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Encountering clients in physiotherapyLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: FT00FC84


5 op


You know and can define the foundations and principles of client- and resource-oriented physiotherapy.
You know and recognise the factors involved in human interaction.
You know and recognise the basic elements of dialogic interaction and can promote dialogic interaction.
You know the methods of guidance used in physiotherapy.
You know and can describe the factors involved in generating and maintaining motivation and setting goals.
You know and recognise the key foundations and principles for creating a motivating interaction atmosphere.
You know and understand the professional ethical guidelines for physiotherapists.


What is client- and resource-oriented physiotherapy?
How do you encounter another person?
What factors influence interaction between people?
What challenges can be involved in interaction situations?
What is meant by dialogic interaction?
How do you promote dialogic interaction?
What facilitation methods can you use in physiotherapy client encounters?
What is meant by motivation?
What factors influence the creation and maintenance of motivation?
What are the main principles of goal setting?
What is meant by a motivating interaction atmosphere?
How do you create a motivating interaction atmosphere?
What are the professional ethical guidelines for physiotherapists?