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Finnish 4Laajuus (5 cr)

Code: VV00CW85


5 op


You are able to express yourself in versatile Finnish in everyday and working life situations both orally and in writing.

You are able to follow conversation, write texts following templates and communicate spontaneously in versatile everyday and working life situations.

You have command of different phrases, structures and vocabulary (CEFR level A.2.2). You have command of basic vocabulary of your own professional field.

You are familiar with a large variety of grammatical features, like how to use tenses, plural forms and compare adjectives.

You are able to expand your vocabulary and knowledge of language usage also independently using different sources.

You can display familiarity in Finnish culture and working life.


Which phrases and what kind of vocabulary and grammatical knowledge you need for everyday and working communication and for understanding and writing texts with varying topics?

Which sources and tools you can use in order to continue your Finnish studies during the course and also independently?

How to use your cultural and working life knowledge in communication?


Attending the course requires completing the course of Finnish 3 or having corresponding skills. Attending the course also requires English skills enabling academic studies.


04.11.2024 - 17.11.2024


13.01.2025 - 06.04.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Yhteisten opintojen koulutusyksikkö


Kotka Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 65

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Anna-Liisa Luova
  • Emmi Turtiainen
  • BNKT23SP
    Nursing, full-time studies


You are able to express yourself in versatile Finnish in everyday and working life situations both orally and in writing.

You are able to follow conversation, write texts following templates and communicate spontaneously in versatile everyday and working life situations.

You have command of different phrases, structures and vocabulary (CEFR level A.2.2). You have command of basic vocabulary of your own professional field.

You are familiar with a large variety of grammatical features, like how to use tenses, plural forms and compare adjectives.

You are able to expand your vocabulary and knowledge of language usage also independently using different sources.

You can display familiarity in Finnish culture and working life.


Which phrases and what kind of vocabulary and grammatical knowledge you need for everyday and working communication and for understanding and writing texts with varying topics?

Which sources and tools you can use in order to continue your Finnish studies during the course and also independently?

How to use your cultural and working life knowledge in communication?


The study material is on Learn platform and will be shared there.

Yksilölliset oppimisväylät

Teaching is carried out entirely as face-to-face teaching on Kotka campus according to the timetable. Remote participation is not possible. In principle, face-to-face teaching is not recorded, and it is not replaced by remote lectures, when face-to-face teaching is allowed according to the schedule. Attendance at spoken exercises and practice classes is required to complete the course.
• Studying includes scheduled group meetings according to the work schedule and independent tasks or learning tasks to be completed in a group. The course consists of lecture teaching and class assignments individually and in small groups.
• Teacher guidance is available during lessons and individually, if needed.
• The assessed tasks are done independently or in groups and pairs.
• The course utilizes different feedback methods. They can be written and spoken feedback, and peer feedback can also be used.

TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö

This course is related to practical training. In addition, some tasks can be organized in simulation rooms.

Tentit ja muut määräajat

In the course, learning tasks, proof of competence and an exam are carried out. The course ends at the time indicated in the implementation information, by which time the student has returned the practice tasks required for the performance, completed any exams and met other requirements for completing the course.

Opiskelijan työmäärä

1 ECTS corresponds to approximately 27 hours of student work. However, the amount of work depends on your study skills and previous knowledge.
In the 5 credit course, the student's workload is approx. 135 hours, of which approx. 55 hours are lectures and group work under the guidance of the teacher and the rest are independent work.

Further information

This course is intended for nursing students studying Finnish as a foreign language. The tasks of the course are aimed at language proficiency level A2.1-A2.2.

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

The evaluation is done in relation to the competence goals and evaluation criteria of the course. Successful completion of the study course requires learning tasks, proof of competence and taking an exam with an approved grade. Grading scale: 1–5

Suomi 4 -opintojakso sijoittuu osittain osaamisen alkuvaiheeseen, osittain soveltavan osaamisen vaiheeseen. Opintojakson arvioinnissa korostuvat kriteerit a - d ja f. Tason 3 saavuttanut opiskelija osaa
a) käyttää suomen kielen tason (A2.2) fraaseja, monipuolista sanastoa ja kielioppitietoa arki- ja työelämäviestinnässään
b) etsiä tietoa oppimateriaaleista ja autenttisista tiedonlähteistä
c) hahmottaa tilannekohtaisia kielenkäytön eroja ja tehtäväkokonaisuuksia
d) osaa viestiä monenlaisissa arkipäivän ja työelämän tilanteissa
f) toimia tiimin jäsenenä tavoitteellisesti


Attending the course requires completing the course of Finnish 3 or having corresponding skills. Attending the course also requires English skills enabling academic studies.


