Programming project in roboticsLaajuus (5 cr)
Code: RO00EH25
5 op
You know how to design a project and implement or simulate a robot that solves a real-life problem.
You will be able to develop the project plan required for the successful completion of a robotics project.
You can draw up a technical plan and related documents for building a robot or implementing its simulation.
You know how to utilize standards and manufacturers' libraries as well as material in developing a safe robot.
You know how to analyze the technical operation of a robot you have designed professionally.
You can report on the implementation of a project according to the project plan.
How do you implement a robotics project?
How do you create a project plan?
How do you design and implement a safe and efficient robot that solves the problem?
How do you evaluate and optimize the functionality of the technical solution?
How do you monitor and report on the implementation of the project?
Basics of mechanics design
Control mechanism and kinematics in cobots/robots
Measuring, control and automatic control engineering
08.04.2024 - 21.04.2024
02.09.2024 - 20.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Department of Construction and Energy Engineering
Kotka Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
10 - 40
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence
- Teemu Jokela
Teacher in charge
Teemu Jokela
ROKT22SPRobotics and artificial intelligence, full-time studies
You know how to design a project and implement or simulate a robot that solves a real-life problem.
You will be able to develop the project plan required for the successful completion of a robotics project.
You can draw up a technical plan and related documents for building a robot or implementing its simulation.
You know how to utilize standards and manufacturers' libraries as well as material in developing a safe robot.
You know how to analyze the technical operation of a robot you have designed professionally.
You can report on the implementation of a project according to the project plan.
How do you implement a robotics project?
How do you create a project plan?
How do you design and implement a safe and efficient robot that solves the problem?
How do you evaluate and optimize the functionality of the technical solution?
How do you monitor and report on the implementation of the project?
Opintojakson kirjallisuus kerrotaan aloitusluennolla
Muu materiaali jaetaan luennoilla
Yksilölliset oppimisväylät
Työviikkopohjainen oppimisväylä: Osallistut työjärjestyksen mukaisesti lähi- ja verkko-opetukseen.
Työelämään integroitu oppimisväylä: Laadi suunnitelma tämän opintojakson sisällön ja tavoitteiden suorittamisesta työpaikallasi. Laadi suunnitelma myös suoritteiden todistamisesta (näyttö/dokumentointi). Sovi suorituksen toteuttamisesta työnantajan edustajan kanssa ja varaa sähköpostilla aika keskusteluun opettajan kanssa.
Opintojakson hyväksilukeminen: Kokoa aiemmin korkeakoulussa suoritetun opintojakson keskeiset tiedot eli suoritetun opintojakson sisältö, tavoitteet, laajuus sekä todistus suorituksesta valmiiksi ja varaa sähköpostilla aika keskusteluun opettajan kanssa.
Aiemmin hankitun osaamisen tunnustaminen tai näyttö: Perehdy tämän opintojakson sisältöön ja tavoitteisiin, kirjoita selvitys aiemmin hankitusta muusta osaamisesta, joka vastaa opintojakson sisältöä sekä tavoitteita. Varaa sähköpostilla aika keskusteluun opettajan kanssa.
TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö
Opintojaksolla vierailee työelämän edustajia luennoimassa.
Opintojaksolla järjestetään ekskursioita mahdollisuuksien mukaan.
Tentit ja muut määräajat
Arvioitavat tehtävät ja tentit sovitaan opintojakson aloitusluennolla.
Kaikki arvioitavat oppimistehtävät on suoritettava ennen tenttiin osallistumista.
Opintojakson tentti suoritetaan ennen opintojakson päättymistä.
Uusintatentittien suorittaminen sallittua tutkintosäännön mukaisesti, mikäli muut opintojakson arvioitavat tehtävät on suoritettu määräaikaan mennessä.
Opiskelijan työmäärä
Lähiopetusta 60 h.
Kotona tehtäviä harjoituksia ja tenttiin kertausta 75 h
Further information
Opiskelijan on osallistuttava ensimmäille lähiopetuskerralle, tai jos hän on estynyt, on otettava opettajaan yhteyttä ennen ensimmäistä lähiopetuskertaa.
Tarkempi opetuksen sisältö käydään läpi ensimmäisellä lähiopetuskerralla.
Evaluation scale
Basics of mechanics design
Control mechanism and kinematics in cobots/robots
Measuring, control and automatic control engineering
06.04.2023 - 21.04.2023
28.08.2023 - 15.12.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Department of Construction and Energy Engineering
Kouvola Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
1 - 40
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence
- Teemu Jokela
Teacher in charge
Teemu Jokela
ROKV21SPRobotics and artificial intelligence, full-time studies
You know how to design a project and implement or simulate a robot that solves a real-life problem.
You will be able to develop the project plan required for the successful completion of a robotics project.
You can draw up a technical plan and related documents for building a robot or implementing its simulation.
You know how to utilize standards and manufacturers' libraries as well as material in developing a safe robot.
You know how to analyze the technical operation of a robot you have designed professionally.
You can report on the implementation of a project according to the project plan.
How do you implement a robotics project?
How do you create a project plan?
How do you design and implement a safe and efficient robot that solves the problem?
How do you evaluate and optimize the functionality of the technical solution?
How do you monitor and report on the implementation of the project?
The literature of the course is explained in the opening lecture
Other material is distributed in lectures
Yksilölliset oppimisväylät
Work week-based learning pathway: You participate in contact and online teaching as scheduled.
Work-integrated learning pathway: Make a plan for completing the content and objectives of this course in your workplace. Also create a plan for proving performance (documentation). Agree on the implementation of the performance with the employer's representative and make an appointment by e-mail to discuss with the teacher.
Acceptance of the course by previous studies: Gather the key information of the course previously completed at university level, namely the content, objectives, scope and certificate of completion. Make an appointment for a discussion with the teacher by e-mail.
Recognition or demonstration of previously acquired competence: Familiarize yourself with the content and objectives of this course, write a statement of other previously acquired competence that corresponds to the content and objectives of the course. Make an appointment for a discussion with the teacher by e-mail.
TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö
During the course, representatives of working life will visit to give lectures.
Excursions are organized during the course if possible.
Tentit ja muut määräajat
The assignments and exams to be assessed are agreed in the introductory lecture of the course.
All assignments must be completed before taking the exam.
The course exam is taken before the end of the course.
It is permitted to take re-examinations in accordance with the degree regulations, if other tasks to be assessed for the course have been completed by the deadline.
Opiskelijan työmäärä
The average student workload is 135 hours, in which:
20-50 hours of independent study of literature.
20-50 hours for assignments and group assignments.
10-30 hours preparing for the exam.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment is based on the assessment of learning tasks.
Basics of mechanics design
Control mechanism and kinematics in cobots/robots
Measuring, control and automatic control engineering