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Welfare services and multiprofessional cooperationLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: YP00FF88


5 op


You are able to define the parts of public welfare services and especially young people’s service system.
You learn how guidance and service networks work to promote people’s wellbeing.
You are able to define the tasks of municipalities, regional governments and wellbeing services counties in maintaining and promoting people’s wellbeing.
You learn the principles of municipal administration and good governance.
You understand the importance of multiprofessional networks.


What is included in public welfare services?
What is included in young people’s cross-sectoral service system?
How do guidance and service networks promote people's wellbeing?
In what type of roles do community educators work in the guidance and service network?
How does the law govern municipal and regional service production?
How does the municipal decision-making system work?