Managing organizational citizenship behaviourLaajuus (5 cr)
Code: TL00CV26
5 op
Teaching language
- Finnish
Responsible person
- Maria Kangasniemi-Haapala
You are able to evaluate and justify the importance of workplace community skills (OCB) from the viewpoint of working environment, performance and profitability.
You are able to promote constructive attitude towards workplace activities, atmosphere and fluent co-operation.
You are able to recognize, describe and evaluate your characteristics as a manager and a colleague.
You are able to define responsibilities and authority issues of the members of workplace community.
What are workplace community (OCB) skills?
How do workplace community skills affect the profitability of a company? ? ? ? ?
How to manage and develop workplace community skills?
How you should be managed – how do you act as a subordinate?
What do you expect from co-operation – how do you act as a colleague?
How to get results - alone or in cooperation?
What is the influence of interaction among the members of work community and how to influence wisely?
07.11.2022 - 18.11.2022
13.02.2023 - 30.09.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
4 op
Mode of delivery
20 % Contact teaching, 80 % Distance learning
Department of Business
Mikkeli Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 50
Degree programmes
- Master's Degree Programme in Future Business Operations Management
- Maria Kangasniemi-Haapala
Teacher in charge
Maria Kangasniemi-Haapala
TLMI22SYFuture Business Operations Management, master studies
You are able to evaluate and justify the importance of workplace community skills (OCB) from the viewpoint of working environment, performance and profitability.
You are able to promote constructive attitude towards workplace activities, atmosphere and fluent co-operation.
You are able to recognize, describe and evaluate your characteristics as a manager and a colleague.
You are able to define responsibilities and authority issues of the members of workplace community.
What are workplace community (OCB) skills?
How do workplace community skills affect the profitability of a company? ? ? ? ?
How to manage and develop workplace community skills?
How you should be managed – how do you act as a subordinate?
What do you expect from co-operation – how do you act as a colleague?
How to get results - alone or in cooperation?
What is the influence of interaction among the members of work community and how to influence wisely?
Further information
kaksi lähipäivää. Ensimmäinen on 17.2.2023 klo 10-16 ja toinen 17.3.2023 klo 10-16
Evaluation scale
08.11.2021 - 21.11.2021
01.02.2022 - 16.10.2022
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
5 op
RDI portion
2 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Liiketalouden koulutusyksikkö, Mikkeli (vanhennettu)
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 50
Degree programmes
- Master's Degree Programme in Future Business Operations Management
- Maria Kangasniemi-Haapala
Teacher in charge
Maria Kangasniemi-Haapala
TLMI21SYFuture Business Operations Management, master studies
You are able to evaluate and justify the importance of workplace community skills (OCB) from the viewpoint of working environment, performance and profitability.
You are able to promote constructive attitude towards workplace activities, atmosphere and fluent co-operation.
You are able to recognize, describe and evaluate your characteristics as a manager and a colleague.
You are able to define responsibilities and authority issues of the members of workplace community.
What are workplace community (OCB) skills?
How do workplace community skills affect the profitability of a company? ? ? ? ?
How to manage and develop workplace community skills?
How you should be managed – how do you act as a subordinate?
What do you expect from co-operation – how do you act as a colleague?
How to get results - alone or in cooperation?
What is the influence of interaction among the members of work community and how to influence wisely?
Learnin alustalla oleva materiaali
Kirjallisuudesta sovitaan opintojakson alussa.
Yksilölliset oppimisväylät
Kurssin voi suorittaa aivan oman aikataulun mukaan. Kaikki tehtävät ovat yksilötehtäviä.
Tentit ja muut määräajat
Kurssilla tarjolla on kaksi lähipäivää. Lähipäivät eivät ole pakollisia, mutta suositeltavia.
Lähipäivä Mikkelissä 11.2.2022 klo 10-16: Työyhteisötaidot työntekijöiden näkökulmasta
Lähipäivä Mikkelissä 18.3.2022 klo 10-16 Työyhteisötaidot esihenkilön työn näkökulmasta
Lähipäivien tarkoitus on tuottaa teille lisäarvoa kurssin sisällön osalta.
Kurssin suoritetaan tehtävin. Ei ole tenttiä.
Tarjolla oleville lähipäivlle voit kutsua oman esihenkilön mukaan.
Syksyllä 2018 tämä kurssi toteutettiin ensimmäisen kerran ja osallistujien toivomus oli, että olisi ollut hieno juttu kutsua omat esimiehet paikalle lähipäivälle, jolloin helpommin pystyisi edistämään sovittuja asioita omalla työpaikalla kun on oman esimiehen tuki. Keväällä 2021 joillakin osallistujilla oli mukana omat esimiehet ja he kokivat sen erittäin hyödylliseksi. Nyt tämä on mahdollista myös teidän osalta.
Further information
Kurssilla tarjolla on kaksi lähipäivää. Lähipäivät eivät ole pakollisia, mutta suositeltavia.
Lähipäivä Mikkelissä 11.2.2022 klo 10-16
Lähipäivä Mikkelissä 18.3.2022 klo 10-16
Opintojakson opettajan yhteystieto:
Maria Kangasniemi-Haapala
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Kurssi suoritetaan tehtävin. Meillä on kolme tehtävää, jotka ovat arvoltaan 20, 30 ja 50 pisteettä. Maksiimipisteet yhteensä ovat 100.