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Forestry, part-time studies: MEMI22KM

Code: MEMI22KM

Bachelor of Natural Resources

Degree title:
metsätalousinsinööri (AMK), Bachelor of Natural Resources

240 ects

4 years (240 cr)

Start semester:
Spring 2022

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Code Name Credits (cr) 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 Spring 2022 Autumn 2022 Spring 2023 Autumn 2023 Spring 2024 Autumn 2024 Spring 2025 Autumn 2025 2. / 2022 3. / 2022 1. / 2022 2. / 2023 3. / 2023 1. / 2023 2. / 2024 3. / 2024 1. / 2024 2. / 2025 3. / 2025 1. / 2025

(Choose all )

Communication in Forestry

(Choose all )

KY00DS51 Finnish communication skills 5
ME00DS68 ICT skills in forestry 5
KY00DS47 Professional English 5
KY00DS63 Study and career planning 5
Forests and trees

(Choose all )

ME00DS69 Forest ecology 5
ME00DS70 Trees and forest vegetation 5
ME00DS71 Forest regeneration 5
From forests to forestry

(Choose all )

ME00DS72 Wood as raw material 5
ME00DS73 Forest measurement 5
ME00DS74 Operational environment of wood procurement 5
ME00DS75 Mathematics for forestry 5
Forests and society

(Choose all )

ME00DS76 Economics and forest administration 5
ME00DS77 Personal right and contract law 5
MO00DS25 Research and development skills 5
KY00DS46 Professional Swedish 5
Forest management

(Choose all )

ME00DS78 Forest management practises 5
ME00EH44 Forest health and variable climate 5
ME00DS79 Forest drainage and forest roads 5
Wood procurement

(Choose all )

ME00DS80 Nature management in commercial forests 5
ME00DS66 Pre-harvest planning 5
ME00DS81 Timber measurement 5
Forest planning

(Choose all )

ME00DS67 Forest inventory 5
ME00DS82 Forest management plan 5
ME00DS83 Timber trade and forest taxation 5
Business operations in forestry

(Choose all )

ME00DS84 Entrepreneurship in the forest sector 5
ME00DS85 Forestry services as a business 5
ME00DS86 Personal marketing and selling skills 5
Forest ownership

(Choose all )

ME00DS87 Forest estate pricing and trade 5
ME00DS88 Forest estate management and changes of generation 5
KY00DS62 Management and workplace skills 5

(Choose all )

ME00DS89 Practical training 1 10
ME00DS90 Practical training 2 5
ME00DS91 Advanced practical training 1 5
ME00DS92 Advanced practical training 2 10
Bachelor's thesis

(Choose all )

OP00AA43 Bachelor’s thesis: idea and planning 5
OP00AA44 Bachelor’s thesis: implementation 5
OP00AA45 Bachelor’s thesis: reporting, assessment and presentation 5

(Choose ects: 45)

Forest resources management

(Choose ects: 15)

ME00DS93 Forest management systems 5
ME00DS94 GIS analysis 5
ME00DS95 Digital IT applications in forestry 5
Developing wood procurement

(Choose ects: 15)

ME00DS96 Developing timber trade 5
ME00DS97 Logging operations management 5
ME00DS98 Logistics in wood procurement 5
Forests and people

(Choose ects: 15)

ME00DS99 Multi-purpose forests 5
ME00DT00 Forestry professionals' workplace skills and wellbeing 5
ME00DT01 Project studies 5
International forestry

(Choose ects: 15)

ME00DT02 Student exchange 5
ME00DT03 Orientation to the destination country 5
ME00ES21 Operational environment in Global Forest Sector 5
Finnish forestry

(Choose ects: 15)

ME00DT05 Logistics in sustainable forest-based bioeconomy 5
ME00DT06 Harvesting techniques in sustainable Nordic forest-based bioeconomy 5
ME00DT07 Possibilities of wood energy 5
Business opportunities in forest-based bioeconomy

(Choose ects: 15)

ME00DT08 Insights into forest ecology, bioeconomy and Finnish forest culture 5
ME00DT09 Entrepreneurship in forest-based bioeconomy 5
ME00DT10 Business operations in forest-based bioeconomy 5
Optional study modules

(Choose ects: 15)

Digitalization studies

(Choose 0)

MO00AA05 Data analysis 5
MO00AA06 User-driven digital services 5
MO00AA07 Information security awaraness 5
MO00DL50 Graphic Design online workshop 5
MO00DL51 Image and video editing online workshop 5
MO00DO09 Web ohjelmointi 5
MO00DS11 Introduction to programming 5
MO00DS12 Information security 5
MO00DS13 Digital tools 1 3
MO00DS14 Digital tools 2 2
VV00EO91 Digital skills accelerator 3
OM00EE03 Introduction to programming 5
Innovation and entrepreneurship studies

(Choose 0)