08.01.2024 - 14.01.2024


22.01.2024 - 30.04.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Yhteisten opintojen koulutusyksikkö



Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 30

  • Tarja Isokääntä
  • VV2023-2024
    Optional studies 2023-2024


You are able to express yourself in versatile Finnish in everyday and working life situations both orally and in writing.

You are able to follow conversation, write texts following templates and communicate spontaneously in versatile everyday and working life situations.

You have command of different phrases, structures and vocabulary (CEFR level A.2.2). You have command of basic vocabulary of your own professional field.

You are familiar with a large variety of grammatical features, like how to use tenses, plural forms and compare adjectives.

You are able to expand your vocabulary and knowledge of language usage also independently using different sources.

You can display familiarity in Finnish culture and working life.


Which phrases and what kind of vocabulary and grammatical knowledge you need for everyday and working communication and for understanding and writing texts with varying topics?

Which sources and tools you can use in order to continue your Finnish studies during the course and also independently?

How to use your cultural and working life knowledge in communication?


Gehring, S., Heinzmann, S., Peltomäki, A.-M., Päivärinne, S. & Udd, T. Suomen mestari 2. Suomen kielen oppikirja aikuisille. Helsinki: Finnlectura. Chapters 5–8.
Note! Edition 2022 or newer.
Other material on Moodle platform Learn.

Yksilölliset oppimisväylät

There are real-time online lessons and working independently included in the course. It is required to attend the lessons actively and complete the assignments and exams successfully. Teaching in Finnish and in English.
Real-time online lessons twice a week. The lessons will not be recorded.

TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö

Generic skills for working life. Vocabulary and exercises related to working life.

Tentit ja muut määräajat

There will be two exams in the course. Both exams must be passed. It is possible to (re)write a non-written or not passed exam twice. The dates will be given at the beginning of the course.

All the assignments must be submitted during the course, following the given schedule. It is not possible to submit any assignments after the course.

Opiskelijan työmäärä

135 h (online lessons and independent).

Further information

Attending the course requires completing the course of Finnish 3 or having corresponding skills. Attending the course also requires English skills enabling academic studies and some IT skills.

Real-time online lessons twice a week. The lessons will not be recorded.

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

The assessment is based on assignments completed successfully and active attendance. There will be two midterm exams.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Students that have reached the level 1 are able to
a) utilize some phrases, vocabulary and grammatical knowledge (CEFR level A2.2) in everyday and working life communication
b) look for information from the study material and authentic sources with assistance of a teacher
c) recognize various contexts and interrelated tasks
d) communicate in everyday and working life
f) work as team-members.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4)

Students that have reached the level 3 are able to
a) use phrases, quite versatile vocabulary and grammatical knowledge (CEFR level A2.2) in everyday and working life communication
b) look for information from the study material and authentic sources
c) identify various contexts and interrelated tasks
d) communicate in versatile everyday and working life situations
f) work as team-members in a goal-oriented way.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Students that have reached the level 5 are able to
a) use phrases, versatile vocabulary and grammatical knowledge (CEFR level A2.2) fluently in everyday and working life communication
b) look for information from the study material and authentic sources on one’s own initiative
c) identify various contexts and interrelated tasks with care
d) communicate in versatile everyday and working life situations spontaneously
f) work as a team-member in a goal-oriented and responsible way.


Attending the course requires completing the course of Finnish 3 or having corresponding skills. Attending the course also requires English skills enabling academic studies.


06.11.2023 - 17.11.2023


08.01.2024 - 31.03.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Yhteisten opintojen koulutusyksikkö


Kotka Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 50

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Anna-Liisa Luova
  • BNKT22SP
    Nursing, full-time studies


You are able to express yourself in versatile Finnish in everyday and working life situations both orally and in writing.

You are able to follow conversation, write texts following templates and communicate spontaneously in versatile everyday and working life situations.

You have command of different phrases, structures and vocabulary (CEFR level A.2.2). You have command of basic vocabulary of your own professional field.

You are familiar with a large variety of grammatical features, like how to use tenses, plural forms and compare adjectives.

You are able to expand your vocabulary and knowledge of language usage also independently using different sources.

