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Negotiation skills and contract expertiseLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: BY00FH86


5 op


You can develop strategies to effectively communicate, persuade, and reach mutually beneficial agreements in negotiations.
You can identify and address legal and ethical considerations in contract creation and negotiation processes.
You can evaluate the effectiveness of negotiation tactics and revise your approach based on feedback and outcomes.
You can apply basic principles of contract law to draft, review, and negotiate agreements, ensuring they are clear, fair, and compliant with legal standards.
You can collaborate effectively in team negotiation settings, understanding the dynamics of group decision-making and conflict resolution.


How do you identify and effectively use different negotiation styles and strategies in various business scenarios?
What are the key elements of a contract, and how do you determine their significance?
How do you assess and manage the dynamics of team negotiations and conflict resolution?
What methods can you use to evaluate the success of your negotiation tactics and modify them for better results in future negotiations?
How can you create and negotiate contracts that are clear, fair, and legally binding?
What are the key principles of contract law?