MO00CT76 Entrepreneurship training 1 - 10
Y26300003 New venture creation and marketing 5
VV00CW58 Personnel and sales management 5
MO00DB95 New Venture Creation and Marketing 5
MO00DB96 Entrepreneurship and Small Business Marketing 5
MO00DB97 The Operational Environment of Business and Competitive Tools 5
MO00DB98 Indicators and management 5
MO00DK10 Yksityisen sosiaali- ja terveydenhuoltoalan rekisteröinti- ja lupa-asiat hyvinvointiyrittäjyydessä 5
MO00DK11 Liiketoimintasuunnitelma 5
MO00DO50 Innovation and entrepreneurship projects 1 - 10
MO00DO88 Inno Camp 2 cr 2
MO00DO99 New venture creation 3
MO00DP00 New venture financing and risk management 2
MO00DP01 Innovation management in digital age 5
MO00DP02 Social and health care legislation 2
MO00DP03 Commercialization of business 5
MO00DP04 Conseptualization and productization 5
MO00DS40 From idea to innovation 5
MO00DS33 Entrepreneurship sparring 1 - 10
MO00DW50 Startup passion 5
MO00EF58 Intellectual property rights 2
MO00EJ41 Entrepreneurship and small business marketing (instructed in Russian) 3
MO00DS31 Impact entrepreneurship 3
MO00ET82 Company's visual communication and brand building 5
MO00EW45 Succesfull e-business 5
MO00EW77 Business Office 5 - 10
MO00FI90 Entrepreneurship and business in Finland 5
MO00FJ19 Starting profitable business 5
MO00FJ48 Entrepreneurs' financial competence 5
Russian studies

(Choose 0)

203005912 Logistics and Transportation to Russia 2 5
203006912 Logistics and Transportation to Russia 3 5
203004912 Logistics and Transportation to Russia 1 5
MO00CW80 Russian business and communications culture 5
MO00CW81 Basics of Russian Cultural History 5
MO00DL47 Finnish-Russian tandem week in St. Petersburg 2
MO00DL72 Russian Business Culture 3
MO00DL85 Everyday communication in Russian 3
Research and development studies

(Choose 0)

MO00DB99 Research, innovate, report 5
MO00DL48 Future studies 5
MO00DS25 Research and development skills 5
MO00EI29 SPSS virtual clinic 1 - 3
Optional studies

(Choose 0)

