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Carbon neutral buildingLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: TT00EH76


5 op


You know the concepts, definitions and characteristics of carbon neutral building.
You are familiar with the legislation and general quidance concerning carbon neutral building.
You know how different building materials and forms of energy affect the carbon dioxide emissions of a particular building.
You know how to calculate a building’s carbon dioxide emissions.
You understand the interconnections between carbon neutral building, energy efficiency and healthy and safety indoor climate.


What is carbon neutral building?
What regulations guide carbon neutral building?
How do different building materials and forms of energy affect a building’s carbon dioxide emission?
How to calculate a building’s carbon dioxide emissions?
What requirements do the principles of carbon neutral building set on design, construction procedures and proper use/maintenance?
What is the relationship between carbon neutral building and a building's energy efficiency and healthy and safety indoor climate?
What is carbon handprint?


The course of Indoor climate of buildings must be completed prior to participation in this course. Also, the participant must hold a bachelor's degree in applicable studies and have a basic understanding of different heating and ventilation systems.


No additional related studies.


04.08.2023 - 03.09.2023


28.08.2023 - 31.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Department of Electrical Engineering, Building Services and Material Technology


Mikkeli Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Master's Degree Programme in Building Services Engineering
  • Johanna Arola
  • TTMI23SY
    Building Services Engineering, master studies


You know the concepts, definitions and characteristics of carbon neutral building.
You are familiar with the legislation and general quidance concerning carbon neutral building.
You know how different building materials and forms of energy affect the carbon dioxide emissions of a particular building.
You know how to calculate a building’s carbon dioxide emissions.
You understand the interconnections between carbon neutral building, energy efficiency and healthy and safety indoor climate.


What is carbon neutral building?
What regulations guide carbon neutral building?
How do different building materials and forms of energy affect a building’s carbon dioxide emission?
How to calculate a building’s carbon dioxide emissions?
What requirements do the principles of carbon neutral building set on design, construction procedures and proper use/maintenance?
What is the relationship between carbon neutral building and a building's energy efficiency and healthy and safety indoor climate?
What is carbon handprint?


Opiskelumateriaali tai tieto siitä jaetaan Learn-oppimisalustan kautta opintojakson aikana.

Yksilölliset oppimisväylät

Opiskelija opiskelee opintojakson pääsääntöisesti oman ryhmän aikataulun ja toteutustavan mukaisesti. Pokkeavasta suoritustavasta tulee sopia erikseen opintojakson opettajan kanssa.

TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö

Opintojaksolla on vierailevia luennoitsijoita.

Tentit ja muut määräajat

Opintojaksolla ei ole tenttiä. Oppimistehtävien palautusajankohdat käydään läpi opintojakson alussa.

Opiskelijan työmäärä

Opintojakson laajuus 5 op vastaa noin 135 tunnin työmäärää.

Further information

Opintojakso koostuu muutamasta, aikatauluun sidotusta luentokerrasta. Luentojen lisäksi opintojaksolla on oppimistehtäviä.

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

Opintojakso arvioidaan asteikolla hyväksytty/hylätty. Suoritusvaatimuksena ovat hyväksytysti suoritetut harjoitustehtävät (100 %).

Arviointi tehdään seuraavien arviointikriteerien

Opiskelija osaa:
a. hankkia, käsitellä, tuottaa ja arvioida kriittisesti monialaista tietoa erityisosaamisalueellaan
f. työskennellä itsenäisesti alan asiantuntijatehtävissä tai yrittäjänä
g. viestiä asiantuntevasti sekä johdonmukaisesti suullisesti ja kirjallisesti omalla äidinkielellä sekä yhdellä vieraalla kielellä


The course of Indoor climate of buildings must be completed prior to participation in this course. Also, the participant must hold a bachelor's degree in applicable studies and have a basic understanding of different heating and ventilation systems.