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Italian 1Laajuus (5 cr)

Code: VV00CX13


5 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish


You can communicate in Italian and act in a goal-oriented manner in everyday communication situations at European (CEFR) level A1.1.
You display familiarity with the Italian-speaking culture.
You can apply language structures in communication settings.
You master the Italian phonology and orthography.
After completing the course with grade 3, you can
• greet other people, introduce yourself, say goodbye and apologize
• tell and inquire about the latest news and how someone is doing
• provide basic information about people, occupations and work
• tell about your family, your hometown and how you live
• use cardinal numbers and you know how to tell time and say dates, months and seasons in Spanish
• do shopping and order food and drink in Italian


What kind of vocabulary do you need in everyday communication situations?
What are the Italian phonology and orthography like?
How do you use basic structures in everyday communication situations?
How do you communicate in Italian speaking culture?


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