Nursing in acute and intensive careLaajuus (5 cr)
Code: HT00DT94
5 op
Teaching language
- Finnish
You can apply information on anatomy and physiology, patophysiology, pharmacology and medical treatment in the planning, implementation and assessment of the patient's safe medical treatment.
You can assess the need for care of a patient needing urgent care.
You can estimate the need of immediate care systematically and can act in acute care situations and emergencies.
In cooperation with a multidisciplinary expert team, you can integrate nutrition therapy and guidance as part of comprehensive care in the treatment of a critically ill patient.
You can apply your knowledge about injuries when threating an injured person.
You can apply evidence based knowledge in acute and intensive care nursing.
You can begin the immediate rescue operations independently and can carry out measures in crises and catastrophe situations.
How do you assess the care need of a patient who needs urgent care? (The assessment of the need for urgent care, ABCDE, News, assessment of the need for care of an emergency patient)
How do you act when taking care of patients needing urgent and/or intensive care, and in emergencies?
How do you estimate the need for nutrients of a critically or acutely ill patient, and how do you follow the fluid consumption/fluid balance?
How do you design, implement and assess the patient's medical treatment in acute and intensive nursing (Applied pharmacology)
How do you support the functional ability of an injured person in acute and intensive nursing? How do you take into account the ethical questions in acute and intensive nursing?
How do you operate in an accident situation?
How do you operate in a crisis and catastrophe situation and in radiation, nuclear, chemical or biological accidents?
How do you apply evidence based knowledge in acute and intensive nursing?
First year courses, theory of nursing in medical wards, surgical and perioperative nursing and gerontological nursing
06.11.2023 - 17.11.2023
12.02.2024 - 24.03.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Department of Social Services and Health Care
Savonlinna Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 40
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Nursing
- Tiia Laukkanen
- Marko Issakainen
- Jaana Dillström
Teacher in charge
Marko Issakainen
SHSA21SPNursing, fulltime studies
You can apply information on anatomy and physiology, patophysiology, pharmacology and medical treatment in the planning, implementation and assessment of the patient's safe medical treatment.
You can assess the need for care of a patient needing urgent care.
You can estimate the need of immediate care systematically and can act in acute care situations and emergencies.
In cooperation with a multidisciplinary expert team, you can integrate nutrition therapy and guidance as part of comprehensive care in the treatment of a critically ill patient.
You can apply your knowledge about injuries when threating an injured person.
You can apply evidence based knowledge in acute and intensive care nursing.
You can begin the immediate rescue operations independently and can carry out measures in crises and catastrophe situations.
How do you assess the care need of a patient who needs urgent care? (The assessment of the need for urgent care, ABCDE, News, assessment of the need for care of an emergency patient)
How do you act when taking care of patients needing urgent and/or intensive care, and in emergencies?
How do you estimate the need for nutrients of a critically or acutely ill patient, and how do you follow the fluid consumption/fluid balance?
How do you design, implement and assess the patient's medical treatment in acute and intensive nursing (Applied pharmacology)
How do you support the functional ability of an injured person in acute and intensive nursing? How do you take into account the ethical questions in acute and intensive nursing?
How do you operate in an accident situation?
How do you operate in a crisis and catastrophe situation and in radiation, nuclear, chemical or biological accidents?
How do you apply evidence based knowledge in acute and intensive nursing?
Learn-alustalla oleva materiaali.
Suositeltavaa lisäkirjallisuutta:
Ala-Kokko, T. ym. 2021. Peruselintoimintojen häiriöt ja niiden hoito. 3. uudistettu painos. Duodecim.
Alanen, P. ym. 2022. Tehohoitotyö. Sanoma Pro Oy.
Mäkijärvi, M., Alakare, J., Harjola, V. & Päivä, H. 2023. Akuuttihoito-opas. 20. uudistettu painos. Duodecim.
Yksilölliset oppimisväylät
Työviikkopohjainen oppimisväylä:
Osallistut työjärjestyksen mukaiseen opetukseen. Opiskelusi rytmittyy työjärjestyksen mukaisten teoriatuntien ja itsenäisesti tehtävien oppimistehtävien mukaan.
Työhön integroitu oppimisväylä:
Työhön integroitu oppimisväylä on mahdollinen, jos voit työtehtävissäsi kehittää opintojakson tavoitteissa ja sisällöissä mainittua osaamista. Ota opintojakson opettajaan yhteyttä hyvissä ajoin ennen opintojakson alkua sen määrittämiseksi
• onko työhön integroitu oppimisväylä omassa työtehtävässäsi mahdollinen?
• millaisia näyttöjä osaamisestasi sinun on mahdollista antaa?