You can display familiarity in Finnish culture and working life.


Which phrases and what kind of vocabulary and grammatical knowledge you need for everyday and working communication and for understanding and writing texts with varying topics?

Which sources and tools you can use in order to continue your Finnish studies during the course and also independently?

How to use your cultural and working life knowledge in communication?


Materiaali Learn-alustalla.

Yksilölliset oppimisväylät

Tämä on hoitoalan opiskelijoille suunniteltu opintojakso. Opintojakso toteutetaan kampuksella lähiopetuksena. Yleiskielitaidon kurssi Suomi 4 on saatavilla verkko-opetuksena.

TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö

Alakohtainen kielitaito, työharjoittelun kielitaito.

Tentit ja muut määräajat

Opintojaksolla on testejä ja osaamisen näyttöjä.

Opiskelijan työmäärä

127 tuntia.

Toteutuksen osien kuvaus

Kielioppi ja rakenteet, sanasto, hoitoalan tilanteet.

Further information


Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

Arviointi perustuu aktiiviseen osallistumiseen, osaamisen näyttöihin ja testeihin.


Attending the course requires completing the course of Finnish 3 or having corresponding skills. Attending the course also requires English skills enabling academic studies.


09.01.2023 - 15.01.2023


16.01.2023 - 30.04.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Yhteisten opintojen koulutusyksikkö



Teaching languages
  • English
  • Finnish

20 - 40

  • Tarja Isokääntä
Teacher in charge

Tarja Isokääntä

  • VV2022-2023
    Optional studies 2022-2023
  • Master_eKampus
    Master-opinnot, eKampus


You are able to express yourself in versatile Finnish in everyday and working life situations both orally and in writing.

You are able to follow conversation, write texts following templates and communicate spontaneously in versatile everyday and working life situations.

You have command of different phrases, structures and vocabulary (CEFR level A.2.2). You have command of basic vocabulary of your own professional field.

You are familiar with a large variety of grammatical features, like how to use tenses, plural forms and compare adjectives.

You are able to expand your vocabulary and knowledge of language usage also independently using different sources.

You can display familiarity in Finnish culture and working life.


Which phrases and what kind of vocabulary and grammatical knowledge you need for everyday and working communication and for understanding and writing texts with varying topics?

Which sources and tools you can use in order to continue your Finnish studies during the course and also independently?

How to use your cultural and working life knowledge in communication?


Gehring, S. and Heinzmann, S. Suomen mestari 2. Suomen kielen oppikirja aikuisille. Helsinki: Finnlectura. Chapters 5 - 8. Note! Old edition.

Yksilölliset oppimisväylät

There are real-time online lessons and working independently included in the course. It is required to attend the lessons actively and complete the assignments and exams successfully. Teaching in Finnish and in English.
Real-time online lessons twice a week. The lessons will not be recorded.

TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö

Generic skills for working life. Vocabulary and exercises related to working life.

Tentit ja muut määräajat

There will be two exams in the course. Both exams must be passed. It is possible to (re)write a non-written or not passed exam twice. The dates will be given at the beginning of the course.

Exams 9.3.2023 and 27.4.2023. Resit exams 3.4., 29.5. ja 28.8.2023 (at 2:30 pm).

All the assignments must be submitted during the course, following the given schedule. It is not possible to submit any assignments after the course.

Opiskelijan työmäärä

135 h (online lessons and independent).

Further information

Attending the course requires completing the course of Finnish 3 or having corresponding skills. Attending the course also requires English skills enabling academic studies and some IT skills.

Real-time online lessons twice a week. The lessons will not be recorded.

Lessons 17.1. - 22.2. and 28.3. - 26.4. at 2:30 - 4 pm on Tuesdays and at 2:30 - 3:30 pm on Wednesdays and 7.3. - 22.3. at 4:30 - 6 pm on Tuesdays and at 4:30 - 5:30 pm on Wednesdays.

