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Instructing physical exerciseLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: LI00EH46


5 op


You can plan, implement and assess goal-oriented group instruction situations by making use of the theories of sports pedagogy and didactics.
You can plan and implement instruction by accounting for client and instruction arrangement specific factors.
You know how to establish a positive atmosphere in instruction situations.
You are able to use different instruction methods and know the principles of providing feedback.
You can make use of self-reflection and peer feedback in developing your own activities.


How do you make use of the theories of sports pedagogy and didactics in instruction situations?
How do you identify the specific features and needs of different target groups and account for instruction arrangements?
How do you plan goal-oriented instruction situations and how does this show in instruction situations in practice?
How do you establish a positive atmosphere for instruction and learning?
What kind of instruction methods are there? How do you choose methods to support the targets, and how do the methods chosen affect your own activities?
How do you give and receive feedback?


14.08.2024 - 08.09.2024


02.09.2024 - 31.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Department of Social Services and Health Care


Savonlinna Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Physical Education
  • Mika Tenhu
Teacher in charge

Vesa Väänänen

  • LISA24SP
    Physical Education, full-time studies


You can plan, implement and assess goal-oriented group instruction situations by making use of the theories of sports pedagogy and didactics.
You can plan and implement instruction by accounting for client and instruction arrangement specific factors.
You know how to establish a positive atmosphere in instruction situations.
You are able to use different instruction methods and know the principles of providing feedback.
You can make use of self-reflection and peer feedback in developing your own activities.


How do you make use of the theories of sports pedagogy and didactics in instruction situations?
How do you identify the specific features and needs of different target groups and account for instruction arrangements?
How do you plan goal-oriented instruction situations and how does this show in instruction situations in practice?
How do you establish a positive atmosphere for instruction and learning?
What kind of instruction methods are there? How do you choose methods to support the targets, and how do the methods chosen affect your own activities?
How do you give and receive feedback?


Oppimateriaali muodostuu työelämäkäytänteiden mukaisella tavalla. Oppimisen tukena hyödynnetään tarveperusteisesti erilaisia viestinnällisiä ympäristöjä

Yksilölliset oppimisväylät

Opintojakso toteutuu teorian ja työelämäkäytäntöjen välisenä yhteistyönä, mikä tarkoittaa vuorovaikutuksellisen tiimityön ja itsenäisen työn vuorottelua. Tiimityössä hyödynnetään monipuolisia vuorovaikuttamisen menetelmiä, jotka antavat myös mahdollisuuden yksilöllisiin valintoihin

TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö

Liikunnan koulutuksen pedagoginen kivijalka rakentuu tiiviiseen yhteistyöhön työelämän ja alueellisten kehittämistarpeiden näkökulmiin nojaten. Tämä usein miten tarkoittaa sitä, että oppiminen sidotaan työelämän aitoihin konteksteihin, mikä määrittelee opintojakson menetelmällisiä ja sisällöllisiä tarpeita

Tentit ja muut määräajat

Osaamisen kehittämisen tukena käytetään monipuolisia ja oppimista ja ammatillista kehittymistä edistäviä arviointimenetelmiä

Opiskelijan työmäärä

Opiskelijan työmäärä määräytyy keskiarvollisesti opintojakson opintopistemäärästä, joka voi jakaantua monella eri tavalla kuten itsenäisenä- ja tiimityöskentelynä ja työelämän case-työskentelynä yhteistyössä työelämän kanssa

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

Osaamisen kehittämisen tukena käytetään monipuolisia sekä oppimista ja ammatillista kehittymistä edistäviä arviointimenetelmiä. Opintojakson alussa kerrotaan tarkemmin arviointimenetelmistä ja arviointikriteereistä.


08.01.2024 - 14.01.2024


08.01.2024 - 17.05.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


(Department of Sports and Rehabilitation)


Savonlinna Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Physical Education
  • Mika Tenhu
Teacher in charge

Vesa Väänänen

  • LISA24KP
    Physical Education, full-time studies


You can plan, implement and assess goal-oriented group instruction situations by making use of the theories of sports pedagogy and didactics.
You can plan and implement instruction by accounting for client and instruction arrangement specific factors.
You know how to establish a positive atmosphere in instruction situations.
You are able to use different instruction methods and know the principles of providing feedback.
You can make use of self-reflection and peer feedback in developing your own activities.


How do you make use of the theories of sports pedagogy and didactics in instruction situations?
How do you identify the specific features and needs of different target groups and account for instruction arrangements?
How do you plan goal-oriented instruction situations and how does this show in instruction situations in practice?
How do you establish a positive atmosphere for instruction and learning?
What kind of instruction methods are there? How do you choose methods to support the targets, and how do the methods chosen affect your own activities?
How do you give and receive feedback?

Evaluation scale



21.08.2023 - 01.09.2023


04.09.2023 - 22.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


(Department of Sports and Rehabilitation)


Savonlinna Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Physical Education
  • Mika Tenhu
Teacher in charge

Vesa Väänänen

  • LISA23SP
    Physical Education, full-time studies


You can plan, implement and assess goal-oriented group instruction situations by making use of the theories of sports pedagogy and didactics.
You can plan and implement instruction by accounting for client and instruction arrangement specific factors.
You know how to establish a positive atmosphere in instruction situations.
You are able to use different instruction methods and know the principles of providing feedback.
You can make use of self-reflection and peer feedback in developing your own activities.