• mitä opintojakson osia sinun tulee mahdollisesti lisäksi suorittaa opetukseen osallistuen?
Opintoja nopeuttava oppimisväylä:
Voit ilmoittautua aikaisemmin opintonsa aloittaneelle ryhmälle tarjottavalle vastaavalle toteutukselle.
TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö
Tentit ja muut määräajat
Anestesiologian 1 op tentti Examissa.
Akuutti- ja tehohoitotyön tentti Examissa.
Tenttien ja tehtävien ajankohdat käydään läpi opintojakson ensimmäisellä orientaatiotunnilla.
Kansainvälinen yhteistyö
Opiskelijan työmäärä
135 h
Toteutuksen osien kuvaus
Opintojakso jakaantuu seuraavasti:
Akuuttihoitotyö 2 op
Tehohoitotyö 2 op
Anestesiologia 1 op
Further information
Opintojaksoon integroituu Prekliininen harjoittelu 2; akuutti- ja tehohoitotyön simulaatio 2 op (simulaatio- ja harjoituspäivä). Muistathan ilmoittautua myös näihin!
Teoriatunneilla ei ole läsnäolovelvoitetta. Tällöin opiskelet Learniin linkitetyn materiaalin itsenäisesti.
Harjoitustunneilla 100 % läsnäolovelvoite.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Anestesiologian tentti Examissa, arviointi hyväksytty/hylätty.
Akuutti- ja tehohoitotyön tentti Examissa, arviointi T1-K5.
Tehohoitotyön ryhmätehtävä hyväksytty/hylätty/täydennettävä.
Tenttien ja tehtävien ajankohdat käydään läpi opintojakson ensimmäisellä orientaatiotunnilla.
First year courses, theory of nursing in medical wards, surgical and perioperative nursing and gerontological nursing
06.11.2023 - 17.11.2023
29.01.2024 - 31.07.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Department of Social Services and Health Care
Mikkeli Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 50
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Nursing
- Leila Sikanen
- Miia Myllymäki
- Maria Ajanto
Scheduling groups
- Pienryhmä 1 (Size: 15. Open UAS: 0.)
- Pienryhmä 2 (Size: 15. Open UAS: 0.)
- Pienryhmä 3 (Size: 15. Open UAS: 0.)
SHMI21SPNursing, full-time studies
Small groups
- 1
- 2
- 3
You can apply information on anatomy and physiology, patophysiology, pharmacology and medical treatment in the planning, implementation and assessment of the patient's safe medical treatment.
You can assess the need for care of a patient needing urgent care.
You can estimate the need of immediate care systematically and can act in acute care situations and emergencies.
In cooperation with a multidisciplinary expert team, you can integrate nutrition therapy and guidance as part of comprehensive care in the treatment of a critically ill patient.
You can apply your knowledge about injuries when threating an injured person.
You can apply evidence based knowledge in acute and intensive care nursing.
You can begin the immediate rescue operations independently and can carry out measures in crises and catastrophe situations.
How do you assess the care need of a patient who needs urgent care? (The assessment of the need for urgent care, ABCDE, News, assessment of the need for care of an emergency patient)
How do you act when taking care of patients needing urgent and/or intensive care, and in emergencies?
How do you estimate the need for nutrients of a critically or acutely ill patient, and how do you follow the fluid consumption/fluid balance?
How do you design, implement and assess the patient's medical treatment in acute and intensive nursing (Applied pharmacology)
How do you support the functional ability of an injured person in acute and intensive nursing? How do you take into account the ethical questions in acute and intensive nursing?
How do you operate in an accident situation?
How do you operate in a crisis and catastrophe situation and in radiation, nuclear, chemical or biological accidents?
How do you apply evidence based knowledge in acute and intensive nursing?
Material on Learn and other learning material teacher indicates.
Yksilölliset oppimisväylät
You can perform the course by active studies in contact teaching and online working. The other way is to integrate the studies to work. In this case you need to show your expertise of your earlier working experience 1 month before the course starts.
Studying includes contact teaching and independent online work. The course includes study assigments, practice exams and final exam.
TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö
Possible expert lectures or working life visits.
Tentit ja muut määräajat
Final exam is supervised electronic exam. The deadlines for the learning tasks are announced at the beginning of the course in Learn.
Repetition exams will be held electronically in the exam room.
Kansainvälinen yhteistyö
Opiskelijan työmäärä
5 ects =135h students work which includes contact lessons and independent studying
Further information
The earlier studies before the student can attend to this course:
-medical and surgical theory
The student needs to attend to the information lesson
100% attendance obligation in simulations, laboratory practice and seminar.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Completing the learning tasks like seminar presentation. Evaluation: complemented - passed.
