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Clinical training in basic nursingLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: HT00FB81


5 op


You apply the principles of asepsis and infection control.
You promote patient safety.
You implement the principles of safe drug treatment under guidance.
You can use Medication Passport to assess the competence of medical care.
You work in accordance with the values and ethical principles of nursing.
You can create and maintain professional care relationships.
You can monitor and assess patients' conditions systematically.
You can respond to the need for care with nursing functions.
You carry out rehabilitation-promoting nursing by applying kinaesthetics.
You know how to ensure the continuity of care with high-quality reporting and recording.
You know how to encounter and treat dying patients and support their loved ones.
You can identify the signs of impending death and know how to care for patients after dead.
You can assess your own competence and receive and give feedback.
You are able to work as a team member in multi-professional work communities.


How to implement the principles of asepsis and infection control?
How do you promote patient safety at different treatment process stages?
How do you implement safe drug treatment under guidance?
How do you use Medication Passport to assess your drug treatment competence?
How do you consider the values and ethical principles of nursing in your work?
How do you create and maintain professional care relationships?
How do you use the ABCDE protocol to assess patients' wellbeing?
How do you use the NEWS criteria for the early identification of disorders in basic vital functions?
How do you identify patient care needs and respond to them with nursing functions?
How do you report according to the ISBAR protocol?
How do you record patient information according to the national recording model?
How do you encounter and support dying patients and their loved ones?
How do you nurse dying patients and care for the deceased?
How do you assess your own competence and receive and give feedback?
How to work as a team member in multi-professional work communities?


17.03.2025 - 28.03.2025


05.05.2025 - 01.06.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Department of Health Care and Emergency Care


Kotka Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 50

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Satu Sällilä
  • SHKT25KM
    Nursing, part-time studies


You apply the principles of asepsis and infection control.
You promote patient safety.
You implement the principles of safe drug treatment under guidance.
You can use Medication Passport to assess the competence of medical care.
You work in accordance with the values and ethical principles of nursing.
You can create and maintain professional care relationships.
You can monitor and assess patients' conditions systematically.
You can respond to the need for care with nursing functions.
You carry out rehabilitation-promoting nursing by applying kinaesthetics.
You know how to ensure the continuity of care with high-quality reporting and recording.
You know how to encounter and treat dying patients and support their loved ones.
You can identify the signs of impending death and know how to care for patients after dead.
You can assess your own competence and receive and give feedback.
You are able to work as a team member in multi-professional work communities.


How to implement the principles of asepsis and infection control?
How do you promote patient safety at different treatment process stages?
How do you implement safe drug treatment under guidance?
How do you use Medication Passport to assess your drug treatment competence?
How do you consider the values and ethical principles of nursing in your work?
How do you create and maintain professional care relationships?
How do you use the ABCDE protocol to assess patients' wellbeing?
How do you use the NEWS criteria for the early identification of disorders in basic vital functions?
How do you identify patient care needs and respond to them with nursing functions?
How do you report according to the ISBAR protocol?
How do you record patient information according to the national recording model?
How do you encounter and support dying patients and their loved ones?
How do you nurse dying patients and care for the deceased?
How do you assess your own competence and receive and give feedback?
How to work as a team member in multi-professional work communities?


What has been learned in the theory and laboratory studies of the study courses should be used in practice.
Approved medical bills

Yksilölliset oppimisväylät

The training takes place in working life.

TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö

The training takes place in working life.

Evaluation scale



17.03.2025 - 28.03.2025


05.05.2025 - 01.06.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Department of Health Care and Emergency Care


Kotka Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 50

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Emergency Care
  • Satu Sällilä
  • EHKT25KM
    Emergency Care, part-time studies


You apply the principles of asepsis and infection control.
You promote patient safety.
You implement the principles of safe drug treatment under guidance.
You can use Medication Passport to assess the competence of medical care.
You work in accordance with the values and ethical principles of nursing.
You can create and maintain professional care relationships.
You can monitor and assess patients' conditions systematically.
You can respond to the need for care with nursing functions.
You carry out rehabilitation-promoting nursing by applying kinaesthetics.
You know how to ensure the continuity of care with high-quality reporting and recording.
You know how to encounter and treat dying patients and support their loved ones.
You can identify the signs of impending death and know how to care for patients after dead.
You can assess your own competence and receive and give feedback.
You are able to work as a team member in multi-professional work communities.