KY00BH71 Event promoter 5
VVVV00614 Printmaking 5
301104310 Introduction to mathematics for finance 3
301102212 Bookkeeping and special questions 5
301102312 Financial statements and instruments 5
S00Y200 Pharmacological care in social services 3
AV00CT94 I tell you everything – sexuality and gender in movies 2
VV00CW58 Personnel and sales management 5
VV00CW97 Environmental business 5
VV00CX18 Linux operating system administration 5
S00Y047 Pain management 5
S00D012 Wound management 3
S00Y028 Violence work 5
VV00CY62 Gestational diabetes 3
SH00AC91 Gerontology nursing 5
SH00AD10 Cooperative therapeutic relationships in mental health care and substance abuse care 5
VV00CY67 Hygiene Certificate 2
VV00CY73 Prevention of social exclusion 5
VV00CY89 Basic mathematics of logistics 5
VV00CZ15 Physical Education 1 2
VVVV18151 Rokotusosaamisen perusteet 2
VV00CZ34 Matematiikan tehovalmennus 1
VV00CZ54 Lapland Hike 5
T06D050 Certificate in Electric Safety 1 3
VV00CZ68 Design project 5
VV00DA27 Basics of nursing in social work 5
S00D044 Violence work 5
S00Y062 Basics for Working with Mentally Retarded and their Families 5
VV00DB93 Emma Gaala – Social Media 3 - 7
VV00DC94 Pharmacology 5
TVV0FP16 Basics of technical chemistry 3
TVV0FP17 Intensive course in Physics in the field of engineering 3
H00D204 Sairaanhoitajan kliiniset perustaidot - laboraatioharjoituksia teoriatietoa soveltamalla 2
VV00DF50 Furniture upholstery 5
VV00DF51 Cleaning 5
VV00DF52 Decoration painting 5
VV00DF54 Door and window restoration 5
VV00DF55 Selection criteria for interior textiles 5
VV00DF56 Interior Design 5
VV00DF57 Surface treatment techniques 5
VVVV00715 Basics of CAM 5
VV00DF65 Online business image 5
VV00DF66 Intercultural communication 5
VV00DF98 Physical education 3 2
VV00DF99 Physical education 4 2
VV00DG01 Physical education 2 2
VV00DG13 Electrical installations 5
VV00DG23 Climate change 5
VV00DG73 Medical terminology 5
VV00DH25 Intensive course in ICT basics 1
EN00CY18 Energy production and consumption in pulp and paper industries 5
VVVV0114 Creative digital photography 5
VV00DI03 Knowledge management 5
VV00DI17 Drug dosage calculations 0
VV00DI18 Effective workplace writing 5
VV00DI33 Cartoon and comic book illustration 5
VV00DI58 Intensive course in pain management 5
VV00DJ20 Alcohol dispensing certification 2
601203216 Brand design 5
VV00DJ59 Surgery nursing 5
VV00DJ60 UiPath robot 3
LO00DK02 Ethical demand-supply chain management 5
VV00DK60 Byproducts in process industries 5
VV00DL08 Study skills 2
YYYY00314 Leadership 5
ME00AE60 Forestry logistics and industry 5
ME00AE62 Logging technologies/Simulator 5
VV00DL53 Railway traffic 5
VV00DL55 Child psychiatry and functional methods 5
VV00DL56 Adolescent psychiatric nursing and creative/ functional methods 5
VV00DL59 Multiculturalism in sexual counseling 5
VV00DL84 Skanska Oppiva 5
399103816 Public relations 5
VV00DL87 Cross-cultural management 5
AV00DM09 Wellbeing, Part 1: Basics of Human Anatomy 5
VV00DM10 Supervisor's role in maintaining data security 5
AV00DM11 Wellbeing, Part 2: Basics of strength training 5
AV00DM12 Wellbeing, Part 3: Basics of nutrition 5
SH00DM48 General pathology 5
VV00DM51 Guild of Coders 1 5
VV00DM52 Guild of Coders 2 5
VV00DM53 Guild of Coders 3 5
VV00DM55 Refresher course in drug calculation 5
VV00DM96 Artificial intelligence 5
SH00DO05 Acute pain and pain treatment 5
SH00DO06 Lääkehoidon kädentaidot turvallisesti 5
SH00DO07 Acute wounds - effective treatment 5
VV00DO19 Design and making of headwear 5
AV00DO20 Basics of mental sports coaching 3
AV00DO21 Mindfulness and wellbeing 5
VV00DO44 Design product workshop 5
VV00DO51 Future jobs 2
VV00DO96 Study skills and student well-being 2
VV00DP05 Physical education 1, Mikkeli 2
VV00DP06 Physical education 2, Mikkeli 2
VV00DP07 Physical education 3, Mikkeli 2
VV00DP08 Physical education 4, Mikkeli 2
AV00DP09 Applying Neuropsychology in Healthcare and Rehabilitation 5
AV00DP11 New technologies in health care 5
VV00DX00 Environmental issues affecting our health 5
VV00DZ67 3D sculpting with Zbrush 5
399101415 Business game 5
VV00EA46 Promotor /ambassador 1 - 5
VV00EA62 3D printing, laser cutting 5
VV00EA63 Design workshop 5
VV00EA64 Pattern design with Grafis V12 software 5
VV00EA65 Moulded plywood 5
VV00EA66 SolidWorks 5
VV00EA69 Tutoring 5
VV00EA82 Php programming 5
VV00EA99 Basics of Building Services Engineering 5
SH00ED28 Nursing of a tracheostomized patient 5
VV00ED90 Unreal Engine C++ development 3
VV00ED91 Creating network game using Unreal Engine 3
VV00ED92 Using animation editor inside Unreal Engine 3
VV00ED94 HVAC installations 2
KY00DS62 Management and workplace skills 5
IT00DX02 Python programming and data processing 5
TK00EC43 Software testing 5
VV00EE14 Project study 5
VV00EE16 Robotic Process Automation (RPA) 5
T06D080 SFS 6002 Electrical work safety course 1
VV00EE22 Circular economy project 5
VV00EE23 Basics of first aid 1
VV00EE24 Advanced first aid 1
