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Therapeutical nurse-patient relationship in mental health and substance abuse nursingLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: HT00DV20


5 op


You improve your competence in cooperative therapeutic relationships.
You improve your cognitive capabilities and skills in mental health care, psychiatric treatment and rehabilitation.
You are able to guide customers in matters relating to mental health, substance abuse and care service system.


What are the issues that affect and promote the cooperative relationship?
What are the means and methods in the cooperative relationship?
What are the tools: resource and solution-focused approach, methods for early intervention and initiating discussion?
What are the key psychotherapies, discretionary rehabilitative psychotherapy provided by Kela (Social Insurance Institution of Finland)?
How do you carry out conscious self-reflection of your own methods and actions?


04.11.2024 - 17.11.2024


14.01.2025 - 09.05.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


School of Welfare



Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 50

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Anna-Kaarina Anttolainen
Teacher in charge

Anna-Kaarina Anttolainen

  • HYS2024-2025
    HY Sairaanhoitajan täydentävät opinnot


You improve your competence in cooperative therapeutic relationships.
You improve your cognitive capabilities and skills in mental health care, psychiatric treatment and rehabilitation.
You are able to guide customers in matters relating to mental health, substance abuse and care service system.


What are the issues that affect and promote the cooperative relationship?
What are the means and methods in the cooperative relationship?
What are the tools: resource and solution-focused approach, methods for early intervention and initiating discussion?
What are the key psychotherapies, discretionary rehabilitative psychotherapy provided by Kela (Social Insurance Institution of Finland)?
How do you carry out conscious self-reflection of your own methods and actions?


The following books (where applicable)
Mönkkönen, Kaarina. 2018.
Vuorovaikutus asiakastyössä : asiakkaan kohtaaminen sosiaali- ja terveysalalla. (e-book)

Mönkkönen Kaarina., Kekoni, Taru & Pehkonen, Aini. (toim.) 2019. Moniammatillinen yhteistyö. (e-book)

Järvinen, Ritva ; Lankinen, Aila ; Taajamo, Terhi ; Veistilä, Minna ; Virolainen, Arja.
Perheen parhaaksi : perhetyön arkea

Hämäläinen, Kaisu, Kanerva, Anne, Kuhanen, Carita, Schubert, Carla, Seuri, Tarja. Mielenterveyshoitotyö. 2017. SanomaPro. (e-book)

Partanen, Airi, Holmberg, Jan, Inkinen, Maria, Kurki, Marjo, Salo-Chydenius, Sisko. Päihdehoitotyö. 2015. SanomaPro. (e-book)

Other study and source material is presented at the beginning of the course in Learn.

Yksilölliset oppimisväylät

The course will be completed online in 14.1.- 9.5.2025
The course of study is a complementary course of study and is aimed at end-stage nurse students. Participation in the course requires basic studies in mental health work mental health, substance abuse and crisis nursing 5 ECTS theoretical studies and approved completion of internships related to the course.

Studying takes place entirely online. The course starts with a volunteer starter info on 14.1. at 14-15. A recording of the info will also be made. The course consists of four learning assignments, three of which are individual assignments and one online small group assignment, completing the course requires approved learning assignments and participation in three teams small groups. Teams small groups are flexible to schedule.
At the end of the course there is a reservation for one common network for the next day.

TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö

Not in this implementation.

Tentit ja muut määräajat

The tasks of the course are presented in the course Learn.

Kansainvälinen yhteistyö

Does not materialize in this implementation.

Opiskelijan työmäärä

The scope of the course is 5 cr. As a student's work 135 cr.

Toteutuksen osien kuvaus

The parts of the course are:

Matters affecting and managing the co-operation relationship
Collaborative methods and working methods
Deepening knowledge and competence (client / patient case)
Reflection on one's own skills and learning

Further information

The course's Learn opens on 14 January 2025. Additional information will be sent to those who have registered and accepted for the course by e-mail before the course begins.
The optional start of the course is on 14 January from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. You can join the Info from the link on the start page of the course Learn. A recording of the info will also be made.

Further information:

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

Opintojakso arvioidaan hyv. 1-5 / hyl. Hyväksytty suoritus edellyttää kaikkien oppimistehtävien hyväksyttyä suoritusta ja teams pienryhmiin ja verkko lähipäivään osallistumista. Numeraalisesti arvioitavat osiot esitellään opintojakson Learnissa.


08.04.2024 - 21.04.2024


04.09.2024 - 05.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Hyvinvointi yhteiset en



Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Anna-Kaarina Anttolainen
Teacher in charge

Anna-Kaarina Anttolainen

  • HYS2022-2023
    HY Sairaanhoitajan täydentävät opinnot


You improve your competence in cooperative therapeutic relationships.
You improve your cognitive capabilities and skills in mental health care, psychiatric treatment and rehabilitation.
You are able to guide customers in matters relating to mental health, substance abuse and care service system.