Exam, evaluation: failed-1-5
The seminar chore can affect to the final grade.
First year courses, theory of nursing in medical wards, surgical and perioperative nursing and gerontological nursing
06.11.2023 - 17.11.2023
09.01.2024 - 09.02.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Department of Social Services and Health Care
Savonlinna Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 40
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Nursing
- Tiia Laukkanen
- Marko Issakainen
- Jaana Dillström
Teacher in charge
Marko Issakainen
SHSA21SMNursing, part-time studies
You can apply information on anatomy and physiology, patophysiology, pharmacology and medical treatment in the planning, implementation and assessment of the patient's safe medical treatment.
You can assess the need for care of a patient needing urgent care.
You can estimate the need of immediate care systematically and can act in acute care situations and emergencies.
In cooperation with a multidisciplinary expert team, you can integrate nutrition therapy and guidance as part of comprehensive care in the treatment of a critically ill patient.
You can apply your knowledge about injuries when threating an injured person.
You can apply evidence based knowledge in acute and intensive care nursing.
You can begin the immediate rescue operations independently and can carry out measures in crises and catastrophe situations.
How do you assess the care need of a patient who needs urgent care? (The assessment of the need for urgent care, ABCDE, News, assessment of the need for care of an emergency patient)
How do you act when taking care of patients needing urgent and/or intensive care, and in emergencies?
How do you estimate the need for nutrients of a critically or acutely ill patient, and how do you follow the fluid consumption/fluid balance?
How do you design, implement and assess the patient's medical treatment in acute and intensive nursing (Applied pharmacology)
How do you support the functional ability of an injured person in acute and intensive nursing? How do you take into account the ethical questions in acute and intensive nursing?
How do you operate in an accident situation?
How do you operate in a crisis and catastrophe situation and in radiation, nuclear, chemical or biological accidents?
How do you apply evidence based knowledge in acute and intensive nursing?
Learn-alustalla oleva materiaali.
Suositeltavaa lisäkirjallisuutta:
Ala-Kokko, T. ym. 2021. Peruselintoimintojen häiriöt ja niiden hoito. 3. uudistettu painos. Duodecim.
Alanen, P. ym. 2022. Tehohoitotyö. Sanoma Pro Oy.
Mäkijärvi, M., Alakare, J., Harjola, V. & Päivä, H. 2023. Akuuttihoito-opas. 20. uudistettu painos. Duodecim.
Yksilölliset oppimisväylät
Työviikkopohjainen oppimisväylä:
Osallistut työjärjestyksen mukaiseen opetukseen. Opiskelusi rytmittyy työjärjestyksen mukaisten teoriatuntien ja itsenäisesti tehtävien oppimistehtävien mukaan.
Työhön integroitu oppimisväylä:
Työhön integroitu oppimisväylä on mahdollinen, jos voit työtehtävissäsi kehittää opintojakson tavoitteissa ja sisällöissä mainittua osaamista. Ota opintojakson opettajaan yhteyttä hyvissä ajoin ennen opintojakson alkua sen määrittämiseksi
• onko työhön integroitu oppimisväylä omassa työtehtävässäsi mahdollinen?
• millaisia näyttöjä osaamisestasi sinun on mahdollista antaa?
• mitä opintojakson osia sinun tulee mahdollisesti lisäksi suorittaa opetukseen osallistuen?
Opintoja nopeuttava oppimisväylä:
Voit ilmoittautua aikaisemmin opintonsa aloittaneelle ryhmälle tarjottavalle vastaavalle toteutukselle.
TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö
Tentit ja muut määräajat
Anestesiologian 1 op tentti Examissa.
Akuutti- ja tehohoitotyön tentti Examissa.
Tenttien ja tehtävien ajankohdat käydään läpi opintojakson ensimmäisellä orientaatiotunnilla.
Kansainvälinen yhteistyö
Ei ole tällä opintojaksolla.
Opiskelijan työmäärä
135 h
Toteutuksen osien kuvaus
Opintojakso jakaantuu seuraavasti:
Akuuttihoitotyö 2 op
Tehohoitotyö 2 op
Anestesiologia 1 op
Further information
Opintojaksoon integroituu Prekliininen harjoittelu 2; akuutti- ja tehohoitotyön simulaatio 2 op (simulaatio- ja harjoituspäivä). Muistathan ilmoittautua myös näihin!
Teoriatunneilla ei ole läsnäolovelvoitetta. Tällöin opiskelet Learniin linkitetyn materiaalin itsenäisesti.
Harjoitustunneilla 100 % läsnäolovelvoite.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Anestesiologian tentti Examissa, arviointi hyväksytty/hylätty.