VV00EE98 Conservation of metal surfaces 5
VV00EF14 Creative material workshop 10
VV00EF50 Associations in welfare society 5
VV00EF56 Digital gaming in social services 5
VV00EF57 Selling online in Russia 3
VV00EF91 KIDE - Circular economy in design 5
VV00EH02 Study skills and student wellbeing 2
VV00EH04 Sub-areas of clinical core competence assessment 0
VV00EH66 Mask course 2
VV00EH87 Engineering mathematics 3 5
VV00EI08 Palliative and terminal care 5
VV00EI74 Substance painter 5
VV00EI76 Supporting language and communication skills in early childhood education 5
VV00EI78 Global sourcing 5
VV00EJ14 Programming for data analysis 5
VV00EJ15 Digital model workshop 5
VV00EJ16 Green wood 5
VV00EJ17 Laser cutting 3
VV00EJ21 Operative nursing 3 - 5
VV00EJ27 Using wellbeing skills to promote studying ability 2
VV00EJ26 SEPSIS patient as a first aid client 5
VV00EJ28 Corset - fashion accessory 5
VV00EJ29 Emma Gaala design 5
VV00EJ80 Race4Scale project – Future Professions in Finland – workshop 4
VV00EK42 Tourism Loves New Idea and Innovation Competition - Ideation phase 2
VV00EK43 Tourism Loves New Idea and Innovation Competition - Development phase 2
VV00EK44 Tourism Loves New Idea and Innovation Competition- Benchmarking trip 1
VV00EK89 Seminar on data analytics tools 5
SH00EK91 Nursing of patients with intoxication 5
VV00EK93 Xamk Game Studios 1 - 15
TY00EL03 Basics of engineering mathematics 3
TY00EL01 Engineering mathematics 3 5
TY00EL02 Engineering mathematics 4 5
VV00EL24 Leikki ja leikillisyys varhaiskasvatuksessa 5
VV00EL28 Blockchain and platform economy – summer intensive mini-course 3
VV00EL29 IoT in business – summer intensive mini-course 3
AV00EL41 Prevention of infections 5
VV00EL51 AWS Cloud Foundations 5
AV00EJ31 Nuoren mielen ensiapu -koulutus 2
AV00DM93 Prevention and treatment national diseases 5
AV00EJ52 Assessment of respiratory failure in nursing 3
VV00EL55 I in future working life 2
VV00EL94 Structural Social Work 5
AV00EM09 Pain and its non-pharmacological treatment 5
VV00EM39 Global ethics 5
VV00EM47 Facilitation in the service designer's work 2
VV00EM49 Business ethics and corporate responsibility 5
VV00EM85 Societal influencing and leadership 5
VV00EM86 Local influencing and leadership 5
VV00EM87 Representing and developing the student community 5
VV00EN19 Basics of JavaScript programming 5
VV00EN20 Introduction to JavaScript programming 3
VV00EN63 CNC basics for wood materials 5
VV00EN64 Colour and pattern design 5
VV00EN65 Welfare from visual arts 1 5
VV00EN66 Visual branding of the own competence 5
VV00EN67 Precious metal and jewellery workshop 5
VV00EN68 Creative presentation techniques 5
VV00EN81 Verkkojulkaisu Wordpressillä 5
VV00EN82 Red Hat Kubernetes 2
SH00EN92 Toteuta lääkehoitoa turvallisesti – sosionomi, geronomi, lähihoitaja 5
VV00EO10 Kasvivärjäys 5
VV00EO16 Basic baby care 2
VV00EO35 Insider Student Magazine 5 - 10
T06C501 Transmission grids 5
VV00EK89 Seminar on data analytics tools 5
AV00CU88 Basics and treatment of addictive gambling 5
AV00EP21 Basics of batteries and energy storage systems, 5 ECTS cr 5
VV00EP23 Kipu ja sen lääkkeetön hoito 5
AV00EJ12 Linux operating system administration 5
VV00EP24 Varhaiskasvatuksen pedagogiikkaa sosionomeille 5
AV00EG53 Diabetes education and counseling 5
AV00EG62 Cognitive functions in neurological diseases 5
AV00EG54 Foot health promotion 5
AV00EG55 Nutrition for sports and physical activity 5
AV00EE06 Respiratory and cardiovascular rehabilitation 5
AV00DN02 Health Promotion and Global Health 5
AV00EJ13 Nursing of children and young persons 3
AV00DX04 Sexual health and rights 5
VV00EP31 Basics and treatment of addictive gambling 5
LO00EP32 Futures Lab – logistic 2
VV00EP33 Woman´s sexual health 3
AV00EO23 Welfare from Visual Arts 2 5
AV00EO40 Dyeing with Plants – natural alternative 3
AV00EO41 Trendy garment from recycled materials 5
AV00EI39 Working with Children in Foster Care 5
AV00EA52 Supporting socio-emotional skills in early childhood education 5
AV00EI07 Basics of media education 5
AV00DM31 The Best Interest of the Child 5
AV00EL49 The Best Interest of the Child as the concept 5
AV00EI34 Leikki ja leikillisyys varhaiskasvatuksessa 5
VV00EP74 International Business Project 1 - 10
VV00EP90 Game programming 7
VV00EQ09 Special work in energy technology 2 - 5
SH00EQ36 Akuuttihoitotyön perusteet 5
VV00EQ39 Gilding 5
VV00EQ74 AWS Cloud Architecting 5
VV00DF62 Finance of housing companies, associations and foundations 5
VV00ER36 Introduction to financial mathematics 3
AV00EU00 Introduction to Robotic Process Automation (RPA) 5
AV00ER08 Create a website with WordPress 5
AV00EP21 Basics of batteries and energy storage systems, 5 ECTS cr 5
AV00ER19 Solar Power Systems 5
AV00EN90 Electric vehicles and charging systems 5
VV00EW86 Intensive course in mathematics 1
VV00EW87 Intensive course in information technology 1
VV00FP39 Safely implemented pharmacotherapy – Bachelor of Social Services and Health Care 5
Student activities

