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Operational environment for wellbeing servicesLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: WM00EJ62


5 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish
  • English


You can identify and describe knowledge needs related to the wellbeing environment.
You are able to examine and analyze the operational environment for wellbeing services, its structure and markets in Finland and internationally.

You can acquire and analyze relevant information related to the development of the wellbeing business field and can recognize future trends and the associated factors.
You are able to assess your own knowledge, skills and interest areas in relation to the development of the wellbeing business field.


What market players and factors affect the operational environment of wellbeing?
What are the wellbeing operational environment and markets in Finland and internationally?
How are wellbeing services financed and what models are used to produced them?
What are the trends in wellbeing and drivers behinds the trends?
What knowledge and skills for experts are needed now and in the future?


Wellbeing entrepreneurship and utilization of networks


04.11.2024 - 17.11.2024


20.01.2025 - 04.05.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Department of Business



Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 60

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Wellbeing Management
  • Marja-Leena Koskinen
Teacher in charge

Marja-Leena Koskinen

  • HJMI24SM
    Wellbeing Management, fulltime studies


You can identify and describe knowledge needs related to the wellbeing environment.
You are able to examine and analyze the operational environment for wellbeing services, its structure and markets in Finland and internationally.

You can acquire and analyze relevant information related to the development of the wellbeing business field and can recognize future trends and the associated factors.
You are able to assess your own knowledge, skills and interest areas in relation to the development of the wellbeing business field.


What market players and factors affect the operational environment of wellbeing?
What are the wellbeing operational environment and markets in Finland and internationally?
How are wellbeing services financed and what models are used to produced them?
What are the trends in wellbeing and drivers behinds the trends?
What knowledge and skills for experts are needed now and in the future?


Opintojaksoalustalle linkitetyt luentotallenteet ja muut sähköiset aineistot.

Yksilölliset oppimisväylät

Opiskelu toteutetaan verkko-opintoina, joihin sisältyy yhteisiä Teams-tapaamisia.

TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö

Työelämälähtöisiä oppimistehtäviä.
Työelämän edustajan asiantuntijaluentoja.

Tentit ja muut määräajat

Opintojakso suoritetaan osa-alueittain annetussa järjestyksessä ja aikataulussa.
Opintojakson aloitus Teamsissa 22.1.2025 klo 15.00.
Kolme asiantuntijaluentoa, joiden aikataulu ilmoitetaan myöhemmin.
Kolme keskustelutilaisuutta mahdollisia kysymyksiä varten:
Toimintaympäristöön liittyvän osa-alueen tehtävän tarkennus ja Q&A 5.2.2025 klo 14.30.
Trendeihin liittyvän osa-alueen tehtävän tarkennus ja Q&A12.3.2025 klo 14.30
Talouden hallintaan ja innovaatioihin liittyvän osa-alueen tehtävän tarkennus ja Q&A 9.4.2025 klo 14.30.

Opiskelijan työmäärä

5 op = 135 h

Further information

Marja-Leena Koskinen,

Evaluation scale



06.11.2023 - 17.11.2023


22.01.2024 - 05.05.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

RDI portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Department of Business



Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 60

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Wellbeing Management
  • Marja-Leena Koskinen
Teacher in charge

Marja-Leena Koskinen

  • HJMI23SM
    Wellbeing Management, fulltime studies


You can identify and describe knowledge needs related to the wellbeing environment.
You are able to examine and analyze the operational environment for wellbeing services, its structure and markets in Finland and internationally.

You can acquire and analyze relevant information related to the development of the wellbeing business field and can recognize future trends and the associated factors.
You are able to assess your own knowledge, skills and interest areas in relation to the development of the wellbeing business field.


What market players and factors affect the operational environment of wellbeing?
What are the wellbeing operational environment and markets in Finland and internationally?
How are wellbeing services financed and what models are used to produced them?
What are the trends in wellbeing and drivers behinds the trends?
What knowledge and skills for experts are needed now and in the future?


Opintojaksoalustalle linkitetyt luentotallenteet ja muut sähköiset aineistot.
Yhteiset Teams-tapaamiset.

TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö

Työelämälähtöisiä oppimistehtäviä.
Työelämän edustajan asiantuntijaluentoja.
Mahdollinen yritystoimeksianto.

Tentit ja muut määräajat

Opintojakso suoritetaan osa-alueittain annetussa järjestyksessä ja aikataulussa.

Opiskelijan työmäärä

5 op = 135 h

Further information

Marja-Leena Koskinen,

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria



07.11.2022 - 18.11.2022


26.01.2023 - 31.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Department of Business



Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Wellbeing Management
  • Marja-Leena Koskinen
Teacher in charge

Marja-Leena Koskinen

  • HJMI22SP
    Wellbeing Management, fulltime studies


You can identify and describe knowledge needs related to the wellbeing environment.
You are able to examine and analyze the operational environment for wellbeing services, its structure and markets in Finland and internationally.

You can acquire and analyze relevant information related to the development of the wellbeing business field and can recognize future trends and the associated factors.
You are able to assess your own knowledge, skills and interest areas in relation to the development of the wellbeing business field.


What market players and factors affect the operational environment of wellbeing?
What are the wellbeing operational environment and markets in Finland and internationally?
How are wellbeing services financed and what models are used to produced them?
What are the trends in wellbeing and drivers behinds the trends?
What knowledge and skills for experts are needed now and in the future?

Evaluation scale



07.11.2022 - 18.11.2022


09.01.2023 - 31.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Department of Business



Teaching languages
  • English

0 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Wellbeing Management
  • Slaveya Hämäläinen
Teacher in charge

Slaveya Hämäläinen

  • WMMI22SP
    Wellbeing Management, full-time studies


You can identify and describe knowledge needs related to the wellbeing environment.
You are able to examine and analyze the operational environment for wellbeing services, its structure and markets in Finland and internationally.

You can acquire and analyze relevant information related to the development of the wellbeing business field and can recognize future trends and the associated factors.
You are able to assess your own knowledge, skills and interest areas in relation to the development of the wellbeing business field.


What market players and factors affect the operational environment of wellbeing?
What are the wellbeing operational environment and markets in Finland and internationally?
How are wellbeing services financed and what models are used to produced them?
What are the trends in wellbeing and drivers behinds the trends?
What knowledge and skills for experts are needed now and in the future?

Evaluation scale



08.11.2021 - 21.11.2021


10.01.2022 - 31.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Liiketalouden koulutusyksikkö, Mikkeli (vanhennettu)



Teaching languages
  • English
  • Finnish

0 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Wellbeing Management
  • Pia Jääskeläinen
  • Viljo Kuuluvainen
Teacher in charge

Viljo Kuuluvainen

  • WMMI21SP
    Wellbeing management, full-time studies


You can identify and describe knowledge needs related to the wellbeing environment.
You are able to examine and analyze the operational environment for wellbeing services, its structure and markets in Finland and internationally.

You can acquire and analyze relevant information related to the development of the wellbeing business field and can recognize future trends and the associated factors.
You are able to assess your own knowledge, skills and interest areas in relation to the development of the wellbeing business field.


What market players and factors affect the operational environment of wellbeing?
What are the wellbeing operational environment and markets in Finland and internationally?
How are wellbeing services financed and what models are used to produced them?
What are the trends in wellbeing and drivers behinds the trends?
What knowledge and skills for experts are needed now and in the future?


The Business Environment: A Global Perspective, 8th Edition (2019)

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

Students can
a. use professional vocabulary systematically.
b. look for information in the key information sources of the field.
c. identify interrelated tasks.
f. work as team members in a goal-oriented way.

Assessment criteria equals to grade 3.