Akuutti- ja tehohoitotyön tentti Examissa, arviointi T1-K5.
Tehohoitotyön ryhmätehtävä hyväksytty/hylätty/täydennettävä.
Tenttien ja tehtävien ajankohdat käydään läpi opintojakson ensimmäisellä orientaatiotunnilla.
First year courses, theory of nursing in medical wards, surgical and perioperative nursing and gerontological nursing
06.04.2023 - 21.04.2023
18.09.2023 - 31.12.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Department of Social Services and Health Care
Mikkeli Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 40
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Nursing
- Leila Sikanen
- Miia Myllymäki
Teacher in charge
Miia Myllymäki
THMI21KPHealth care, fulltime studies
You can apply information on anatomy and physiology, patophysiology, pharmacology and medical treatment in the planning, implementation and assessment of the patient's safe medical treatment.
You can assess the need for care of a patient needing urgent care.
You can estimate the need of immediate care systematically and can act in acute care situations and emergencies.
In cooperation with a multidisciplinary expert team, you can integrate nutrition therapy and guidance as part of comprehensive care in the treatment of a critically ill patient.
You can apply your knowledge about injuries when threating an injured person.
You can apply evidence based knowledge in acute and intensive care nursing.
You can begin the immediate rescue operations independently and can carry out measures in crises and catastrophe situations.
How do you assess the care need of a patient who needs urgent care? (The assessment of the need for urgent care, ABCDE, News, assessment of the need for care of an emergency patient)
How do you act when taking care of patients needing urgent and/or intensive care, and in emergencies?
How do you estimate the need for nutrients of a critically or acutely ill patient, and how do you follow the fluid consumption/fluid balance?
How do you design, implement and assess the patient's medical treatment in acute and intensive nursing (Applied pharmacology)
How do you support the functional ability of an injured person in acute and intensive nursing? How do you take into account the ethical questions in acute and intensive nursing?
How do you operate in an accident situation?
How do you operate in a crisis and catastrophe situation and in radiation, nuclear, chemical or biological accidents?
How do you apply evidence based knowledge in acute and intensive nursing?
Material on Learn and other learning material teacher indicates.
Yksilölliset oppimisväylät
You can perform the course by active studies in contact teaching and online working. The other way is to integrate the studies to work. In this case you need to show your expertise of your earlier working experience 1 month before the course starts.
Studying includes contact teaching and independent online work. The course includes study assigments, practice exams and final exam.
TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö
Possible expert lectures or working life visits.
Tentit ja muut määräajat
Final exam is supervised electronic exam. The deadlines for the learning tasks are announced at the beginning of the course in Learn.
Repetition exams will be held electronically in the exam room.
Kansainvälinen yhteistyö
Opiskelijan työmäärä
5 ects =135h students work which includes contact lessons and independent studying
Further information
The earlier studies before the student can attend to this course:
-medical and surgical theory
The student needs to attend to the information lesson
100% attendance obligation in simulations, laboratory practice and seminar.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Completing the learning tasks like seminar presentation. Evaluation: complemented - passed.
Exam, evaluation: failed-1-5
The seminar chore can affect to the final grade.
First year courses, theory of nursing in medical wards, surgical and perioperative nursing and gerontological nursing
06.04.2023 - 21.04.2023
01.08.2023 - 31.12.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Department of Social Services and Health Care
Savonlinna Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 40
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Nursing
- Marko Issakainen
- Niina Luukkonen
- Tiia Laukkanen
Teacher in charge
Marko Issakainen
SHSA21KPNursing, fulltime studies
You can apply information on anatomy and physiology, patophysiology, pharmacology and medical treatment in the planning, implementation and assessment of the patient's safe medical treatment.
You can assess the need for care of a patient needing urgent care.
You can estimate the need of immediate care systematically and can act in acute care situations and emergencies.
In cooperation with a multidisciplinary expert team, you can integrate nutrition therapy and guidance as part of comprehensive care in the treatment of a critically ill patient.
You can apply your knowledge about injuries when threating an injured person.
You can apply evidence based knowledge in acute and intensive care nursing.
You can begin the immediate rescue operations independently and can carry out measures in crises and catastrophe situations.
How do you assess the care need of a patient who needs urgent care? (The assessment of the need for urgent care, ABCDE, News, assessment of the need for care of an emergency patient)
How do you act when taking care of patients needing urgent and/or intensive care, and in emergencies?
How do you estimate the need for nutrients of a critically or acutely ill patient, and how do you follow the fluid consumption/fluid balance?
How do you design, implement and assess the patient's medical treatment in acute and intensive nursing (Applied pharmacology)
How do you support the functional ability of an injured person in acute and intensive nursing? How do you take into account the ethical questions in acute and intensive nursing?