What are the issues that affect and promote the cooperative relationship?
What are the means and methods in the cooperative relationship?
What are the tools: resource and solution-focused approach, methods for early intervention and initiating discussion?
What are the key psychotherapies, discretionary rehabilitative psychotherapy provided by Kela (Social Insurance Institution of Finland)?
How do you carry out conscious self-reflection of your own methods and actions?


The following books (where applicable)
Mönkkönen, Kaarina. 2018.
Vuorovaikutus asiakastyössä : asiakkaan kohtaaminen sosiaali- ja terveysalalla. (e-book)

Mönkkönen Kaarina., Kekoni, Taru & Pehkonen, Aini. (toim.) 2019. Moniammatillinen yhteistyö. (e-book)

Järvinen, Ritva ; Lankinen, Aila ; Taajamo, Terhi ; Veistilä, Minna ; Virolainen, Arja.
Perheen parhaaksi : perhetyön arkea

Hämäläinen, Kaisu, Kanerva, Anne, Kuhanen, Carita, Schubert, Carla, Seuri, Tarja. Mielenterveyshoitotyö. 2017. SanomaPro. (e-book)

Partanen, Airi, Holmberg, Jan, Inkinen, Maria, Kurki, Marjo, Salo-Chydenius, Sisko. Päihdehoitotyö. 2015. SanomaPro. (e-book)

Other study and source material is presented at the beginning of the course in Learn.

Yksilölliset oppimisväylät

The course takes place online on 5.9. - 5.12.2024
The course is complementary studies aimed at final stage nursing students.
Participating in the study course requires basic studies in mental health work, e.g. in nursing education, mental health care work, substance abuse and crisis care work, 5 ECTS theory studies and approved completion of internships related to the study course.

TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö

Ei toteudu tässä toteutuksessa.

Tentit ja muut määräajat

The tasks of the course are presented in the course Learn.

Kansainvälinen yhteistyö

Does not materialize in this implementation.

Opiskelijan työmäärä

The scope of the course is 5 cr. As a student's work 135 cr.

Toteutuksen osien kuvaus

The parts of the course are:

Matters affecting and managing the co-operation relationship
Collaborative methods and working methods
Deepening knowledge and competence (client / patient case)
Reflection on one's own skills and learning

Further information

he course takes place online. The course's Learn opens no later than 5.9. at 8. Those who have registered and accepted for the course will be sent an email before the start of the course.
The course start info is 5.9. at 14-15. You can join the Info from the link on the start page of the course Learn. A recording of the info will also be made.

Note: Completion of the course requires participation in three Teams small groups (3 x 2 t.) and one (approx. 8.t) Teams day.

Further information:

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

The course is evaluated as good. 1-5 / rejected An approved performance requires the approved performance of all learning tasks and participation in teams small groups. Numerically evaluated sections are presented in the study course's Learn.


06.11.2023 - 17.11.2023


16.01.2024 - 12.05.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Hyvinvointi yhteiset en



Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 50

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Anna-Kaarina Anttolainen
Teacher in charge

Anna-Kaarina Anttolainen

  • HYS2022-2023
    HY Sairaanhoitajan täydentävät opinnot


You improve your competence in cooperative therapeutic relationships.
You improve your cognitive capabilities and skills in mental health care, psychiatric treatment and rehabilitation.
You are able to guide customers in matters relating to mental health, substance abuse and care service system.


What are the issues that affect and promote the cooperative relationship?
What are the means and methods in the cooperative relationship?
What are the tools: resource and solution-focused approach, methods for early intervention and initiating discussion?
What are the key psychotherapies, discretionary rehabilitative psychotherapy provided by Kela (Social Insurance Institution of Finland)?
How do you carry out conscious self-reflection of your own methods and actions?


Seuraavat kirjat (soveltuvin osin)
Mönkkönen, Kaarina.
Vuorovaikutus asiakastyössä : asiakkaan kohtaaminen sosiaali- ja terveysalalla. (e-kirja)

Mönkkönen Kaarina., Kekoni, Taru & Pehkonen, Aini. (toim.) 2019. Moniammatillinen yhteistyö. (e-kirja)

Järvinen, Ritva ; Lankinen, Aila ; Taajamo, Terhi ; Veistilä, Minna ; Virolainen, Arja
(uusin painos) . Perheen parhaaksi : perhetyön arkea

Hämäläinen, Kaisu, Kanerva, Anne, Kuhanen, Carita, Schubert, Carla, Seuri, Tarja. Mielenterveyshoitotyö. SanomaPro. (e-kirja)

Partanen, Airi, Holmberg, Jan, Inkinen, Maria, Kurki, Marjo, Salo-Chydenius, Sisko. Päihdehoitotyö. SanomaPro. (e-kirja)

Muu opiskelu- ja lähdemateriaali esitellään opintojakson alussa Learnissa.