(Choose 0)

VV00EA69 Tutoring 5
VV00EL36 Opiskelijayhteisön edustaminen ja kehittäminen 5
VV00EL37 Paikallinen vaikuttaminen ja johtaminen 5
VV00EL38 Yhteiskunnallinen vaikuttaminen ja johtaminen 5
Total 240 37 62 75 95 15 37 26 36 35 40 50 45 15 18.5 18.5 26 18 18 35 20 20 50 22.5 22.5 15

Due to the timing of optional and elective courses, credit accumulation per semester / academic year may vary.

bachelor level

decree 1129/2014 §2

Professional studies
Bachelor’s thesis: idea and planning
Bachelor’s thesis: implementation
Bachelor’s thesis: reporting, assessment and presentation
Practical training
Practical training 1
Practical training 2
Advanced practical training 1
Advanced practical training 2
Bachelor's thesis

No attached course units

Basic studies

No attached course units

Optional studies

No attached course units

Not grouped
Finnish communication skills
ICT skills in forestry
Professional English
Study and career planning
Forest ecology
Trees and forest vegetation
Forest regeneration
Wood as raw material
Forest measurement
Operational environment of wood procurement
Mathematics for forestry
Economics and forest administration
Personal right and contract law
Research and development skills
Professional Swedish
Forest management practises
Forest health and variable climate
Forest drainage and forest roads
Nature management in commercial forests
Pre-harvest planning
Timber measurement
Forest inventory
Forest management plan
Timber trade and forest taxation
Entrepreneurship in the forest sector
Forestry services as a business
Personal marketing and selling skills
Forest estate pricing and trade
Forest estate management and changes of generation
Management and workplace skills
Forest management systems
GIS analysis
Digital IT applications in forestry
Developing timber trade
Logging operations management
Logistics in wood procurement
Multi-purpose forests
Forestry professionals' workplace skills and wellbeing
Project studies
Student exchange
Orientation to the destination country
Operational environment in Global Forest Sector
Logistics in sustainable forest-based bioeconomy
Harvesting techniques in sustainable Nordic forest-based bioeconomy
Possibilities of wood energy
Insights into forest ecology, bioeconomy and Finnish forest culture
Entrepreneurship in forest-based bioeconomy
Business operations in forest-based bioeconomy

Code Name Credits (cr)

(Choose all)

Communication in Forestry

(Choose all)

KY00DS51 Finnish communication skills 5
ME00DS68 ICT skills in forestry 5
KY00DS47 Professional English 5
KY00DS63 Study and career planning 5
Forests and trees

(Choose all)

ME00DS69 Forest ecology 5
ME00DS70 Trees and forest vegetation 5
ME00DS71 Forest regeneration 5
From forests to forestry

(Choose all)

ME00DS72 Wood as raw material 5
ME00DS73 Forest measurement 5
ME00DS74 Operational environment of wood procurement 5
ME00DS75 Mathematics for forestry 5
Forests and society

(Choose all)

ME00DS76 Economics and forest administration 5
ME00DS77 Personal right and contract law 5
MO00DS25 Research and development skills 5
KY00DS46 Professional Swedish 5
Forest management

(Choose all)

ME00DS78 Forest management practises 5
ME00EH44 Forest health and variable climate 5
ME00DS79 Forest drainage and forest roads 5
Wood procurement

(Choose all)

ME00DS80 Nature management in commercial forests 5
ME00DS66 Pre-harvest planning 5
ME00DS81 Timber measurement 5
Forest planning

(Choose all)

ME00DS67 Forest inventory 5
ME00DS82 Forest management plan 5
ME00DS83 Timber trade and forest taxation 5
Business operations in forestry

(Choose all)

ME00DS84 Entrepreneurship in the forest sector 5
ME00DS85 Forestry services as a business 5
ME00DS86 Personal marketing and selling skills 5
Forest ownership

(Choose all)

ME00DS87 Forest estate pricing and trade 5
ME00DS88 Forest estate management and changes of generation 5
KY00DS62 Management and workplace skills 5

(Choose all)

ME00DS89 Practical training 1 10
ME00DS90 Practical training 2 5
ME00DS91 Advanced practical training 1 5
ME00DS92 Advanced practical training 2 10
Bachelor's thesis

(Choose all)

OP00AA43 Bachelor’s thesis: idea and planning 5
OP00AA44 Bachelor’s thesis: implementation 5
OP00AA45 Bachelor’s thesis: reporting, assessment and presentation 5

(Choose ects: 45)

Forest resources management

(Choose ects: 15)

ME00DS93 Forest management systems 5
ME00DS94 GIS analysis 5
ME00DS95 Digital IT applications in forestry 5
Developing wood procurement

(Choose ects: 15)

ME00DS96 Developing timber trade 5
ME00DS97 Logging operations management 5
ME00DS98 Logistics in wood procurement 5
Forests and people

(Choose ects: 15)

ME00DS99 Multi-purpose forests 5
ME00DT00 Forestry professionals' workplace skills and wellbeing 5
ME00DT01 Project studies 5
International forestry

(Choose ects: 15)

ME00DT02 Student exchange 5
ME00DT03 Orientation to the destination country 5
ME00ES21 Operational environment in Global Forest Sector 5
Finnish forestry

(Choose ects: 15)

ME00DT05 Logistics in sustainable forest-based bioeconomy 5
ME00DT06 Harvesting techniques in sustainable Nordic forest-based bioeconomy 5
ME00DT07 Possibilities of wood energy 5
Business opportunities in forest-based bioeconomy

(Choose ects: 15)

ME00DT08 Insights into forest ecology, bioeconomy and Finnish forest culture 5
ME00DT09 Entrepreneurship in forest-based bioeconomy 5
ME00DT10 Business operations in forest-based bioeconomy 5
Optional study modules

(Choose ects: 15)

