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Orthotic therapy in podiatryLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: JT00FD15


5 op


You understand the client-oriented orthotic therapy process.
You understand the importance of safe working in the operating environment of orthotic therapy.
You know different insoles techniques and you can justify various insoles materials.
You know the theoretical foundations of different lower extremity supports and orthoses and you can guide the customer in their selection and use.
You understand the indicators for therapeutic footwear and you know the manufacturing process and can instruct a client in the usage of therapeutic footwear.
You understand the effects of amputation on the ability to function and know the rehabilitation process related to prosthetics.
You can consider the professional ethical guidelines of a podiatrist in orthotic therapy.


What does the orthotic therapy process consist of?
How do you consider safety in the working environment of orthotic therapy?
What are the different techniques of making insoles?
How do you justify the choice of insole materials?
What kinds of lower extremity supports and orthoses are there?
How do you guide the customer in the selection and use of supports and orthoses?
What are the indications for therapeutic footwear?
What are the principles of the therapeutic footwear manufacturing process?
How do you guide the customer in the use of therapeutic footwear?
How does lower extremity amputation affect a person's functional ability?
What does the rehabilitation process related to prosthetics consist of?
How do you consider the professional ethical guidelines of a podiatrist in orthotic therapy?


You know the factors influencing a rehabilitation process.
You understand the principles of offloading.
You know and understand the biomechanical deviations of the lower limbs and their effects on functional capacity.