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Client-specific rehabilitation processesLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: FT00FC85


5 op


You know and understand the Finnish social, health and rehabilitation service system, the guiding quality recommendations and the different forms of rehabilitation services.
You know and understand the clients' rights and participation as users of the social, health and rehabilitation services system.
You know the basics of creating a client-specific rehabilitation plan, the regulations and the methods used in physiotherapy.
You know and recognize the individual and life course factors affecting the client's rehabilitation process.
You know and can describe ways to promote rehabilitation at individual, group and community levels to promote the client's participation and take into account the living environment and multiprofessional rehabilitation services.


How are social, health and rehabilitation services organized and financed in Finland?
What quality recommendations and legislation guide social, health and rehabilitation services in Finland?
What are the different forms of rehabilitation included in the rehabilitation service system?
What are the rights and participation of clients as users of the social, health, and rehabilitation services system?
What are the criteria for handing over medical rehabilitation aids?
What is meant by a rehabilitation plan?
What should be taken into account when preparing a client's rehabilitation plan?
How do you utilize key methods used in physiotherapy to assess a client's service needs, set rehabilitation goals, and classify functionality and limitations?
How do you identify individual and life-course factors affecting the client's rehabilitation?
What is meant by client participation and agency in the rehabilitation process?
How do you promote the client's rehabilitation and participation in the rehabilitation process at individual, group and community levels?
How do you consider the living environment and multiprofessional rehabilitation services in promoting the client's rehabilitation?
How do you consider the client's need for assistive devices in supporting their participation and agency?


You know and can define the foundations and principles of client- and resource-oriented physiotherapy.
You know and recognize the basic elements of dialogic interaction.
You know the methods of guidance used in physiotherapy.