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ÄlyliikennejärjestelmätLaajuus (5 op)

Tunnus: LO00CP89


5 op


You understand the broad overview on ITS.
You can apply IT tools to improve logistics processes.
You know the benefits of the ITS systems.
You know limitations and barriers in ITS implementation.
You know the properties and status of enabling technologies .
You know different kind of data sources and can evaluate the
information sources’ credibility.
You can use the best methods in communication and team work
and also behave correctly when using electronic communication.
You know how to utilize ITS to enhance supply chain


How ITS systems can support logistics processes and society,
particularly sustainability ?
? What kind of systems and vendors there are?
? What are the benefits of the ITS?
What are the limitations and barriers in ITS?
How you can use ICT toools in logistics management processes?
How you can use different kind of data sources and evaluate the
information sources’ credibility.
How to use the best methods in communication and team work
and also behave correctly when using electronic communication?
How to utilize ITS to enhance supply chain management?