Digitalization studies
MO00AA05 Data analysis 5
MO00AA06 User-driven digital services 5
MO00AA07 Information security awaraness 5
MO00DL50 Graphic Design online workshop 5
MO00DL51 Image and video editing online workshop 5
MO00DO09 Web ohjelmointi 5
MO00DS11 Introduction to programming 5
MO00DS12 Information security 5
MO00DS13 Digital tools 1 3
MO00DS14 Digital tools 2 2
VV00EO91 Digital skills accelerator 3
OM00EE03 Introduction to programming 5
Innovation and entrepreneurship studies
MO00CT76 Entrepreneurship training 1 - 10
Y26300003 New venture creation and marketing 5
VV00CW58 Personnel and sales management 5
MO00DB95 New Venture Creation and Marketing 5
MO00DB96 Entrepreneurship and Small Business Marketing 5
MO00DB97 The Operational Environment of Business and Competitive Tools 5
MO00DB98 Indicators and management 5
MO00DK10 Yksityisen sosiaali- ja terveydenhuoltoalan rekisteröinti- ja lupa-asiat hyvinvointiyrittäjyydessä 5
MO00DK11 Liiketoimintasuunnitelma 5
MO00DO50 Innovation and entrepreneurship projects 1 - 10
MO00DO88 Inno Camp 2 cr 2
MO00DO99 New venture creation 3
MO00DP00 New venture financing and risk management 2
MO00DP01 Innovation management in digital age 5
MO00DP02 Social and health care legislation 2
MO00DP03 Commercialization of business 5
MO00DP04 Conseptualization and productization 5
MO00DS40 From idea to innovation 5
MO00DS33 Entrepreneurship sparring 1 - 10
MO00DW50 Startup passion 5
MO00EF58 Intellectual property rights 2
MO00EJ41 Entrepreneurship and small business marketing (instructed in Russian) 3
MO00DS31 Impact entrepreneurship 3
MO00ET82 Company's visual communication and brand building 5
MO00EW45 Succesfull e-business 5
MO00EW77 Business Office 5 - 10
MO00FI90 Entrepreneurship and business in Finland 5
MO00FJ19 Starting profitable business 5
MO00FJ48 Entrepreneurs' financial competence 5
Russian studies
203005912 Logistics and Transportation to Russia 2 5
203006912 Logistics and Transportation to Russia 3 5
203004912 Logistics and Transportation to Russia 1 5
MO00CW80 Russian business and communications culture 5
MO00CW81 Basics of Russian Cultural History 5
MO00DL47 Finnish-Russian tandem week in St. Petersburg 2
MO00DL72 Russian Business Culture 3
MO00DL85 Everyday communication in Russian 3
Research and development studies
MO00DB99 Research, innovate, report 5
MO00DL48 Future studies 5
MO00DS25 Research and development skills 5
MO00EI29 SPSS virtual clinic 1 - 3
Optional studies
KY00BH71 Event promoter 5
VVVV00614 Printmaking 5
301104310 Introduction to mathematics for finance 3
301102212 Bookkeeping and special questions 5
301102312 Financial statements and instruments 5
S00Y200 Pharmacological care in social services 3
AV00CT94 I tell you everything – sexuality and gender in movies 2
VV00CW58 Personnel and sales management 5
VV00CW97 Environmental business 5
VV00CX18 Linux operating system administration 5
S00Y047 Pain management 5
S00D012 Wound management 3
S00Y028 Violence work 5
VV00CY62 Gestational diabetes 3
SH00AC91 Gerontology nursing 5
SH00AD10 Cooperative therapeutic relationships in mental health care and substance abuse care 5
VV00CY67 Hygiene Certificate 2
VV00CY73 Prevention of social exclusion 5
VV00CY89 Basic mathematics of logistics 5
VV00CZ15 Physical Education 1 2
VVVV18151 Rokotusosaamisen perusteet 2
VV00CZ34 Matematiikan tehovalmennus 1
VV00CZ54 Lapland Hike 5
T06D050 Certificate in Electric Safety 1 3
VV00CZ68 Design project 5
VV00DA27 Basics of nursing in social work 5
S00D044 Violence work 5
S00Y062 Basics for Working with Mentally Retarded and their Families 5
VV00DB93 Emma Gaala – Social Media 3 - 7
VV00DC94 Pharmacology 5
TVV0FP16 Basics of technical chemistry 3
TVV0FP17 Intensive course in Physics in the field of engineering 3
H00D204 Sairaanhoitajan kliiniset perustaidot - laboraatioharjoituksia teoriatietoa soveltamalla 2
VV00DF50 Furniture upholstery 5
VV00DF51 Cleaning 5
VV00DF52 Decoration painting 5
VV00DF54 Door and window restoration 5
VV00DF55 Selection criteria for interior textiles 5
VV00DF56 Interior Design 5
VV00DF57 Surface treatment techniques 5
VVVV00715 Basics of CAM 5
VV00DF65 Online business image 5
VV00DF66 Intercultural communication 5