How do you operate in an accident situation?
How do you operate in a crisis and catastrophe situation and in radiation, nuclear, chemical or biological accidents?
How do you apply evidence based knowledge in acute and intensive nursing?
Learn-alustalla oleva materiaali.
Suositeltavaa lisäkirjallisuutta:
Ala-Kokko, T. ym. 2021. Peruselintoimintojen häiriöt ja niiden hoito. 3. uudistettu painos. Duodecim.
Alanen, P. ym. 2022. Tehohoitotyö. Sanoma Pro Oy.
Mäkijärvi, M., Alakare, J., Harjola, V. & Päivä, H. 2023. Akuuttihoito-opas. 20. uudistettu painos. Duodecim.
Yksilölliset oppimisväylät
Työviikkopohjainen oppimisväylä:
Osallistut työjärjestyksen mukaiseen opetukseen. Opiskelusi rytmittyy työjärjestyksen mukaisten teoriatuntien ja itsenäisesti tehtävien oppimistehtävien mukaan.
Työhön integroitu oppimisväylä:
Työhön integroitu oppimisväylä on mahdollinen, jos voit työtehtävissäsi kehittää opintojakson tavoitteissa ja sisällöissä mainittua osaamista. Ota opintojakson opettajaan yhteyttä hyvissä ajoin ennen opintojakson alkua sen määrittämiseksi
• onko työhön integroitu oppimisväylä omassa työtehtävässäsi mahdollinen?
• millaisia näyttöjä osaamisestasi sinun on mahdollista antaa?
• mitä opintojakson osia sinun tulee mahdollisesti lisäksi suorittaa opetukseen osallistuen?
Opintoja nopeuttava oppimisväylä:
Voit ilmoittautua aikaisemmin opintonsa aloittaneelle ryhmälle tarjottavalle vastaavalle toteutukselle.
Tentit ja muut määräajat
Anestesiologian tentti Examissa.
Akuutti- ja tehohoitotyön tentti Examissa.
Tenttien ja tehtävien ajankohdat käydään läpi opintojakson ensimmäisellä orientaatiotunnilla.
Opiskelijan työmäärä
135 h
Toteutuksen osien kuvaus
Opintojakso jakaantuu:
Akuuttihoitotyö 2 op
Tehohoitotyö 2 op
Anestesiologia 1 op
Further information
Opintojaksoon integroituu Prekliininen harjoittelu 2; akuutti- ja tehohoitotyön simulaatio 2 op (simulaatio- ja harjoituspäivä). Muistathan ilmoittautua myös näihin!
Teoriatunneilla ei ole läsnäolovelvoitetta. Tällöin opiskelet Learniin linkitetyn materiaalin itsenäisesti.
Harjoitustunneilla 100 % läsnäolovelvoite.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Anestesiologian tentti Examissa, arviointi hyväksytty/hylätty.
Akuutti- ja tehohoitotyön tentti Examissa.
Tenttien ja tehtävien ajankohdat käydään läpi opintojakson ensimmäisellä orientaatiotunnilla.
First year courses, theory of nursing in medical wards, surgical and perioperative nursing and gerontological nursing
07.11.2022 - 18.11.2022
20.03.2023 - 26.05.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
4 op
Mode of delivery
20 % Contact teaching, 80 % Distance learning
Department of Health Care and Emergency Care
Kotka Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 45
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Nursing
- Marjo Piispa
- Sari Virkki
- Mari Penttilä
- Leena Kosunen
Teacher in charge
Leena Kosunen
SHKT21SMNursing, part-time studies
You can apply information on anatomy and physiology, patophysiology, pharmacology and medical treatment in the planning, implementation and assessment of the patient's safe medical treatment.
You can assess the need for care of a patient needing urgent care.
You can estimate the need of immediate care systematically and can act in acute care situations and emergencies.
In cooperation with a multidisciplinary expert team, you can integrate nutrition therapy and guidance as part of comprehensive care in the treatment of a critically ill patient.
You can apply your knowledge about injuries when threating an injured person.
You can apply evidence based knowledge in acute and intensive care nursing.
You can begin the immediate rescue operations independently and can carry out measures in crises and catastrophe situations.
How do you assess the care need of a patient who needs urgent care? (The assessment of the need for urgent care, ABCDE, News, assessment of the need for care of an emergency patient)
How do you act when taking care of patients needing urgent and/or intensive care, and in emergencies?
How do you estimate the need for nutrients of a critically or acutely ill patient, and how do you follow the fluid consumption/fluid balance?
How do you design, implement and assess the patient's medical treatment in acute and intensive nursing (Applied pharmacology)
How do you support the functional ability of an injured person in acute and intensive nursing? How do you take into account the ethical questions in acute and intensive nursing?