How do you make use of the theories of sports pedagogy and didactics in instruction situations?
How do you identify the specific features and needs of different target groups and account for instruction arrangements?
How do you plan goal-oriented instruction situations and how does this show in instruction situations in practice?
How do you establish a positive atmosphere for instruction and learning?
What kind of instruction methods are there? How do you choose methods to support the targets, and how do the methods chosen affect your own activities?
How do you give and receive feedback?

Evaluation scale



02.01.2023 - 15.01.2023


09.01.2023 - 19.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


(Department of Sports and Rehabilitation)


Savonlinna Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Physical Education
  • Mika Tenhu
Teacher in charge

Vesa Väänänen

  • LISA23KP
    Physical Education, full-time studies


You can plan, implement and assess goal-oriented group instruction situations by making use of the theories of sports pedagogy and didactics.
You can plan and implement instruction by accounting for client and instruction arrangement specific factors.
You know how to establish a positive atmosphere in instruction situations.
You are able to use different instruction methods and know the principles of providing feedback.
You can make use of self-reflection and peer feedback in developing your own activities.


How do you make use of the theories of sports pedagogy and didactics in instruction situations?
How do you identify the specific features and needs of different target groups and account for instruction arrangements?
How do you plan goal-oriented instruction situations and how does this show in instruction situations in practice?
How do you establish a positive atmosphere for instruction and learning?
What kind of instruction methods are there? How do you choose methods to support the targets, and how do the methods chosen affect your own activities?
How do you give and receive feedback?

Evaluation scale



22.08.2022 - 28.08.2022


29.08.2022 - 31.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


(Department of Sports and Rehabilitation)


Savonlinna Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Physical Education
  • Mika Tenhu
Teacher in charge

Vesa Väänänen

  • LISA22SP
    Physical Education, full-time studies


You can plan, implement and assess goal-oriented group instruction situations by making use of the theories of sports pedagogy and didactics.
You can plan and implement instruction by accounting for client and instruction arrangement specific factors.
You know how to establish a positive atmosphere in instruction situations.
You are able to use different instruction methods and know the principles of providing feedback.
You can make use of self-reflection and peer feedback in developing your own activities.


How do you make use of the theories of sports pedagogy and didactics in instruction situations?
How do you identify the specific features and needs of different target groups and account for instruction arrangements?
How do you plan goal-oriented instruction situations and how does this show in instruction situations in practice?
How do you establish a positive atmosphere for instruction and learning?
What kind of instruction methods are there? How do you choose methods to support the targets, and how do the methods chosen affect your own activities?
How do you give and receive feedback?

Evaluation scale



03.01.2022 - 16.01.2022


10.01.2022 - 31.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


(Department of Sports and Rehabilitation)


Savonlinna Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Physical Education
  • Mika Tenhu
Teacher in charge

Outi Pyöriä

  • LISA22KP
    Physical Education, full-time studies


You can plan, implement and assess goal-oriented group instruction situations by making use of the theories of sports pedagogy and didactics.
You can plan and implement instruction by accounting for client and instruction arrangement specific factors.
You know how to establish a positive atmosphere in instruction situations.
You are able to use different instruction methods and know the principles of providing feedback.
You can make use of self-reflection and peer feedback in developing your own activities.


How do you make use of the theories of sports pedagogy and didactics in instruction situations?
How do you identify the specific features and needs of different target groups and account for instruction arrangements?
How do you plan goal-oriented instruction situations and how does this show in instruction situations in practice?
How do you establish a positive atmosphere for instruction and learning?
What kind of instruction methods are there? How do you choose methods to support the targets, and how do the methods chosen affect your own activities?
How do you give and receive feedback?


Oppimateriaali muodostuu työelämäkäytänteiden mukaisella tavalla. Oppimisen tukena hyödynnetään tarveperusteisesti erilaisia viestinnällisiä ympäristöjä

Yksilölliset oppimisväylät

Opintojakso toteutuu teorian ja työelämäkäytäntöjen välisenä yhteistyönä, mikä tarkoittaa vuorovaikutuksellisen tiimityön ja itsenäisen työn vuorottelua. Tiimityössä hyödynnetään monipuolisia vuorovaikuttamisen menetelmiä, jotka antavat myös mahdollisuuden yksilöllisiin valintoihin

TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö

Liikunnan koulutuksen pedagoginen kivijalka rakentuu tiiviiseen yhteistyöhön työelämän ja alueellisten kehittämistarpeiden näkökulmiin nojaten. Tämä usein miten tarkoittaa sitä, että oppiminen sidotaan työelämän aitoihin konteksteihin, mikä määrittelee opintojakson menetelmällisiä ja sisällöllisiä tarpeita

Tentit ja muut määräajat

Osaamisen kehittämisen tukena käytetään monipuolisia ja oppimista ja ammatillista kehittymistä edistäviä arviointimenetelmiä

Opiskelijan työmäärä

Opiskelijan työmäärä määräytyy keskiarvollisesti opintojakson opintopistemäärästä, joka voi jakaantua monella eri tavalla kuten itsenäisenä- ja tiimityöskentelynä ja työelämän case-työskentelynä yhteistyössä työelämän kanssa

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

Osaamisen kehittämisen tukena käytetään monipuolisia sekä oppimista ja ammatillista kehittymistä edistäviä arviointimenetelmiä. Opintojakson alussa kerrotaan tarkemmin arviointimenetelmistä ja arviointikriteereistä.