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Dimensions of health and functional capacityLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: FT00FC80


5 op


You can define the multidimensional concepts of health, functional capacity and health-related fitness.
You can describe factors related to health and functional capacity at different ages.
You know and can define the effects of movement and physical activity on health and functional capacity .
You can define the different aspects of health-related fitness and you can describe their connection to health and functional capacity.


What is meant by health, functional capacity and health-related fitness?
What factors affect a person's health and functional capacity at different ages?
What is meant by physical activity?
How do movement and physical activity affect health and functional capacity?
What are the national recommendations for exercise and physical activity at different ages?
What does health-related fitness mean?
How do different aspects of health-related fitness affect health and functional capacity?