Yksilölliset oppimisväylät

Opintojakso toteutuu verkossa ajalla 16.1. - 12.5.2024
Opintojakso on täydentäviä opintoja ja on suunnattu loppuvaiheen opiskelijoille. Opintojaksolle osallistuminen edellyttää mielenterveystyön perusopintoja esim. sairaanhoitajakoulutuksessa mielenterveyshoitotyö- päihde- ja kriishoitotyö 5 op teoriaopintoja ja opintojaksoon liittyvien harjoittelujen hyväksyttyä suorittamista.

TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö

Ei toteudu tässä toteutuksessa.

Tentit ja muut määräajat

Opintojakson tehtävät ja arviointi esitellään opintojakson infossa ja opintojakson Learnissa

Kansainvälinen yhteistyö

Ei toteudu tässä toteutuksessa.

Opiskelijan työmäärä

Opintojakson laajuus on 5 op. Opiskelijan työnä 135 op.

Toteutuksen osien kuvaus

Opintojakson osat ovat:

Yhteistyösuhteessa vaikuttavat ja hoitavat asiat
Yhteistyösuhteen menetelmät ja työskentelytavat
Tiedon ja osaamisen syventäminen (asiakas / potilas caset)
Oman osaamisen ja oppimisen reflektointi

Further information

Opintojakso toteutuu verkossa ja Teams pienryhmissä. Opintojakso avautuu 16.1.2024. Opintojaksolle ilmoittautuneille ja hyväksytyille lähetetään sähköposti tammikuun ensimmäisen viikon aikana. Opintojakson info on 16.1.2024 klo 14-15 Teamissa. Linkki Teamsiin lähetetään tammikuun sähköpostissa.

Huomioi, että opintojakson suorittaminen edellyttää myös kolmeen teams pienryhmään (2t. / kokoontumiskerta) osallistumista. Pienryhmät sopivat itselleen sopivimmat kokoontumisajankohdat ryhmittäin. Teams pienryhmien lisäksi on oppimistehtävän yhteinen purku n. 4 t. Teamsissa opintojakson lopussa.

Lisätietoja opintojaksosta:

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

Opintojakso arvioidaan hyv. 1-5 / hyl. Hyväksytty suoritus edellyttää kaikkien oppimistehtävien hyväksyttyä suoritusta.


06.04.2023 - 21.04.2023


28.08.2023 - 15.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Hyvinvointi yhteiset en



Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 50

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Anna-Kaarina Anttolainen
Teacher in charge

Anna-Kaarina Anttolainen

  • HYS2022-2023
    HY Sairaanhoitajan täydentävät opinnot


You improve your competence in cooperative therapeutic relationships.
You improve your cognitive capabilities and skills in mental health care, psychiatric treatment and rehabilitation.
You are able to guide customers in matters relating to mental health, substance abuse and care service system.


What are the issues that affect and promote the cooperative relationship?
What are the means and methods in the cooperative relationship?
What are the tools: resource and solution-focused approach, methods for early intervention and initiating discussion?
What are the key psychotherapies, discretionary rehabilitative psychotherapy provided by Kela (Social Insurance Institution of Finland)?
How do you carry out conscious self-reflection of your own methods and actions?


The following books (where applicable)
Mönkkönen, Kaarina. 2018.
Vuorovaikutus asiakastyössä : asiakkaan kohtaaminen sosiaali- ja terveysalalla. (e-book)

Mönkkönen Kaarina., Kekoni, Taru & Pehkonen, Aini. (toim.) 2019. Moniammatillinen yhteistyö. (e-book)

Järvinen, Ritva ; Lankinen, Aila ; Taajamo, Terhi ; Veistilä, Minna ; Virolainen, Arja.
Perheen parhaaksi : perhetyön arkea

Hämäläinen, Kaisu, Kanerva, Anne, Kuhanen, Carita, Schubert, Carla, Seuri, Tarja. Mielenterveyshoitotyö. 2017. SanomaPro. (e-book)

Partanen, Airi, Holmberg, Jan, Inkinen, Maria, Kurki, Marjo, Salo-Chydenius, Sisko. Päihdehoitotyö. 2015. SanomaPro. (e-book)

Other study and source material is presented at the beginning of the course in Learn.