How to implement the principles of asepsis and infection control?
How do you promote patient safety at different treatment process stages?
How do you implement safe drug treatment under guidance?
How do you use Medication Passport to assess your drug treatment competence?
How do you consider the values and ethical principles of nursing in your work?
How do you create and maintain professional care relationships?
How do you use the ABCDE protocol to assess patients' wellbeing?
How do you use the NEWS criteria for the early identification of disorders in basic vital functions?
How do you identify patient care needs and respond to them with nursing functions?
How do you report according to the ISBAR protocol?
How do you record patient information according to the national recording model?
How do you encounter and support dying patients and their loved ones?
How do you nurse dying patients and care for the deceased?
How do you assess your own competence and receive and give feedback?
How to work as a team member in multi-professional work communities?


What has been learned in the theory and laboratory studies of the study courses should be used in practice.
Approved medical bills

Yksilölliset oppimisväylät

The training takes place in working life.

TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö

The training takes place in working life.

Evaluation scale



04.11.2024 - 17.11.2024


01.01.2025 - 31.07.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Department of Social Services and Health Care


Savonlinna Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Anu Muhonen
  • Pirjo Heimo
Teacher in charge

Jaana Dillström

  • SHSA25KM
    Nursing, part-time studies


You apply the principles of asepsis and infection control.
You promote patient safety.
You implement the principles of safe drug treatment under guidance.
You can use Medication Passport to assess the competence of medical care.
You work in accordance with the values and ethical principles of nursing.
You can create and maintain professional care relationships.
You can monitor and assess patients' conditions systematically.
You can respond to the need for care with nursing functions.
You carry out rehabilitation-promoting nursing by applying kinaesthetics.
You know how to ensure the continuity of care with high-quality reporting and recording.
You know how to encounter and treat dying patients and support their loved ones.
You can identify the signs of impending death and know how to care for patients after dead.
You can assess your own competence and receive and give feedback.
You are able to work as a team member in multi-professional work communities.


How to implement the principles of asepsis and infection control?
How do you promote patient safety at different treatment process stages?
How do you implement safe drug treatment under guidance?
How do you use Medication Passport to assess your drug treatment competence?
How do you consider the values and ethical principles of nursing in your work?
How do you create and maintain professional care relationships?
How do you use the ABCDE protocol to assess patients' wellbeing?
How do you use the NEWS criteria for the early identification of disorders in basic vital functions?
How do you identify patient care needs and respond to them with nursing functions?
How do you report according to the ISBAR protocol?
How do you record patient information according to the national recording model?
How do you encounter and support dying patients and their loved ones?
How do you nurse dying patients and care for the deceased?
How do you assess your own competence and receive and give feedback?
How to work as a team member in multi-professional work communities?


Hoitotyön perusosaaminen-opintojaksolla käytetty materiaali. Materiaalia hyädynnetään harjoittelussa.

Yksilölliset oppimisväylät

Työviikkopohjainen oppimisväylä:
- Harjoitteluympäristönä voivat olla mm. hoivakodit, palvelutalot, terveyskeskusten vuodeosastot, kuntoutusosastot tai jaksohoitoyksiköt
- Harjoittelussa on työelämäohjaaja (-t).
- Opiskelija tekee harjoittelujakson alussa harjoittelun tavoitteet Workseediin (ensimmäisen viikon aikana)
- Työaikasuunnitelma Workseediin ohjaajien työvuorojen mukaisesti .

TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö

Harjoittelu tehdään em. harjoittelupaikoissa teoriatietoa soveltaen

Opiskelijan työmäärä

4 viikkoa = 6 op
38h/ viikko = yht. 154 tuntia harjoittelua käytännön kentällä

Further information

Peruslääkelaskukoe 1 on hyväksytysti suoritettu viimeistään 1 kk ennen harjoittelun alkamista.

Olet tarkistanut harjoittelupaikan vaatimukset rokotussuojasta, huolehtinut tarvittavat rokotukset kuntoon. Kts. erillinen ohje rokotuskäytäntöön.

Huolehdit itse harjoittelupaikan peruuttamisen viimeistään 2 viikkoa ennen harjoittelun alkamista, jos harjoittelun edeltävyysehdot eivät täyty. Tiedotat paikan peruuttamisesta myös harjoittelua ohjaavalle opettajalle sekä harjoittelukoordinaattorille.

Lähetät infokirjeen harjoittelupaikkaan viimeistään 2 viikkoa ennen harjoittelun alkamista harjoittelupaikkaan sekä kopion tästä harjoittelua ohjaavalle opettajalle.

Lähihoitajataustaisella opiskelijalla mahdollisuus AHOT-käytäntöön. Tästä lisäohjeet opintojen alkaessa.

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

Itsearviointi Workseedissa ennen harjoittelun loppuarviointikeskustelua. Loppuarviointi sovitaan harjoittelun viimeiselle viikolle (mukana opiskelija, ohjaava opettaja ja työelämänohjaaja) Teams:ssa
Työaikaraportti: työtunnit yht 152h (= 4 viikon harjoittelu)