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Higher education preparatory program for immigrants: VALME20S

Code: VALME20S

0.5 years (30 cr)

Start semester:
Autumn 2020


The preparatory program is targeted to persons with an immigrant background who aim at applying to higher education studies at universities or universities of applied sciences in Finland. The prerequisites for taking part in the program are proficiency in the Finnish language (minimum CEFR level B1) and the qualification for higher education studies*.
The duration of a 30-ECTS program is six months. The program consists of one common study unit for all the students and separate study modules that focus on different professional fields or other academic fields of study.
The contents of the program emphasize Finnish language studies and professional or multidisciplinary preparatory studies for higher education. In addition, the program includes studies in the English language and communication and mathematics. All the contents also aim at developing academic study skills, digital skills and knowledge of Finnish higher education.

Pedagogical Approaches

The program can be completed by studying either online or on-site. In both implementations, the students’ activity and responsibility for their own learning is of great importance.
Teaching can be tailored according to the students’ knowledge and needs, for example, by means of different study modules, ability groups and other pedagogical approaches. Finnish language studies are strongly integrated with other subjects.
The pedagogical approaches of the program are based on social interaction, working life orientation as well as learning and teaching methods that activate students. In addition, the students of the preparatory program are supported to become integrated with the higher education community, for example by creating opportunities to become acquainted with degree program studies.


Learning is assessed with different methods and criteria. The development-oriented assessment supports learning and does not take place only at the end of the study units or modules.
Learning is assessed from different points of view by the teacher, peers and the students themselves. Assessment is part of student guidance and helps the students recognize and evaluate their own learning and become aware of how they learn.

* Applicants are qualified for higher education studies if they have
- a Finnish matriculation examination certificate,
- a Finnish vocational upper secondary qualification,
- a foreign certificate that qualifies for higher education studies in the country in question or,
- a foreign academic degree.
If the applicants cannot prove their qualification with a certificate, they must be granted a refugee status (a decision on refuge or a residence permit based on international protection).


The objective of the program is to offer the students the skills needed to enter and succeed in higher education studies. The main emphasis is on developing the skills that are needed in entrance exams and studies at universities and universities of applied sciences.

The main objectives are:
- developing self-management skills and taking responsibility in the learning process
- reflecting on learning topics and the learning process
- expressing opinions and critique
- understanding the Finnish higher education system and its practices
- developing social and teamwork skills
- developing different reading techniques and multiliteracy
- recognizing different text types and being able to understand and write different texts needed in higher education studies and in working life
- developing the Finnish language proficiency to CEFR level B2
- mastering basic mathematical operations
- understanding and using English materials as well as being able to communicate in English both orally and in writing

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Code Name Credits (cr) 2020-2021 Autumn 2020 1. / 2020
Common studies

(Choose all )

VA00DM59 Introduction to preparatory program and higher education studies 5
Field specific studies

(Choose ects: 25)

Health care and social services (all chosen)

(Choose all )

VA00DM60 Health care and social services and Finnish as a second language 1 (B1) 5
VA00DM61 Health care and social services and Finnish as a second language 2 (B1) 5
VA00DM62 Health care and social services and Finnish as a second language 3 (B2) 5
VA00DM63 Introduction to mathematics in health care and social services 5
VA00DM64 English for health care and social services 5
Business administration (all chosen)

(Choose all )

VA00DM67 Business and Finnish as a second language 1 (B1) 5
VA00DM68 Business and Finnish as a second language 2 (B1) 5
VA00DM69 Business and Finnish as a second language 3 (B2) 5
VA00DM66 Introduction to mathematics in business 5
VA00DM65 English for business studies 5
Engineering (all chosen)

(Choose all )

VA00DM70 Engineering and Finnish as a second language 1 (B1) 5
VA00DM71 Engineering and Finnish as a second language 2 (B1) 5
VA00DM72 Engineering and Finnish as a second language 3 (B2) 5
VA00DM73 Introduction to mathematics in engineering 5
VA00DM74 English for engineering studies 5
Other academic fields of study (all chosen)

(Choose all )

VA00DM75 Higher education studies and Finnish as a second language 1 (B1) 5
VA00DM76 Higher education studies and Finnish as a second language 2 (B1) 5
VA00DM77 Higher education studies and Finnish as a second language 3 (B2) 5
VA00DM78 Introduction to mathematics 5
VA00DM79 English for higher education studies 5
Total 30 17.5 17.5 17.5

Due to the timing of optional and elective courses, credit accumulation per semester / academic year may vary.

Code Name Credits (cr)
Common studies

(Choose all)

VA00DM59 Introduction to preparatory program and higher education studies 5
Field specific studies

(Choose ects: 25)

Health care and social services (all chosen)

(Choose all)

VA00DM60 Health care and social services and Finnish as a second language 1 (B1) 5
VA00DM61 Health care and social services and Finnish as a second language 2 (B1) 5
VA00DM62 Health care and social services and Finnish as a second language 3 (B2) 5
VA00DM63 Introduction to mathematics in health care and social services 5
VA00DM64 English for health care and social services 5
Business administration (all chosen)

(Choose all)

VA00DM67 Business and Finnish as a second language 1 (B1) 5
VA00DM68 Business and Finnish as a second language 2 (B1) 5
VA00DM69 Business and Finnish as a second language 3 (B2) 5
VA00DM66 Introduction to mathematics in business 5
VA00DM65 English for business studies 5
Engineering (all chosen)

(Choose all)

VA00DM70 Engineering and Finnish as a second language 1 (B1) 5
VA00DM71 Engineering and Finnish as a second language 2 (B1) 5
VA00DM72 Engineering and Finnish as a second language 3 (B2) 5
VA00DM73 Introduction to mathematics in engineering 5
VA00DM74 English for engineering studies 5
Other academic fields of study (all chosen)

(Choose all)

VA00DM75 Higher education studies and Finnish as a second language 1 (B1) 5
VA00DM76 Higher education studies and Finnish as a second language 2 (B1) 5
VA00DM77 Higher education studies and Finnish as a second language 3 (B2) 5
VA00DM78 Introduction to mathematics 5
VA00DM79 English for higher education studies 5