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Foot ulcer management and treatmentLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: JT00FD14


5 op


You understand the stages of a tissue injury healing process and the factors influencing it.
You understand the various causes and classifications of wounds.
You know the principles of wound care and you can act in wound care situations.
You can assess wounds and document wound care.
You are able to apply offloading principles in the treatment and prevention of foot ulcers.
You know different types of wound care footwear and can plan, implement, and evaluate their use.
You know the basics of orthopedic and operative procedures of the lower extremities and understand the meaning of pre- and post-operative rehabilitation.


How does tissue injury heal and what factors affect it?
What are the various causes and classifications of wounds?
How do you carry out wound care?
How do you assess wounds and document wound care?
How do you prevent and offload foot ulcers?
What types of wound care footwear can you utilize in the wound care process?
What are orthopedic and operative procedures for lower extremities?
What is the meaning of pre- and postoperative rehabilitation as a part of the rehabilitation process?


You know the anatomy and physiology of the skin, circulatory system, and nervous system.
You understand the principles of offloading.
You understand the importance of aseptic techniques in ensuring a safe podiatry process.
You recognize the key structures and functions of the musculoskeletal system.
You know the basics of therapeutic exercise and guidance.