning environment on different levels of education.
You know how to respond to a crisis and are able to work in a crisis situation at school.
You are prepared to prevent and recognize bullying and harassment and are able to function in processes related to bullying and harassment.
You understand your own responsibility as a representative of student welfare services and social work professional.


How to define the main content of safe and healthy school community?
What legislation and instructions direct the safety and wellbeing at school?
How to ensure a safe and healthy learning environment on different levels of education?
How to prevent and recognize bullying and harassment and how to function in processes related to bullying and harassment.
How to respond to crisis and work in a crisis situation at a school?
What are your own responsibilities as a representative of school welfare services and social work professional?


08.04.2024 - 21.04.2024


12.08.2024 - 31.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Department of Social Services and Health Care


Savonlinna Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Social Services, school wellbeing
  • Hanna-Leena Lipsanen
  • KHSA23SP
    Social Services, school wellbeing, full-time studies


You understand the significance of a safe and healthy school environment in the general wellbeing of a community.
You are familiar with the legislation and instructions concerning the safety at school.
You have a command of means and methods for ensuring safe and healthy learning environment on different levels of education.
You know how to respond to a crisis and are able to work in a crisis situation at school.
You are prepared to prevent and recognize bullying and harassment and are able to function in processes related to bullying and harassment.
You understand your own responsibility as a representative of student welfare services and social work professional.


How to define the main content of safe and healthy school community?
What legislation and instructions direct the safety and wellbeing at school?
How to ensure a safe and healthy learning environment on different levels of education?
How to prevent and recognize bullying and harassment and how to function in processes related to bullying and harassment.
How to respond to crisis and work in a crisis situation at a school?
What are your own responsibilities as a representative of school welfare services and social work professional?


Learn-alustan materiaali sisältää kirjallista materiaalia, videomateriaalia, oppimistehtäviä (kaksi testiä) sekä sähköisen tentin.

Yksilölliset oppimisväylät

Opintojakson voi toteuttaa yksilöllisellä aikataululla.

Tentit ja muut määräajat

Sähköinen monivalintatentti suoritetaan opintojakson lopussa.

Opiskelijan työmäärä

5 op vastaa 135 h opiskelijan itsenäistä opiskelua.

Toteutuksen osien kuvaus

Opintojakso muodostuu kolmesta kokonaisuudesta: 1. turvallinen ja hyvinvoiva kouluyhteisö, 2. turvallisuuteen ja hyvinvointiin liittyvä ohjeistus ja 3. lainsäädäntö sekä uhkatilanteet, toiminta ja ennakointi.

Evaluation scale