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

The assessment is based on assignments completed successfully and active attendance. There will be two midterm exams.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Students that have reached the level 1 are able to
a) utilize some phrases, vocabulary and grammatical knowledge (CEFR level A2.2) in everyday and working life communication
b) look for information from the study material and authentic sources with assistance of a teacher
c) recognize various contexts and interrelated tasks
d) communicate in everyday and working life
f) work as team-members.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4)

Students that have reached the level 3 are able to
a) use phrases, quite versatile vocabulary and grammatical knowledge (CEFR level A2.2) in everyday and working life communication
b) look for information from the study material and authentic sources
c) identify various contexts and interrelated tasks
d) communicate in versatile everyday and working life situations
f) work as team-members in a goal-oriented way.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Students that have reached the level 5 are able to
a) use phrases, versatile vocabulary and grammatical knowledge (CEFR level A2.2) fluently in everyday and working life communication
b) look for information from the study material and authentic sources on one’s own initiative
c) identify various contexts and interrelated tasks with care
d) communicate in versatile everyday and working life situations spontaneously
f) work as a team-member in a goal-oriented and responsible way.


Attending the course requires completing the course of Finnish 3 or having corresponding skills. Attending the course also requires English skills enabling academic studies.


03.01.2022 - 16.01.2022


17.01.2022 - 30.04.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Kielet ja viestintä, Mikkeli



Teaching languages
  • English
  • Finnish

0 - 30

  • Tarja Isokääntä
Teacher in charge

Tarja Isokääntä

  • VV2021-2022
    Optional studies 2021-2022


You are able to express yourself in versatile Finnish in everyday and working life situations both orally and in writing.

You are able to follow conversation, write texts following templates and communicate spontaneously in versatile everyday and working life situations.

You have command of different phrases, structures and vocabulary (CEFR level A.2.2). You have command of basic vocabulary of your own professional field.

You are familiar with a large variety of grammatical features, like how to use tenses, plural forms and compare adjectives.

You are able to expand your vocabulary and knowledge of language usage also independently using different sources.

You can display familiarity in Finnish culture and working life.


Which phrases and what kind of vocabulary and grammatical knowledge you need for everyday and working communication and for understanding and writing texts with varying topics?

Which sources and tools you can use in order to continue your Finnish studies during the course and also independently?

How to use your cultural and working life knowledge in communication?


Gehring, S. and Heinzmann, S. Suomen mestari 2. Suomen kielen oppikirja aikuisille. Helsinki: Finnlectura. Chapters 5 - 8.

Yksilölliset oppimisväylät

There are real-time online lessons and working independently included in the course. It is required to attend the lessons actively and complete the assignments and exams successfully. Teaching in Finnish and in English.
Online lessons on Tuesdays 14:30 - 16 and on Thursdays 8:30 - 9.30.
Teaching in Finnish and in English.

TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö

Generic skills for working life. Vocabulary and exercises related to working life.

Tentit ja muut määräajat

There will be two exams in the course. Both exams must be passed. It is possible to (re)write a non-written or not passed exam twice. The dates will be given at the beginning of the course.

All the assignments must be submitted during the course, following the given schedule. It is not possible to submit any assignments after the course.

Opiskelijan työmäärä

135 h (online lessons and independent).

Further information

Attending the course requires completing the course of Finnish 3 or having corresponding skills. Attending the course also requires English skills enabling academic studies and some IT skills.

Real-time online lessons on Tuesdays 14:30 - 16 and on Thursdays 8:30 - 9.30. The lessons will not be recorded.

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

The assessment is based on assignments completed successfully and active attendance. There will be two midterm exams.

Assessment criteria, fail (0)

Students do not complete assignments or exams in the given timetable. Students do not attend the lessons.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Students that have reached the level 1 are able to
a) utilize some phrases, vocabulary and grammatical knowledge (CEFR level A2.2) in everyday and working life communication
b) look for information from the study material and authentic sources with assistance of a teacher
c) recognize various contexts and interrelated tasks
d) communicate in everyday and working life
f) work as team-members.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4)

Students that have reached the level 3 are able to
a) use phrases, quite versatile vocabulary and grammatical knowledge (CEFR level A2.2) in everyday and working life communication
b) look for information from the study material and authentic sources
c) identify various contexts and interrelated tasks
d) communicate in versatile everyday and working life situations
f) work as team-members in a goal-oriented way.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Students that have reached the level 5 are able to
a) use phrases, versatile vocabulary and grammatical knowledge (CEFR level A2.2) fluently in everyday and working life communication
b) look for information from the study material and authentic sources on one’s own initiative
c) identify various contexts and interrelated tasks with care
d) communicate in versatile everyday and working life situations spontaneously
f) work as a team-member in a goal-oriented and responsible way.


Attending the course requires completing the course of Finnish 3 or having corresponding skills. Attending the course also requires English skills enabling academic studies.