How do you operate in an accident situation?
How do you operate in a crisis and catastrophe situation and in radiation, nuclear, chemical or biological accidents?
How do you apply evidence based knowledge in acute and intensive nursing?
The study material is given in Learn.
Yksilölliset oppimisväylät
Studying includes contact teaching and independent online work. The course includes study assigments, practice exams and final exam.
TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö
Possible expert lectures or working life visits.
Tentit ja muut määräajat
Final exam is electronic exam in the exam rooms. The deadlines for the learning tasks are announced at the beginning of the course in Learn.
The practice exams must be taken before the pre-clinical practice 2, which is closely related to the course (separate registration).
Opiskelijan työmäärä
5 x 27 h , total 135 h
Toteutuksen osien kuvaus
Further information
Approved courses
-Anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology 5 ect
-Basics of clinical nursing 5 ect
-Patient safety and pharmacotherapy 5 ect
-Preclinical training, basics in nursing 4 ect
-Clinical training, basics in nursing
-Nursing in medical wards 5 ect
-Surgical and perioperative nursing 5 ect
-Preclinical training (nursing in medical wards, surgical and perioperative nursing)
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Completing the learning tasks assigned to the student. Evaluation: complemented - passed.
Exam, evaluation: failed-1-5.
First year courses, theory of nursing in medical wards, surgical and perioperative nursing and gerontological nursing
07.11.2022 - 18.11.2022
06.03.2023 - 31.05.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Department of Social Services and Health Care
Mikkeli Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 50
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Nursing
- Leila Sikanen
- Riitta Riikonen
- Maria Ajanto
SHMI20SPNursing, full-time studies
You can apply information on anatomy and physiology, patophysiology, pharmacology and medical treatment in the planning, implementation and assessment of the patient's safe medical treatment.
You can assess the need for care of a patient needing urgent care.
You can estimate the need of immediate care systematically and can act in acute care situations and emergencies.
In cooperation with a multidisciplinary expert team, you can integrate nutrition therapy and guidance as part of comprehensive care in the treatment of a critically ill patient.
You can apply your knowledge about injuries when threating an injured person.
You can apply evidence based knowledge in acute and intensive care nursing.
You can begin the immediate rescue operations independently and can carry out measures in crises and catastrophe situations.
How do you assess the care need of a patient who needs urgent care? (The assessment of the need for urgent care, ABCDE, News, assessment of the need for care of an emergency patient)
How do you act when taking care of patients needing urgent and/or intensive care, and in emergencies?
How do you estimate the need for nutrients of a critically or acutely ill patient, and how do you follow the fluid consumption/fluid balance?
How do you design, implement and assess the patient's medical treatment in acute and intensive nursing (Applied pharmacology)
How do you support the functional ability of an injured person in acute and intensive nursing? How do you take into account the ethical questions in acute and intensive nursing?
How do you operate in an accident situation?
How do you operate in a crisis and catastrophe situation and in radiation, nuclear, chemical or biological accidents?
How do you apply evidence based knowledge in acute and intensive nursing?
Opintojakson Learn-alustan materiaali, Ensihoito, Käypä hoito -suosituksia sekä Terveysportin aineisto (Teho- ja valvontahoitotyön opas) soveltuvin osin.
Yksilölliset oppimisväylät
1) Opintojakson voi suorittaa työviikkopohjaisen väylän mukaisesti.
2) Työhön integroitu oppimisväylä: Voit osoittaa osaamistasi aiemmin hankitulla korkeakouluopinnoilla tai työkokemuksella, mikäli ne vastaavat opintojakson tavoitteita. Jos haet osittaista osaamisen tunnustamista (1-4 op), lähetä vapaamuotoinen osaamisen kuvaus ja todistukset sähköpostilla opintojakson vastuuopettajalle kuukautta ennen opintojakson alkua. Koko opintojakson osaamisen tunnistaminen (5 op) haetaan E-opintotoimiston kautta.
TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö
Opintojakso ei sisällä harjoittelujaksoa.
Opiskelijan työmäärä
Opiskelijan työmäärä on 135 h jakautuen kontaktiopetukseen ja itsenäiseen opiskeluun.
Further information
Opiskelijalla tulee olla suoritettu sisätautien ja kirurgisen hoitotyön teoriaopintojaksot.
Opintojakson aloitustunnille on osallistuttava.
Simulaatioissa, laboraatioissa ja seminaarissa on 100 % läsnäolovelvoite.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Arviointi tapahtuu tentin perusteella. Seminaaritehtävä voi vaikuttaa arvosanaan joko nostavasti tai laskevasti.
