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Forest estate management and tradeLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: ME00FD05


5 op


You can calculate the value of the forest estate by using the most common methods.
You are able to explain the forms of forest ownership and you can analyse the pros and cons between them.
You can explain the most important ways of forming forest estates and use the legal documents and registers related to them.
You are able to explain the key forest estate legislation and draw up a deed of transfer of a property.


How is the value of forest estates calculated?
What are the different forms of forest ownership and their pros and cons?
What are the principles of property formation and the related legislation?
What are the most important ways of forming forest estates?
What are the legal documents and registers of landsurvey proceedings?
How to draw up written/digital forms for the forest estate trade agreement?
What is the key legislation used in forest estate trade?