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Administration and legislation in security sectorLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: TU00FI48


5 op


You know the structures of the Finnish administrative system, and you are familiar with the legal principles of administration, the principles of good administration, and the means of redress.

You are familiar with the main fundamental rights of citizens and the system of legal protection in administrative law.

You are familiar with the principles of public access to public documents and data protection.

You are familiar with the main legislation governing the security sector and are able to apply it in your own work in the security sector or as an entrepreneur in the sector.

You have an overview of the legal responsibilities and obligations in the security sector.

You are familiar with the main regulations and standards governing the security sector.


What is the structure of the Finnish public administration, and what are the main legal principles of administrative activity and the functioning of the administrative redress system?

What are the elements of good administration, and what are the means of redress?

What are the concepts of public access to documents, secrecy and official confidentiality?

What are the processes and models of documents involved in administrative law and labour law?

What are the main laws and regulations governing and regulating the security sector?

What are the legal responsibilities and obligations that govern security activities?

Which authorities supervise the security sector, and how are these authorities involved in the security sector?