VV00DF98 Physical education 3 2
VV00DF99 Physical education 4 2
VV00DG01 Physical education 2 2
VV00DG13 Electrical installations 5
VV00DG23 Climate change 5
VV00DG73 Medical terminology 5
VV00DH25 Intensive course in ICT basics 1
EN00CY18 Energy production and consumption in pulp and paper industries 5
VVVV0114 Creative digital photography 5
VV00DI03 Knowledge management 5
VV00DI17 Drug dosage calculations 0
VV00DI18 Effective workplace writing 5
VV00DI33 Cartoon and comic book illustration 5
VV00DI58 Intensive course in pain management 5
VV00DJ20 Alcohol dispensing certification 2
601203216 Brand design 5
VV00DJ59 Surgery nursing 5
VV00DJ60 UiPath robot 3
LO00DK02 Ethical demand-supply chain management 5
VV00DK60 Byproducts in process industries 5
VV00DL08 Study skills 2
YYYY00314 Leadership 5
ME00AE60 Forestry logistics and industry 5
ME00AE62 Logging technologies/Simulator 5
VV00DL53 Railway traffic 5
VV00DL55 Child psychiatry and functional methods 5
VV00DL56 Adolescent psychiatric nursing and creative/ functional methods 5
VV00DL59 Multiculturalism in sexual counseling 5
VV00DL84 Skanska Oppiva 5
399103816 Public relations 5
VV00DL87 Cross-cultural management 5
AV00DM09 Wellbeing, Part 1: Basics of Human Anatomy 5
VV00DM10 Supervisor's role in maintaining data security 5
AV00DM11 Wellbeing, Part 2: Basics of strength training 5
AV00DM12 Wellbeing, Part 3: Basics of nutrition 5
SH00DM48 General pathology 5
VV00DM51 Guild of Coders 1 5
VV00DM52 Guild of Coders 2 5
VV00DM53 Guild of Coders 3 5
VV00DM55 Refresher course in drug calculation 5
VV00DM96 Artificial intelligence 5
SH00DO05 Acute pain and pain treatment 5
SH00DO06 Lääkehoidon kädentaidot turvallisesti 5
SH00DO07 Acute wounds - effective treatment 5
VV00DO19 Design and making of headwear 5
AV00DO20 Basics of mental sports coaching 3
AV00DO21 Mindfulness and wellbeing 5
VV00DO44 Design product workshop 5
VV00DO51 Future jobs 2
VV00DO96 Study skills and student well-being 2
VV00DP05 Physical education 1, Mikkeli 2
VV00DP06 Physical education 2, Mikkeli 2
VV00DP07 Physical education 3, Mikkeli 2
VV00DP08 Physical education 4, Mikkeli 2
AV00DP09 Applying Neuropsychology in Healthcare and Rehabilitation 5
AV00DP11 New technologies in health care 5
VV00DX00 Environmental issues affecting our health 5
VV00DZ67 3D sculpting with Zbrush 5
399101415 Business game 5
VV00EA46 Promotor /ambassador 1 - 5
VV00EA62 3D printing, laser cutting 5
VV00EA63 Design workshop 5
VV00EA64 Pattern design with Grafis V12 software 5
VV00EA65 Moulded plywood 5
VV00EA66 SolidWorks 5
VV00EA69 Tutoring 5
VV00EA82 Php programming 5
VV00EA99 Basics of Building Services Engineering 5
SH00ED28 Nursing of a tracheostomized patient 5
VV00ED90 Unreal Engine C++ development 3
VV00ED91 Creating network game using Unreal Engine 3
VV00ED92 Using animation editor inside Unreal Engine 3
VV00ED94 HVAC installations 2
KY00DS62 Management and workplace skills 5
IT00DX02 Python programming and data processing 5
TK00EC43 Software testing 5
VV00EE14 Project study 5
VV00EE16 Robotic Process Automation (RPA) 5
T06D080 SFS 6002 Electrical work safety course 1
VV00EE22 Circular economy project 5
VV00EE23 Basics of first aid 1
VV00EE24 Advanced first aid 1
VV00EE98 Conservation of metal surfaces 5
VV00EF14 Creative material workshop 10
VV00EF50 Associations in welfare society 5
VV00EF56 Digital gaming in social services 5
VV00EF57 Selling online in Russia 3
VV00EF91 KIDE - Circular economy in design 5
VV00EH02 Study skills and student wellbeing 2
VV00EH04 Sub-areas of clinical core competence assessment 0
VV00EH66 Mask course 2
VV00EH87 Engineering mathematics 3 5
VV00EI08 Palliative and terminal care 5
VV00EI74 Substance painter 5
VV00EI76 Supporting language and communication skills in early childhood education 5
VV00EI78 Global sourcing 5
VV00EJ14 Programming for data analysis 5
VV00EJ15 Digital model workshop 5
VV00EJ16 Green wood 5
VV00EJ17 Laser cutting 3
VV00EJ21 Operative nursing 3 - 5
VV00EJ27 Using wellbeing skills to promote studying ability 2
VV00EJ26 SEPSIS patient as a first aid client 5
VV00EJ28 Corset - fashion accessory 5
VV00EJ29 Emma Gaala design 5
VV00EJ80 Race4Scale project – Future Professions in Finland – workshop 4
