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Young people's mental wellbeing and intoxication culturesLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: YP00FF95


5 op


You understand the goals of preventive substance abuse and mental health work.
You recognize the substance abuse and mental health service network.
You can describe and search for information about the factors that strengthen and undermine the mental health and abstinence of children and young people.
You understand the importance of emotional skills as a part of mental well-being.
You recognize the principles of preventive substance abuse and mental health work for children and young people.
You recognize different drug cultures associated with youth.


What is the importance of promoting mental health?
What kind of resource-based methods are used to support mental well-being?
What is the service network for preventive substance abuse work and mental health promotion like?
What are the factors that promote the mental health and abstinence of children and young people?
How can emotional skills be promoted?
What are the researched risk factors for young people's mental health and substance abuse?
What kind of drug cultures are associated with youth at the moment?