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Health Promotion and Global HealthLaajuus (5 op)

Tunnus: AV00DN02


5 op


  • englanti


Health promotion and Global Health
• You can apply the theories on health promotion and evidence-based methods in nursing individuals and communities.
• You can assess individuals’ and groups’ needs for health promotion.
• You can direct early support for those who need it.
• You understand the ethical principles of health promotion.
• You know how to plan and carry out interventions for promoting health and the ability to function for individuals and groups in multiprofessional cooperation, with a customer-oriented approach.
• You recognize current and new health threats also globally and you are able to include them in the health promotion of customers/patients.
• You know how to apply nutrition and treatment recommendations for different age and target groups in preventing and nursing national diseases.
• You know how to integrate nutrional care and guidance into comprehensive nursing in cooperation with a network of multisectoral experts.
• You can assess the nutritional status of a customer/patient and refer the customer/patient in the risk of malnutrition to an expert.


Health Promotion

• How are health and illness defined and what are the principles of health promotion?
• What is the significance of health promotion for national health?
• How is health promoted in different municipal fields?
• What is the meaning of the norm, resource, and information guidance in health promotion?
• How do the ethical principles of health promotion direct planning in social and health care and how do you take ethics into consideration in health promotion?
• What is the connection between lifestyle and health?
• How can risk behavior in health issues be recognized and prevented?
• How can wellbeing analytics and artificial intelligence be utilized in health promotion?
• What kind of registered information and statistics can be utilized in health promotion?
• How do you promote the health of a community?
• How do you follow and assess health promotion? How do you apply evidence-based information in health promotion?


• What are the national nutrional recommendations directed at different age groups?
• How do you apply the contents of nutrional recommendations in everyday food choices and eating?
• How do you carry out nutrition treatment and preventive dietary advice according to the Current Care recommendations?


08.04.2024 - 21.04.2024


16.01.2024 - 31.12.2024


5 op


5 op




Avoin AMK ja täydennyskoulutus



  • Englanti

1 - 10

  • Tuulia Litmanen

Tuulia Litmanen

  • VV2024-2025
    Valinnaiset opinnot 2024-2025
  • VV2023-2024
    Valinnaiset opinnot 2023-2024


Health promotion and Global Health
• You can apply the theories on health promotion and evidence-based methods in nursing individuals and communities.
• You can assess individuals’ and groups’ needs for health promotion.
• You can direct early support for those who need it.
• You understand the ethical principles of health promotion.
• You know how to plan and carry out interventions for promoting health and the ability to function for individuals and groups in multiprofessional cooperation, with a customer-oriented approach.
• You recognize current and new health threats also globally and you are able to include them in the health promotion of customers/patients.
• You know how to apply nutrition and treatment recommendations for different age and target groups in preventing and nursing national diseases.
• You know how to integrate nutrional care and guidance into comprehensive nursing in cooperation with a network of multisectoral experts.
• You can assess the nutritional status of a customer/patient and refer the customer/patient in the risk of malnutrition to an expert.


Health Promotion

• How are health and illness defined and what are the principles of health promotion?
• What is the significance of health promotion for national health?
• How is health promoted in different municipal fields?
• What is the meaning of the norm, resource, and information guidance in health promotion?
• How do the ethical principles of health promotion direct planning in social and health care and how do you take ethics into consideration in health promotion?
• What is the connection between lifestyle and health?
• How can risk behavior in health issues be recognized and prevented?
• How can wellbeing analytics and artificial intelligence be utilized in health promotion?
• What kind of registered information and statistics can be utilized in health promotion?
• How do you promote the health of a community?
• How do you follow and assess health promotion? How do you apply evidence-based information in health promotion?


• What are the national nutrional recommendations directed at different age groups?
• How do you apply the contents of nutrional recommendations in everyday food choices and eating?
• How do you carry out nutrition treatment and preventive dietary advice according to the Current Care recommendations?




06.04.2023 - 21.04.2023


10.01.2023 - 31.12.2023


5 op


5 op




Avoin AMK ja täydennyskoulutus



  • Englanti

1 - 10

  • Tuulia Litmanen

Tuulia Litmanen

  • VV2022-2023
    Valinnaiset opinnot 2022-2023
  • VV2023-2024
    Valinnaiset opinnot 2023-2024


Health promotion and Global Health
• You can apply the theories on health promotion and evidence-based methods in nursing individuals and communities.
• You can assess individuals’ and groups’ needs for health promotion.
• You can direct early support for those who need it.
• You understand the ethical principles of health promotion.
• You know how to plan and carry out interventions for promoting health and the ability to function for individuals and groups in multiprofessional cooperation, with a customer-oriented approach.
• You recognize current and new health threats also globally and you are able to include them in the health promotion of customers/patients.
• You know how to apply nutrition and treatment recommendations for different age and target groups in preventing and nursing national diseases.
• You know how to integrate nutrional care and guidance into comprehensive nursing in cooperation with a network of multisectoral experts.
• You can assess the nutritional status of a customer/patient and refer the customer/patient in the risk of malnutrition to an expert.


