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Basics of measuring wellbeingLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: WM00EJ65


5 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish
  • English


You understand why and in what type of situations wellbeing data is collected.
You are able to identify various wellbeing measuring methods.
You can assess the suitability of different methods for different purposes and target groups.


What is wellbeing data?
How has the collection of wellbeing data changed and what are the future perspectives (self- monitoring, MyData principle)?
What different methods can be used for measuring (measuring behavior vs. measuring results)?
What are the strengths and weaknesses of different methods in various purposes?


06.11.2023 - 17.11.2023


08.01.2024 - 31.05.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Department of Business



Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 70

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Wellbeing Management
  • Lauri Kolomainen
Teacher in charge

Lauri Kolomainen

  • HJMI23SM
    Wellbeing Management, fulltime studies


You understand why and in what type of situations wellbeing data is collected.
You are able to identify various wellbeing measuring methods.
You can assess the suitability of different methods for different purposes and target groups.


What is wellbeing data?
How has the collection of wellbeing data changed and what are the future perspectives (self- monitoring, MyData principle)?
What different methods can be used for measuring (measuring behavior vs. measuring results)?
What are the strengths and weaknesses of different methods in various purposes?


1. Online Lecture-material
2. Collection of articles, will be available in week 2.

Yksilölliset oppimisväylät

When you register for this course, you participate in the teaching and guidance according to the work schedule. Your studies are rhythmic according to the Online lectures and the learning tasks.

Possible other methods of execution: contact via email

TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö

Examples of different commercial measurement arrangements are used.
The course development task is focused on customer based service.

Opiskelijan työmäärä

5 credits (135h)

Further information

We go through the practical arrangements on the first online-meeting

More info:

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

Numeral (0-5)


07.11.2022 - 18.11.2022


09.01.2023 - 31.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Department of Business



Teaching languages
  • English

0 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Wellbeing Management
  • Lauri Kolomainen
Teacher in charge

Lauri Kolomainen

  • WMMI22SP
    Wellbeing Management, full-time studies


You understand why and in what type of situations wellbeing data is collected.
You are able to identify various wellbeing measuring methods.
You can assess the suitability of different methods for different purposes and target groups.


What is wellbeing data?
How has the collection of wellbeing data changed and what are the future perspectives (self- monitoring, MyData principle)?
What different methods can be used for measuring (measuring behavior vs. measuring results)?
What are the strengths and weaknesses of different methods in various purposes?


1. Online Lecture-material
2. Collection of articles, will be available in week 2.

Yksilölliset oppimisväylät

When you register for this course, you participate in the teaching and guidance according to the work schedule. Your studies are rhythmic according to the Online lectures and the learning tasks.

Possible other methods of execution: contact via email

TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö

Examples of different commercial measurement arrangements are used.
The course development task is focused on customer based service.

Tentit ja muut määräajat

1. Summary of the collection of articles. Return 14.3.2023
2. Measurement development task. The deadline for returns 21.3.2023

Opiskelijan työmäärä

5 CREDITS (135 HOURS) Online lectures 10h

Further information

Course start 11.01.2023 8:30 - 11:30. We go through the practical arrangements.

Assessment methods and criteria

The evaluation:

1. Online lectures and a summary of the article material = 40%
2. Development task = 60%


07.11.2022 - 18.11.2022


09.01.2023 - 31.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Department of Business



Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Wellbeing Management
  • Lauri Kolomainen
Teacher in charge

Lauri Kolomainen

  • HJMI22SP
    Wellbeing Management, fulltime studies


You understand why and in what type of situations wellbeing data is collected.
You are able to identify various wellbeing measuring methods.
You can assess the suitability of different methods for different purposes and target groups.


What is wellbeing data?
How has the collection of wellbeing data changed and what are the future perspectives (self- monitoring, MyData principle)?
What different methods can be used for measuring (measuring behavior vs. measuring results)?
What are the strengths and weaknesses of different methods in various purposes?


1. Verkko-opintomateriaali
2. Erillinen artikkelikokoelma, julkaistaan viikolla 2.

Yksilölliset oppimisväylät

Ilmoittautuessasi tälle opintojakson toteutukselle osallistut työjärjestyksen mukaiseen opetukseen ja ohjaukseen. Opiskelusi rytmittyy verkko-opetuksen ja itsenäisesti tehtävien oppimistehtävien mukaan.

Mahdolliset muut suoritustavat: yhteys sähköpostitse

TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö

Opetuksessa hyödynnetään työelämän esimerkkejä erilaisista mittausjärjestelyistä.
Kurssin kehittämistehtävä painottuu kaupalliseen asiakaspalvelutyöhön.

Tentit ja muut määräajat

1. Tiivistelmä artikkelikokoelmasta. Palautuksen takaraja 14.3.2023
2. Mittauksen kehittämistehtävä. Palautuksen takaraja 21.3.2023

Opiskelijan työmäärä

5 opintopistettä (135 tuntia), josta verkko-opetuksen osuus 10 tuntia.

Further information

Kurssin aloitus 11.01.2023 12.30 - 15.30. Käydään läpi käytännönjärjestelyt.

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

Arviointi jakautuu seuraavasti:

1. Verkkoluennot ja tiivistelmä artikkelimateriaalista = 40%
2. Kehittämistehtävä = 60%


08.11.2021 - 21.11.2021


10.01.2022 - 31.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Liiketalouden koulutusyksikkö, Mikkeli (vanhennettu)



Teaching languages
  • English
  • Finnish

0 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Wellbeing Management
  • Perttu Noponen
  • Haija Muhonen
Teacher in charge

Haija Muhonen

  • WMMI21SP
    Wellbeing management, full-time studies


You understand why and in what type of situations wellbeing data is collected.
You are able to identify various wellbeing measuring methods.
You can assess the suitability of different methods for different purposes and target groups.


What is wellbeing data?
How has the collection of wellbeing data changed and what are the future perspectives (self- monitoring, MyData principle)?
What different methods can be used for measuring (measuring behavior vs. measuring results)?
What are the strengths and weaknesses of different methods in various purposes?


All the necessary study material can be found in the online learning environment at the beginning of the course.

Tentit ja muut määräajat

The course is assessed on the basis of a written assignment prepared during the course. The return of the assignment is agreed at the beginning of the course. The task is assessed numerically (Assessment scale 0-5).

Opiskelijan työmäärä

The scope of the course is 5 cr or 135h.

Toteutuksen osien kuvaus

The course has lecture recordings that can be viewed at a time that suits you.
In addition, the course has workshops, the schedule of which is marked in the syllabus and participation in which is voluntary. Workshops provide an opportunity to ask questions, receive guidance, work on and present small group / independently assembled tasks.

Further information

The teachers of the course are Haija Muhonen

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

Students can
d. use professional vocabulary systematically.
e. look for information in the key information sources of the field.
f. identify interrelated tasks.
g. justify their actions according to the ethical principles of the professional field.

Assessment criteria equals to grade 3.