VV00EK42 Tourism Loves New Idea and Innovation Competition - Ideation phase 2
VV00EK43 Tourism Loves New Idea and Innovation Competition - Development phase 2
VV00EK44 Tourism Loves New Idea and Innovation Competition- Benchmarking trip 1
VV00EK89 Seminar on data analytics tools 5
SH00EK91 Nursing of patients with intoxication 5
VV00EK93 Xamk Game Studios 1 - 15
TY00EL03 Basics of engineering mathematics 3
TY00EL01 Engineering mathematics 3 5
TY00EL02 Engineering mathematics 4 5
VV00EL24 Leikki ja leikillisyys varhaiskasvatuksessa 5
VV00EL28 Blockchain and platform economy – summer intensive mini-course 3
VV00EL29 IoT in business – summer intensive mini-course 3
AV00EL41 Prevention of infections 5
VV00EL51 AWS Cloud Foundations 5
AV00EJ31 Nuoren mielen ensiapu -koulutus 2
AV00DM93 Prevention and treatment national diseases 5
AV00EJ52 Assessment of respiratory failure in nursing 3
VV00EL55 I in future working life 2
VV00EL94 Structural Social Work 5
AV00EM09 Pain and its non-pharmacological treatment 5
VV00EM39 Global ethics 5
VV00EM47 Facilitation in the service designer's work 2
VV00EM49 Business ethics and corporate responsibility 5
VV00EM85 Societal influencing and leadership 5
VV00EM86 Local influencing and leadership 5
VV00EM87 Representing and developing the student community 5
VV00EN19 Basics of JavaScript programming 5
VV00EN20 Introduction to JavaScript programming 3
VV00EN63 CNC basics for wood materials 5
VV00EN64 Colour and pattern design 5
VV00EN65 Welfare from visual arts 1 5
VV00EN66 Visual branding of the own competence 5
VV00EN67 Precious metal and jewellery workshop 5
VV00EN68 Creative presentation techniques 5
VV00EN81 Verkkojulkaisu Wordpressillä 5
VV00EN82 Red Hat Kubernetes 2
SH00EN92 Toteuta lääkehoitoa turvallisesti – sosionomi, geronomi, lähihoitaja 5
VV00EO10 Kasvivärjäys 5
VV00EO16 Basic baby care 2
VV00EO35 Insider Student Magazine 5 - 10
T06C501 Transmission grids 5
VV00EK89 Seminar on data analytics tools 5
AV00CU88 Basics and treatment of addictive gambling 5
AV00EP21 Basics of batteries and energy storage systems, 5 ECTS cr 5
VV00EP23 Kipu ja sen lääkkeetön hoito 5
AV00EJ12 Linux operating system administration 5
VV00EP24 Varhaiskasvatuksen pedagogiikkaa sosionomeille 5
AV00EG53 Diabetes education and counseling 5
AV00EG62 Cognitive functions in neurological diseases 5
AV00EG54 Foot health promotion 5
AV00EG55 Nutrition for sports and physical activity 5
AV00EE06 Respiratory and cardiovascular rehabilitation 5
AV00DN02 Health Promotion and Global Health 5
AV00EJ13 Nursing of children and young persons 3
AV00DX04 Sexual health and rights 5
VV00EP31 Basics and treatment of addictive gambling 5
LO00EP32 Futures Lab – logistic 2
VV00EP33 Woman´s sexual health 3
AV00EO23 Welfare from Visual Arts 2 5
AV00EO40 Dyeing with Plants – natural alternative 3
AV00EO41 Trendy garment from recycled materials 5
AV00EI39 Working with Children in Foster Care 5
AV00EA52 Supporting socio-emotional skills in early childhood education 5
AV00EI07 Basics of media education 5
AV00DM31 The Best Interest of the Child 5
AV00EL49 The Best Interest of the Child as the concept 5
AV00EI34 Leikki ja leikillisyys varhaiskasvatuksessa 5
VV00EP74 International Business Project 1 - 10
VV00EP90 Game programming 7
VV00EQ09 Special work in energy technology 2 - 5
SH00EQ36 Akuuttihoitotyön perusteet 5
VV00EQ39 Gilding 5
VV00EQ74 AWS Cloud Architecting 5
VV00DF62 Finance of housing companies, associations and foundations 5
VV00ER36 Introduction to financial mathematics 3
AV00EU00 Introduction to Robotic Process Automation (RPA) 5
AV00ER08 Create a website with WordPress 5
AV00EP21 Basics of batteries and energy storage systems, 5 ECTS cr 5
AV00ER19 Solar Power Systems 5
AV00EN90 Electric vehicles and charging systems 5
VV00EW86 Intensive course in mathematics 1
VV00EW87 Intensive course in information technology 1
VV00FP39 Safely implemented pharmacotherapy – Bachelor of Social Services and Health Care 5
Student activities
VV00EA69 Tutoring 5
VV00EL36 Opiskelijayhteisön edustaminen ja kehittäminen 5
VV00EL37 Paikallinen vaikuttaminen ja johtaminen 5
VV00EL38 Yhteiskunnallinen vaikuttaminen ja johtaminen 5