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Business and contract lawLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: LT00FA19


5 op


You understand the most important legal principles for business operations, the structure of the Finnish legal system, and their significance in business and contract law.
You are able to apply common legal concepts to legal cases and business operations.
You can identify key legal considerations in business operations.
You are able to describe the process of creating a binding sales contract.
You recognise the importance of protecting intellectual property rights and can plan marketing strategies that do not infringe upon these rights.


How is a binding sales contract formed, and on what grounds can a sales contract be invalid?
What are the rights and obligations of the seller and buyer in the sale of personal property?
How does trade between businesses differ from consumer sales?
How should intellectual property rights be considered in marketing in Finland and globally?
What are sources of law, and how are they interpreted?
What are the key principles of contract law?
What rules and principles should be considered in international trade?