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Cartoon and comic book illustrationLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: VV00DI33


5 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Marjo Suviranta, Karri Laitinen


You are able to develop the style and expression of your cartoon illustration.
You are familiar with the history and different genres of cartoons and comics.
You are able use a variety of drawing techniques and instruments.
You are familiar with the conceptual framework of colour theory, composition and scripting.


What is the history of cartoons and comics and how have different genres developed?
What drawing techniques and instruments can be used in cartoon illustrations?
What is the conceptual framework of colour theory, composition and scripting?
How do you create ideas for cartoons?
How do you create a cartoon character?
How do you write and illustrate a comic book story?
How can you have your cartoon or comic story published?


14.08.2024 - 08.09.2024


02.09.2024 - 20.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Department of Culture


Kouvola Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

15 - 25

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Graphic Design
  • Karri Laitinen
Teacher in charge

Sanna Haapanen

  • VV2024-2025
    Optional studies 2024-2025


You are able to develop the style and expression of your cartoon illustration.
You are familiar with the history and different genres of cartoons and comics.
You are able use a variety of drawing techniques and instruments.
You are familiar with the conceptual framework of colour theory, composition and scripting.


What is the history of cartoons and comics and how have different genres developed?
What drawing techniques and instruments can be used in cartoon illustrations?
What is the conceptual framework of colour theory, composition and scripting?
How do you create ideas for cartoons?
How do you create a cartoon character?
How do you write and illustrate a comic book story?
How can you have your cartoon or comic story published?


Ilmoitetaan opintojakson alkaessa.

Yksilölliset oppimisväylät

Scheduled track: Teaching organized according to timetable, in addition to working order share of the independent work as agreed.

Independent track:
The learning process that has been integrated into the work will be possible if in your assignments you can develop the know-how that has been mentioned in the objectives and contents of the study module. Contact the teacher of the study module before the beginning of the study module in good time to determine it
• is the learning process that has been integrated into the work possible in your own assignment
• what kind evidence you are able to give from your know-how
• which parts of the study module you have to participate in teaching

TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö

Ilmoitetaan opintojakson alkaessa.

Evaluation scale



21.08.2023 - 01.09.2023


04.09.2023 - 18.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Department of Culture


Kouvola Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 25

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Graphic Design
  • Karri Laitinen
Teacher in charge

Sanna Haapanen

  • VV2023-2024
    Optional studies 2023-2024


You are able to develop the style and expression of your cartoon illustration.
You are familiar with the history and different genres of cartoons and comics.
You are able use a variety of drawing techniques and instruments.
You are familiar with the conceptual framework of colour theory, composition and scripting.


What is the history of cartoons and comics and how have different genres developed?
What drawing techniques and instruments can be used in cartoon illustrations?
What is the conceptual framework of colour theory, composition and scripting?
How do you create ideas for cartoons?
How do you create a cartoon character?
How do you write and illustrate a comic book story?
How can you have your cartoon or comic story published?


Opiskelumateriaali jaetaan opintojakson Learn-alustalla opintojakson aikana

Yksilölliset oppimisväylät

Työviikkopohjainen oppimisväylä:
lähiopetus, lisäksi itsenäinen työ ja sovitut tehtävät.

Opintoja nopeuttava oppimisväylä:
Työhön integroitu oppimisväylä on mahdollinen, jos työtehtävissäsi voit kehittää opintojakson tavoitteissa ja sisällöissä mainittua osaamista. Ota opintojakson opettajaan yhteyttä hyvissä ajoin ennen opintojakson alkua sen määrittämiseksi
· onko työhön integroitu oppimisväylä omassa työtehtävässäsi mahdollinen
· millaisia näyttöjä sinun on mahdollista antaa osaamisestasi
· mitä opintojakson osia sinun tulee mahdollisesti suorittaa sen lisäksi opetukseen osallistuen

Työhön integroitu oppimisväylä:
• lähiopetus, itsenäinen työskentely
• Opetus, ohjaus, luennot, tehtävät
• Ota yhteys opettajaan

TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö

Vapaavalintaisella opintojaksolla ei ole TKI- ja työelämäyhteistyötä.

Evaluation scale