Yksilölliset oppimisväylät

The course takes place online on 5.9.-5.12.2023
The course is complementary studies aimed at final stage students.
Participating in the study course requires basic studies in mental health work, e.g. in nursing education, mental health care work, substance abuse and crisis care work, 5 ECTS theory studies and approved completion of internships related to the study course.

TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö

Ei toteudu tässä toteutuksessa.

Tentit ja muut määräajat

The tasks of the course are presented in the course Learn.

Kansainvälinen yhteistyö

Does not materialize in this implementation.

Opiskelijan työmäärä

The scope of the course is 5 cr. As a student's work 135 cr.

Toteutuksen osien kuvaus

The parts of the course are:

Matters affecting and managing the co-operation relationship
Collaborative methods and working methods
Deepening knowledge and competence (client / patient case)
Reflection on one's own skills and learning

Further information

The course takes place entirely online. The course starts on September 5, 2023. Those who have registered and accepted for the course will be sent an email during the first week of January.
Please note that completing the course also requires the participation of four teams in small groups. The first small group will meet on October 5, 2023 from 2 to 4 p.m. The following meeting times will be agreed in small groups.

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

The course is evaluated as good. 1-5 / rejected An approved performance requires the approved performance of all learning tasks and participation in teams small groups. Numerically evaluated sections are presented in the study course's Learn.


07.11.2022 - 18.11.2022


01.01.2023 - 30.04.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Hyvinvointi yhteiset en



Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 50

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Anna-Kaarina Anttolainen
Teacher in charge

Anna-Kaarina Anttolainen

  • HYS2022-2023
    HY Sairaanhoitajan täydentävät opinnot


You improve your competence in cooperative therapeutic relationships.
You improve your cognitive capabilities and skills in mental health care, psychiatric treatment and rehabilitation.
You are able to guide customers in matters relating to mental health, substance abuse and care service system.


What are the issues that affect and promote the cooperative relationship?
What are the means and methods in the cooperative relationship?
What are the tools: resource and solution-focused approach, methods for early intervention and initiating discussion?
What are the key psychotherapies, discretionary rehabilitative psychotherapy provided by Kela (Social Insurance Institution of Finland)?
How do you carry out conscious self-reflection of your own methods and actions?


The following books (where applicable)
Mönkkönen, Kaarina. 2018.
Vuorovaikutus asiakastyössä : asiakkaan kohtaaminen sosiaali- ja terveysalalla. (e-book)

Mönkkönen Kaarina., Kekoni, Taru & Pehkonen, Aini. (toim.) 2019. Moniammatillinen yhteistyö. (e-book)

Järvinen, Ritva ; Lankinen, Aila ; Taajamo, Terhi ; Veistilä, Minna ; Virolainen, Arja.
Perheen parhaaksi : perhetyön arkea

Hämäläinen, Kaisu, Kanerva, Anne, Kuhanen, Carita, Schubert, Carla, Seuri, Tarja. Mielenterveyshoitotyö. 2017. SanomaPro. (e-book)

Partanen, Airi, Holmberg, Jan, Inkinen, Maria, Kurki, Marjo, Salo-Chydenius, Sisko. Päihdehoitotyö. 2015. SanomaPro. (e-book)

Other study and source material is presented at the beginning of the course in Learn.

Yksilölliset oppimisväylät

The course takes place online on 9.9. - 12.5..2022
The course is complementary studies aimed at final stage students.
Participating in the study course requires basic studies in mental health work, e.g. in nursing education, mental health care work, substance abuse and crisis care work, 5 ECTS theory studies and approved completion of internships related to the study course.

TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö

Ei toteudu tässä toteutuksessa.

Tentit ja muut määräajat

The tasks of the course are presented in the course Learn.

Kansainvälinen yhteistyö

Does not materialize in this implementation.

Opiskelijan työmäärä

The scope of the course is 5 cr. As a student's work 135 cr.

Toteutuksen osien kuvaus

The parts of the course are:

Matters affecting and managing the co-operation relationship
Collaborative methods and working methods
Deepening knowledge and competence (client / patient case)
Reflection on one's own skills and learning

Further information

The course takes place entirely online. The course starts on January 9, 2023. Those who have registered and accepted for the course will be sent an email during the first week of January.
Please note that completing the course also requires the participation of four teams in small groups. The first small group will meet on February 2, 2023 from 2 to 4 p.m. The following meeting times will be agreed in small groups.

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

The course is evaluated as good. 1-5 / rejected An approved performance requires the approved performance of all learning tasks and participation in teams small groups. Numerically evaluated sections are presented in the study course's Learn.