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Indoor climateLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: TT00AF43


5 op

Teaching language

  • English


1. You are consistent in using the terms and concepts of indoor climate and ventilation in buildings.
2. You are able to choose the appropriate category of indoor climate and air quality and air flow rates in the design phase of a building. Furthermore, you are able to justify the choices you have made.
3. You are able to support various activities during the design, building construction, and maintenance that minimize the possibility for indoor climate and air quality problems in buildings. You can plan the ways how the existing indoor climate problems should be studied and remediated with appropriate methods way.


* What is meant by the concept indoor climate?
*Which regulations and guidelines handle the indoor climate, air quality, and ventilation of buildings? How should we apply those regulations and guidelines?
*How do we measure the indoor climate parameters? How should the measurements results be interpreted and used?
*What are the most typical complaints and problems in different types of buildings?
* What kind of procedures and methods are used in studying indoor climate problems?
* What kind of effect does indoor climate have on productivity of employees?


No prerequisities