First year courses, theory of nursing in medical wards, surgical and perioperative nursing and gerontological nursing
07.11.2022 - 18.11.2022
13.02.2023 - 31.05.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
4 op
Mode of delivery
20 % Contact teaching, 80 % Distance learning
Department of Health Care and Emergency Care
Kotka Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 45
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Nursing
- Marjo Piispa
- Sari Virkki
- Mari Penttilä
- Leena Kosunen
Teacher in charge
Leena Kosunen
SHKT21SM2Nursing, part-time studies
You can apply information on anatomy and physiology, patophysiology, pharmacology and medical treatment in the planning, implementation and assessment of the patient's safe medical treatment.
You can assess the need for care of a patient needing urgent care.
You can estimate the need of immediate care systematically and can act in acute care situations and emergencies.
In cooperation with a multidisciplinary expert team, you can integrate nutrition therapy and guidance as part of comprehensive care in the treatment of a critically ill patient.
You can apply your knowledge about injuries when threating an injured person.
You can apply evidence based knowledge in acute and intensive care nursing.
You can begin the immediate rescue operations independently and can carry out measures in crises and catastrophe situations.
How do you assess the care need of a patient who needs urgent care? (The assessment of the need for urgent care, ABCDE, News, assessment of the need for care of an emergency patient)
How do you act when taking care of patients needing urgent and/or intensive care, and in emergencies?
How do you estimate the need for nutrients of a critically or acutely ill patient, and how do you follow the fluid consumption/fluid balance?
How do you design, implement and assess the patient's medical treatment in acute and intensive nursing (Applied pharmacology)
How do you support the functional ability of an injured person in acute and intensive nursing? How do you take into account the ethical questions in acute and intensive nursing?
How do you operate in an accident situation?
How do you operate in a crisis and catastrophe situation and in radiation, nuclear, chemical or biological accidents?
How do you apply evidence based knowledge in acute and intensive nursing?
The study material is given in Learn.
Yksilölliset oppimisväylät
Studying includes contact teaching and independent online work. The course includes study assigments, practice exams and final exam.
TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö
Possible expert lectures or working life visits.
Tentit ja muut määräajat
Final exam is electronic exam in the exam rooms. The deadlines for the learning tasks are announced at the beginning of the course in Learn.
The practice exams must be taken before the pre-clinical practice 2, which is closely related to the course (separate registration).
Opiskelijan työmäärä
5 x 27 h , total 135 h
Toteutuksen osien kuvaus
Further information
Approved courses
-Anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology 5 ect
-Basics of clinical nursing 5 ect
-Patient safety and pharmacotherapy 5 ect
-Preclinical training, basics in nursing 4 ect
-Clinical training, basics in nursing
-Nursing in medical wards 5 ect
-Surgical and perioperative nursing 5 ect
-Preclinical training (nursing in medical wards, surgical and perioperative nursing)
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Completing the learning tasks assigned to the student. Evaluation: complemented - passed.
Exam, evaluation: failed-1-5.
First year courses, theory of nursing in medical wards, surgical and perioperative nursing and gerontological nursing
07.11.2022 - 18.11.2022
09.01.2023 - 26.03.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Department of Social Services and Health Care
Mikkeli Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 50
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Nursing
- Leila Sikanen
- Riitta Riikonen
- Miia Myllymäki
- Maria Ajanto
SHMI21KMNursing, part-time studies
You can apply information on anatomy and physiology, patophysiology, pharmacology and medical treatment in the planning, implementation and assessment of the patient's safe medical treatment.
You can assess the need for care of a patient needing urgent care.
You can estimate the need of immediate care systematically and can act in acute care situations and emergencies.
In cooperation with a multidisciplinary expert team, you can integrate nutrition therapy and guidance as part of comprehensive care in the treatment of a critically ill patient.
You can apply your knowledge about injuries when threating an injured person.
You can apply evidence based knowledge in acute and intensive care nursing.
You can begin the immediate rescue operations independently and can carry out measures in crises and catastrophe situations.
How do you assess the care need of a patient who needs urgent care? (The assessment of the need for urgent care, ABCDE, News, assessment of the need for care of an emergency patient)
How do you act when taking care of patients needing urgent and/or intensive care, and in emergencies?
How do you estimate the need for nutrients of a critically or acutely ill patient, and how do you follow the fluid consumption/fluid balance?
How do you design, implement and assess the patient's medical treatment in acute and intensive nursing (Applied pharmacology)
How do you support the functional ability of an injured person in acute and intensive nursing? How do you take into account the ethical questions in acute and intensive nursing?
How do you operate in an accident situation?
How do you operate in a crisis and catastrophe situation and in radiation, nuclear, chemical or biological accidents?
