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Global education and human rightsLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: YP00FF93


5 op


You understand the meaning of education in establishing sustainable development, diversity, the realisation of human rights and in promoting skills of coexistence.
You understand the global goals of sustainable development at national and local level.
You are familiar with equality and human rights issues globally and locally.
You have theoretical understanding of the different approaches societies have to cultural diversity.
You are aware of the meaning of human perception and values.
You understand the concept of equality in global education and human rights work.
You know how to make use of different methods of global education.


What are the backgrounds and objectives of multicultural work?
What is global education and how is it implemented?
What different ways do societies have to approach cultural diversity?
How do human rights issues appear at both global and local level?
How can a multicultural, equal and pluralistic society be promoted?
How are human perception and values ​​reflected in our everyday life?
What are the challenges in immigrant integration and social integration?