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Advanced tools for developmentLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: YT00EX53


5 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish


You are able to observe changes and development needs in the environment.

You are able to generate and limit research questions.

You are able to use reliable literature in planning your development or research project.

You are able to critically evaluate the reliability of the literature used.

You are familiar with different research methods and able to make a research plan.

You are able to implement your research plan in a manner that does not jeopardize the reliability and usability of your results.

You are able to report your development and research project in a way that demonstrates both mastering the subject content and research reporting practices.


What are the research topics and development targets of sustainable development?

What constitutes a good project plan and master's thesis?

What methods are used for collecting data?

Which research methods are used and what are their general principles?

How do I conduct applied research?

How do I assess the reliability of my results?

How do I professionally report my development and research project following the ethical guidelines of my field of expertise?