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Client-oriented methods in promotion of human functioningLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: MO00ED59


5 op


You further and apply your multidisciplinary and evidence-based knowledge and methods in promoting human functioning.
You can promote your client’s and communities’ every-day activities by taking advantage of social networks and environment.
You can evaluate, develop and innovate your working methods in client-oriented guidance and work practice.


How do you apply and innovate the use of evidence-based and multidisciplinary knowledge based methods at the interfaces of the rehabilitation service system?
How do you take advantage of nature, culture and art-oriented methods in rehabilitation?
How do you take advantage of digitalization and technology in services promoting human functioning?
How do you develop and innovate your own expertise and work practice using client-oriented approach?

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Students can
- find, study, produce and evaluate critically multidisciplinary data in their field of expertise.
- work independently and according to the goals of the team.
- be responsible for operations and develop them independently.
- evaluate different strategic approaches and justify their use in terms of development of rehabilitation services.
- use this knowledge when working independently in the expert duties of their professional field or as entrepreneurs.
- communicate proficiently and systematically in their native language and in one foreign language.


04.08.2023 - 03.09.2023


01.09.2023 - 31.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

4 op

RDI portion

2 op

Mode of delivery

20 % Contact teaching, 80 % Distance learning


Department of Sports and Rehabilitation


Savonlinna Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Master's Degree Programme in Multidisciplinary Promotion of Functional Capacity
  • Anni Issakainen
  • Johanna Vesanto
  • Laura Hokkanen
  • MOSA23SY
    Multidisciplinary Promotion of Functional Capacity, master studies


You further and apply your multidisciplinary and evidence-based knowledge and methods in promoting human functioning.
You can promote your client’s and communities’ every-day activities by taking advantage of social networks and environment.
You can evaluate, develop and innovate your working methods in client-oriented guidance and work practice.


How do you apply and innovate the use of evidence-based and multidisciplinary knowledge based methods at the interfaces of the rehabilitation service system?
How do you take advantage of nature, culture and art-oriented methods in rehabilitation?
How do you take advantage of digitalization and technology in services promoting human functioning?
How do you develop and innovate your own expertise and work practice using client-oriented approach?


Opintojakson Learn-alustalla on opiskelumateriaalia, mutta tehtävät edellyttävät myös itsenäistä tiedonhakua.

Yksilölliset oppimisväylät

Osallistut työjärjestyksen mukaisesti lähiopiskeluun, joka pääsääntöisesti toteutuu asiantuntija-alustuksiin perustuvina toiminnallisina ja moniammatillisina työpajoina ja edellyttävät opiskelijoiden aktiivista osallistumista. Opiskelusi rytmittyvät työjärjestyksen mukaisten lähiopiskelutapaamisten ja itsenäisesti sekä pienryhmissä tehtävien verkkotehtävien mukaan.

Voit suorittaa opintojakson osatehtäviä myös aiheeseen soveltuvassa TKI-oppimisympäristössä erillisen suunnitelman mukaan.

TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö

Kaikki yamk-opinnot integroidaan työelämän yhteyksiin oppimistehtävillä, jolloin tietoperusta ja käytännön kokemus tukevat toisiaan.
Opintojaksolla hyödynnetään Xamkin TKI-asiantuntijoita ja -hankeosaamista

Tentit ja muut määräajat

Aikataulu on opintojakson Learn-alustalla.

Kansainvälinen yhteistyö

Yamk-opinnot edellyttävät englanninkielisen kirjallisuuden hyödyntämistä tehtävissä.

Opiskelijan työmäärä

Opintojakson laajuus 5 op vastaa opiskelijan työtä 5 x 27 h = 135h

Further information

8.11 lähitunnit toteutetaan Mikkelissä.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, good (3)

Students can
- find, study, produce and evaluate critically multidisciplinary data in their field of expertise.
- work independently and according to the goals of the team.
- be responsible for operations and develop them independently.
- evaluate different strategic approaches and justify their use in terms of development of rehabilitation services.
- use this knowledge when working independently in the expert duties of their professional field or as entrepreneurs.
- communicate proficiently and systematically in their native language and in one foreign language.

Assessment methods and criteria

Learnissä on opintojakson arviointisuunnitelma, joka noudattelee Xamkin YAMK-tason syventävän vaiheen arviointikriteeristöä.