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Profitable and sustainable businessLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: DA00EZ76


5 op


You are able to describe the business context, stakeholders and business networks.

You understand the basic pillars of a profitable business and the meaning of sustainability in business.

You are able to analyse entrepreneurship and assess its importance from the perspective of society, the environment, the organisation and the individual.

You are able to describe the forms of entrepreneurship and the ways of becoming an entrepreneur and compare the suitability of company forms in different situations.


What is a business model, and what are the key stakeholders and business networks?
What is the importance of entrepreneurship for society, the business, its environment and the individual?
What are the basic pillars of a profitable business?
How is sustainability considered in business functions?
What are the different forms of entrepreneurship, and what opportunities does entrepreneurship offer?
What factors influence the choice of company form?