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Xamk – for the students

Xamk is a university focusing on the students’ learning and professional development. Learning happens in interaction with others in various environments and communities, but also independently. As a student, you will develop your competences actively and responsibly. Teachers work to enable and support your learning. Teachers, together with other staff members and representatives of the world of work, walk with you during your study path.

At Xamk, the student is at the center of the learning process. Teaching at Xamk recognizes the students’ background knowledge, interests, needs and various learning styles. Through flexible learning paths you can complete your studies faster than scheduled or integrate the studies with working. Beside contact lessons, you can also choose online courses offered by Xamk and other Universities of Applied Sciences.

Continuous learning

Open University of Applied Sciences studies are open to all regardless of age or educational background. The Open UAS offers individual courses, open path studies in different fields, studies for vocational school students and diplomas of higher education. These studies are not intended for Xamk degree students.

In our specialization and further education, you update your professional skills through short-term, precise training.

Xamk's strengths

Xamk is Finland’s largest university of applied sciences in terms of Research, Development and Innovation (RDI) activity and in Open University of Applied Sciences. A variety of RDI projects and close collaboration with the working world offers exciting and up-to-date learning environments to develop competences. In addition international networks offer possibilities to study abroad, and you can also internationalize your studies through courses taught in English in Finland.

Basis of Xamk curriculums

Xamk offers education in Bachelor and Master’s degree programmes, as well as continuing education and studies of Open University of Applied Sciences. Curriculums form the basis of degree education and are described specifically for each degree programme. Curriculums at Xamk are competence-based and module-structured, consisting of core and complementary competences. Through core competences you get the professional basic skills, which you further profile through choices of complementary competences. You can find all Xamk curriculums in this study guide.

Student counselling

Student counselling is a process that provides you with important information and guidance during the various stages of your studies. The personal study plan (PSP), prepared in collaboration with your Studies Coordinator, helps you to plan and follow your own study path. It is updated annually, including discussion about the possibility to include competences obtained outside the degree programme to your degree, success in your studies and future studies.

The starting point for studying and study guidance is that you take responsibility for your own studies. The university of applied sciences is obliged to provide sufficient guidance to enable you to create a meaningful degree that meets your goals and that you can complete within the timeframe and in the manner specified in the goals.

Study guidance is a day-to-day activity based on the student’s needs. The entire staff of the university takes part in study guidance. High-quality study guidance helps the student to better plan the studies and prevent and solve problems related to the progress of the studies.

Assessment of learning

The purpose of assessment is to support the achievement of the competences set as the degree programme objective. The assessment of learning at Xamk is based on the learning outcomes (knowledge-based competence, skills-based competence, teamwork skills/leadership skills/readiness to take responsibility) of the European and National Qualifications Framework (EQF and NQF) as well as on the university’s generic and programme-specific learning outcomes. The assessment criteria applied at South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences is based on the EQF and NQF frameworks. A completed course is graded on a scale from 1 to 5 or given the mark H (pass), while a failed course is given the mark 0 (zero).

Quality evaluation and enhancement

The quality of education is continuously evaluated and enhanced at Xamk. Development of quality is included in the actions of our personnel and students. Xamk follows a quality management system that is externally audited.

You have an opportunity to give feedback during your studies, from the orientation period until graduation. The personnel and students discuss the feedback on different feedback forums. Course feedback is collected on every course. We encourage our students to take an active part in developing Xamk’s activities. Besides student feedback, Xamk utilizes feedback from companies and other organizations and the results of national evaluations of education to achieve the best quality.
