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From involvement to activismLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: YP00FF90


5 op


You understand the concept of civil society and know the different actors involved.
You understand the terminology related to participation and activism.
You are familiar with the factors that lead to activism and different ways activism can be implemented.
You know how to work in voluntary work and how to set up an association.
You are able to identify the operating practices of NGOs, associations, and foundations.
You understand how the assessment of preliminary impacts affects citizens' participation.


What kind of values and goals are there in civic involvement?
How is civic activity financed?
How do NGOs, associations and foundations operate?
What are the legal guidelines for associations and foundations?
How are participation and activism defined?
How do community educators inspire and activate volunteers?
How do you use young people's influencing channels to strengthen participation?
What is the social and cultural significance of civic engagement?
How do you use preliminary impact assessment to support planning and decision-making?