Basics of research and development of working lifeLaajuus (5 cr)
Code: BY00CW52
5 op
Teaching language
- Finnish
Student can:
You know the needs of research and development work of your own professional and you can responde to them purposefully.
You are able to draw R&D plan and you know how to use different kind of approaches and methods.
You can work an active role in R&D project.
You know how to write R&D reports and use the source of the reference system.
What is research and development work?
What kind of stages R&D process include?
What kind of methods research and developing can be done?
How to report and use the source of the reference system?
No previous know-how.
The learning outcomes are possible to deepen by choosing from Master School's complementary studies other courses which concerns research and reporting.
Further information
Course is addressed for the students who are in the early stage of the thesis project. Course is in e-campus.
04.11.2024 - 17.11.2024
13.01.2025 - 23.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
5 op
RDI portion
2 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Department of Culture
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 50
- Leena Muotio
- Miia Heikkinen
Master_eKampusMaster-opinnot, eKampus
Student can:
You know the needs of research and development work of your own professional and you can responde to them purposefully.
You are able to draw R&D plan and you know how to use different kind of approaches and methods.
You can work an active role in R&D project.
You know how to write R&D reports and use the source of the reference system.
What is research and development work?
What kind of stages R&D process include?
What kind of methods research and developing can be done?
How to report and use the source of the reference system?
Oppimateriaali löytyy Learnista.
Yksilölliset oppimisväylät
Opintojakson voi tehdä itsenäisesti testien/tehtävien palautusaikataulujen puitteissa.
TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö
Menetelmätehtävä on mahdollista linkittää omaan opinnäytetyöhön, mutta aiheen ei tarvitse olla välttämättä tiedossa.
Tentit ja muut määräajat
Testien dl päivät sijoittuvat helmi-maaliskuulle ja menetelmätehtävä huhti-touokuulle.
Toteutuksen osien kuvaus
Opintojaksolla on raportoinnin ja tilastolisen tutkimuksen testit sekä tutkimusmenetelmään liittyvä esseetehtävä. Oppimateriaali perehdyttää laajasti erilaisiin tutkimuksen ja kehittämisen lähestymistapoihin ja menetelmiin. Se toimii hyvänä kertauksena ja toisaalta tuo esille, millaisia menetelmiä on mahdollista käyttää.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Testit perustuvat automaattiseen arviointiin. Menetelmätehtävästä opettaja kirjaa palautteen.
No previous know-how.
Further information
Course is addressed for the students who are in the early stage of the thesis project. Course is in e-campus.
14.08.2024 - 08.09.2024
16.09.2024 - 15.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
5 op
RDI portion
2 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Department of Social Services and Promotion of Functional Ability
Teaching languages
- Finnish
1 - 50
- Leena Muotio
- Miia Heikkinen
- Juha Korpijärvi
Teacher in charge
Miia Heikkinen
Master_eKampusMaster-opinnot, eKampus
Student can:
You know the needs of research and development work of your own professional and you can responde to them purposefully.
You are able to draw R&D plan and you know how to use different kind of approaches and methods.
You can work an active role in R&D project.
You know how to write R&D reports and use the source of the reference system.
What is research and development work?
What kind of stages R&D process include?
What kind of methods research and developing can be done?
How to report and use the source of the reference system?
Oppimateriaali löytyy Learnista.
Yksilölliset oppimisväylät
Opintojakson voi tehdä itsenäisesti testien/tehtävien palautusaikataulujen puitteissa.
TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö
Menetelmätehtävä on mahdollista linkittää omaan opinnäytetyöhön, mutta aiheen ei tarvitse olla välttämättä tiedossa.
Toteutuksen osien kuvaus
Opintojaksolla on raportoinnin ja tilastolisen tutkimuksen testit sekä tutkimusmenetelmään liittyvä esseetehtävä. Oppimateriaali perehdyttää laajasti erilaisiin tutkimuksen ja kehittämisen lähestymistapoihin ja menetelmiin. Se toimii hyvänä kertauksena ja toisaalta tuo esille, millaisia menetelmiä on mahdollista käyttää.
Evaluation scale
No previous know-how.
Further information
Course is addressed for the students who are in the early stage of the thesis project. Course is in e-campus.
08.01.2024 - 28.01.2024
08.01.2024 - 31.05.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
5 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Department of Social Services and Promotion of Functional Ability
Teaching languages
- Finnish
1 - 50
- Leena Muotio
- Juha Korpijärvi
- Miia Heikkinen
Teacher in charge
Miia Heikkinen
Master_eKampusMaster-opinnot, eKampus
Student can:
You know the needs of research and development work of your own professional and you can responde to them purposefully.
You are able to draw R&D plan and you know how to use different kind of approaches and methods.
You can work an active role in R&D project.
You know how to write R&D reports and use the source of the reference system.
What is research and development work?
What kind of stages R&D process include?
What kind of methods research and developing can be done?
How to report and use the source of the reference system?
Annetaan Learnissa.
Yksilölliset oppimisväylät
Scheduled track:
Student can:
You know the needs of research and development work of your own professional and you can responde to them purposefully.
You are able to draw R&D plan and you know how to use different kind of approaches and methods.
You can work an active role in R&D project.
You know how to write R&D reports and use the source of the reference system.
What is research and development work?
What kind of stages R&D process include?
What kind of methods research and developing can be done?
How to report and use the source of the reference system?
TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö
Opintojaksolla suunnitellaan opinnäytteen tutkimusasetelmaa. Opinnäytteet tehdään työelmäyhteistyössä ja/tai TKI-hankkeissa.
Tentit ja muut määräajat
Selviää Learnissa.
Opiskelijan työmäärä
Selviää Learnissa.
Toteutuksen osien kuvaus
1. Tieteellinen raportointi
2. Johdatus tutkimukselliseen kehittämistoimintaan
3. Laadulliset menetelmät
4. Määrälliset menetelmät
5. Prosessiluonteiset menetelmät
6. Tekniikan opiskelijoille: tekniikassa sovelletut tutkimusmenetelmät
7. Menetelmätehtävä
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Evaluation level 3 you can
a. find, study, produce and evaluate critically multidisciplinary data in their field of expertise
b. solve demanding problems in research, development and innovation
c. evaluate and manage independently operations involving individuals and teams
d. be responsible for operations and develop them independently
e. evaluate different strategic approaches and justify their use in terms of management and development.
f. work independently in the expert duties of their professional field or as entrepreneurs
g. communicate proficiently and systematically in their spoken and written native language and in one foreign language
No previous know-how.
Further information
Course is addressed for the students who are in the early stage of the thesis project. Course is in e-campus.
04.08.2023 - 03.09.2023
18.09.2023 - 17.12.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
5 op
RDI portion
2 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Department of Social Services and Promotion of Functional Ability
Teaching languages
- Finnish
1 - 50
- Leena Muotio
- Juha Korpijärvi
- Miia Heikkinen
Teacher in charge
Miia Heikkinen
Master_eKampusMaster-opinnot, eKampus
Student can:
You know the needs of research and development work of your own professional and you can responde to them purposefully.
You are able to draw R&D plan and you know how to use different kind of approaches and methods.
You can work an active role in R&D project.
You know how to write R&D reports and use the source of the reference system.
What is research and development work?
What kind of stages R&D process include?
What kind of methods research and developing can be done?
How to report and use the source of the reference system?
Oppimateriaali löytyy Learnista.
Yksilölliset oppimisväylät
Opintojakson voi tehdä itsenäisesti testien/tehtävien palautusaikataulujen puitteissa.
TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö
Menetelmätehtävä on mahdollista linkittää omaan opinnäytetyöhön, mutta aiheen ei tarvitse olla välttämättä tiedossa.
Toteutuksen osien kuvaus
Opintojaksolla on raportoinnin ja tilastolisen tutkimuksen testit sekä tutkimusmenetelmään liittyvä esseetehtävä. Oppimateriaali perehdyttää laajasti erilaisiin tutkimuksen ja kehittämisen lähestymistapoihin ja menetelmiin. Se toimii hyvänä kertauksena ja toisaalta tuo esille, millaisia menetelmiä on mahdollista käyttää.
Evaluation scale
No previous know-how.
Further information
Course is addressed for the students who are in the early stage of the thesis project. Course is in e-campus.
09.01.2023 - 22.01.2023
09.01.2023 - 31.05.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
5 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Department of Social Services and Promotion of Functional Ability
Teaching languages
- Finnish
1 - 50
- Juha Korpijärvi
- Miia Heikkinen
- Maarit Kalmakurki
Teacher in charge
Leena Muotio
Master_eKampusMaster-opinnot, eKampus
Student can:
You know the needs of research and development work of your own professional and you can responde to them purposefully.
You are able to draw R&D plan and you know how to use different kind of approaches and methods.
You can work an active role in R&D project.
You know how to write R&D reports and use the source of the reference system.
What is research and development work?
What kind of stages R&D process include?
What kind of methods research and developing can be done?
How to report and use the source of the reference system?
Annetaan Learnissa.
Yksilölliset oppimisväylät
Scheduled track:
Student can:
You know the needs of research and development work of your own professional and you can responde to them purposefully.
You are able to draw R&D plan and you know how to use different kind of approaches and methods.
You can work an active role in R&D project.
You know how to write R&D reports and use the source of the reference system.
What is research and development work?
What kind of stages R&D process include?
What kind of methods research and developing can be done?
How to report and use the source of the reference system?
TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö
Opintojaksolla suunnitellaan opinnäytteen tutkimusasetelmaa. Opinnäytteet tehdään työelmäyhteistyössä ja/tai TKI-hankkeissa.
Tentit ja muut määräajat
Selviää Learnissa.
Opiskelijan työmäärä
Selviää Learnissa.
Toteutuksen osien kuvaus
1. Tieteellinen raportointi
2. Johdatus tutkimukselliseen kehittämistoimintaan
3. Laadulliset menetelmät
4. Määrälliset menetelmät
5. Prosessiluonteiset menetelmät
6. Tekniikan opiskelijoille: tekniikassa sovelletut tutkimusmenetelmät
7. Menetelmätehtävä
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Evaluation level 3 you can
a. find, study, produce and evaluate critically multidisciplinary data in their field of expertise
b. solve demanding problems in research, development and innovation
c. evaluate and manage independently operations involving individuals and teams
d. be responsible for operations and develop them independently
e. evaluate different strategic approaches and justify their use in terms of management and development.
f. work independently in the expert duties of their professional field or as entrepreneurs
g. communicate proficiently and systematically in their spoken and written native language and in one foreign language
No previous know-how.
Further information
Course is addressed for the students who are in the early stage of the thesis project. Course is in e-campus.