Health Promotion

• How are health and illness defined and what are the principles of health promotion?
• What is the significance of health promotion for national health?
• How is health promoted in different municipal fields?
• What is the meaning of the norm, resource, and information guidance in health promotion?
• How do the ethical principles of health promotion direct planning in social and health care and how do you take ethics into consideration in health promotion?
• What is the connection between lifestyle and health?
• How can risk behavior in health issues be recognized and prevented?
• How can wellbeing analytics and artificial intelligence be utilized in health promotion?
• What kind of registered information and statistics can be utilized in health promotion?
• How do you promote the health of a community?
• How do you follow and assess health promotion? How do you apply evidence-based information in health promotion?


• What are the national nutrional recommendations directed at different age groups?
• How do you apply the contents of nutrional recommendations in everyday food choices and eating?
• How do you carry out nutrition treatment and preventive dietary advice according to the Current Care recommendations?




06.04.2022 - 22.04.2022


01.02.2022 - 31.12.2022


5 op


5 op




Vanha_Avoin AMK ja täydennyskoulutus (vanhettu)



  • Englanti

1 - 10

  • Tuulia Litmanen

Tuulia Litmanen

  • VV2022-2023
    Valinnaiset opinnot 2022-2023


Health promotion and Global Health
• You can apply the theories on health promotion and evidence-based methods in nursing individuals and communities.
• You can assess individuals’ and groups’ needs for health promotion.
• You can direct early support for those who need it.
• You understand the ethical principles of health promotion.
• You know how to plan and carry out interventions for promoting health and the ability to function for individuals and groups in multiprofessional cooperation, with a customer-oriented approach.
• You recognize current and new health threats also globally and you are able to include them in the health promotion of customers/patients.
• You know how to apply nutrition and treatment recommendations for different age and target groups in preventing and nursing national diseases.
• You know how to integrate nutrional care and guidance into comprehensive nursing in cooperation with a network of multisectoral experts.
• You can assess the nutritional status of a customer/patient and refer the customer/patient in the risk of malnutrition to an expert.


Health Promotion

• How are health and illness defined and what are the principles of health promotion?
• What is the significance of health promotion for national health?
• How is health promoted in different municipal fields?
• What is the meaning of the norm, resource, and information guidance in health promotion?
• How do the ethical principles of health promotion direct planning in social and health care and how do you take ethics into consideration in health promotion?
• What is the connection between lifestyle and health?
• How can risk behavior in health issues be recognized and prevented?
• How can wellbeing analytics and artificial intelligence be utilized in health promotion?
• What kind of registered information and statistics can be utilized in health promotion?
• How do you promote the health of a community?
• How do you follow and assess health promotion? How do you apply evidence-based information in health promotion?


• What are the national nutrional recommendations directed at different age groups?
• How do you apply the contents of nutrional recommendations in everyday food choices and eating?
• How do you carry out nutrition treatment and preventive dietary advice according to the Current Care recommendations?


Opiskelumateriaali on Open Learn pohjalla.

Opiskelumuodot ja -menetelmät

Kurssi on jaettu seuraaviin osa-alueisiin:
1. Terveyden edistäminen 1op
2. Yhteisöjen terveyden edistäminen ja maailman terveys 2op
3. Ravitsemus 2op

Tenttien ja tehtävien ajoittuminen

Opiskelija voi aloittaa opinnot viikon kuluessa opintojaksoilmoittautumisesta.Kurssin suoritusaika 3 kuukautta.
Opiskelija etenee kurssilla omassa tahdissa huomioiden kurssin max. suoritusajan.
Opintojakson lopussa lopputentti.

Opiskelijan työmäärä

Opiskelijan työmäärä 5op = 135 työtuntia.

Toteutuksen osien kuvaus

Kurssi on jaettu seuraaviin osa-alueisiin:
1. Terveyden edistäminen 1op
2. Yhteisöjen terveyden edistäminen ja maailman terveys 2op
3. Ravitsemus 2op
Kaikki osa-alueet täytyy olla hyväksytysti suoritetut. Opintojakso koostuu luennoista, oppimistehtävistä, testeistä sekä itsenäisestä opiskelusta.



Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

Oppimistehtävät: Hyväksytty / hylätty
Testit: Hyväksytty / hylätty