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Surgery nursingLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: VV00DJ59


5 op


You are able to follow the given instructions on choosing and handling instruments and supplies and handing surgical instruments to the surgeon in the operating theatre.
You are able to follow the given instructions on setting up the operating theatre for the patient.
You are able to follow the given instructions on inspecting and preparing surgical equipment.
You are able to describe the progress of a surgical, gastroenterological, gynaecological or orthopedic operation from the surgical nurse's point of view.


How do you maintain safety and security in the operating theatre and during surgery?
What are the optimal positions for surgery?
How do you maintain asepsis and create sterile surroundings in the operating theatre?
What instruments and sutures must be used?
How are tissues handled?
How are instruments selected and handled?


Opiskelijalla tulee olla suoritettuna ydinosaamisesta:

Hoitotyön ammatilliset perusteet - moduuli
Terveyden ja toimintakyvyn edistäminen- moduuli
Kliininen hoitotyö moduulista:
- Sisätautien hoitotyö
- Kirurginen ja perioperatiivinen hoitotyö