How do you apply evidence based knowledge in acute and intensive nursing?
Opintojakson Learn-alustan materiaali, Ensihoito, Käypä hoito -suosituksia sekä Terveysportin aineisto (Teho- ja valvontahoitotyön opas) soveltuvin osin.
Yksilölliset oppimisväylät
1) Opintojakson voi suorittaa työviikkopohjaisen väylän mukaisesti.
2) Työhön integroitu oppimisväylä: Voit osoittaa osaamistasi aiemmin hankitulla korkeakouluopinnoilla tai työkokemuksella, mikäli ne vastaavat opintojakson tavoitteita. Jos haet osittaista osaamisen tunnustamista (1-4 op), lähetä vapaamuotoinen osaamisen kuvaus ja todistukset sähköpostilla opintojakson vastuuopettajalle kuukautta ennen opintojakson alkua. Koko opintojakson osaamisen tunnistaminen (5 op) haetaan E-opintotoimiston kautta.
TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö
Opintojakso ei sisällä harjoittelujaksoa.
Opiskelijan työmäärä
Opiskelijan työmäärä on 135 h jakautuen kontaktiopetukseen ja itsenäiseen opiskeluun.
Further information
Opiskelijalla tulee olla suoritettu sisätautien ja kirurgisen hoitotyön teoriaopintojaksot.
Opintojakson aloitustunnille on osallistuttava.
Simulaatioissa, laboraatioissa ja seminaarissa on 100 % läsnäolovelvoite.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Arviointi tapahtuu tentin perusteella. Seminaaritehtävä voi vaikuttaa arvosanaan joko nostavasti tai laskevasti.
First year courses, theory of nursing in medical wards, surgical and perioperative nursing and gerontological nursing
07.11.2022 - 18.11.2022
09.01.2023 - 17.03.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
4 op
Mode of delivery
20 % Contact teaching, 80 % Distance learning
Department of Health Care and Emergency Care
Kotka Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 40
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Nursing
- Marjo Piispa
- Mari Penttilä
- Leena Kosunen
Teacher in charge
Leena Kosunen
EHKT21SMParamedic, part-time studies
You can apply information on anatomy and physiology, patophysiology, pharmacology and medical treatment in the planning, implementation and assessment of the patient's safe medical treatment.
You can assess the need for care of a patient needing urgent care.
You can estimate the need of immediate care systematically and can act in acute care situations and emergencies.
In cooperation with a multidisciplinary expert team, you can integrate nutrition therapy and guidance as part of comprehensive care in the treatment of a critically ill patient.
You can apply your knowledge about injuries when threating an injured person.
You can apply evidence based knowledge in acute and intensive care nursing.
You can begin the immediate rescue operations independently and can carry out measures in crises and catastrophe situations.
How do you assess the care need of a patient who needs urgent care? (The assessment of the need for urgent care, ABCDE, News, assessment of the need for care of an emergency patient)
How do you act when taking care of patients needing urgent and/or intensive care, and in emergencies?
How do you estimate the need for nutrients of a critically or acutely ill patient, and how do you follow the fluid consumption/fluid balance?
How do you design, implement and assess the patient's medical treatment in acute and intensive nursing (Applied pharmacology)
How do you support the functional ability of an injured person in acute and intensive nursing? How do you take into account the ethical questions in acute and intensive nursing?
How do you operate in an accident situation?
How do you operate in a crisis and catastrophe situation and in radiation, nuclear, chemical or biological accidents?
How do you apply evidence based knowledge in acute and intensive nursing?
The study material is given in Learn.
Yksilölliset oppimisväylät
Studying includes contact teaching and independent online work. The course includes study assigments, practice exams and final exam.
TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö
Possible expert lectures or working life visits.
Tentit ja muut määräajat
Final exam is electronic exam in the exam rooms. The deadlines for the learning tasks are announced at the beginning of the course in Learn.
The practice exams must be taken before the pre-clinical practice 2, which is closely related to the course (separate registration).
Opiskelijan työmäärä
5 x 27 h , total 135 h
Toteutuksen osien kuvaus
Further information
Approved courses
-Anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology 5 ect
-Basics of clinical nursing 5 ect
-Patient safety and pharmacotherapy 5 ect
-Preclinical training, basics in nursing 4 ect
-Clinical training, basics in nursing
-Nursing in medical wards 5 ect
-Surgical and perioperative nursing 5 ect
-Preclinical training (nursing in medical wards, surgical and perioperative nursing)
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Completing the learning tasks assigned to the student. Evaluation: complemented - passed.
Exam, evaluation: failed-1-5.
First year courses, theory of nursing in medical wards, surgical and perioperative nursing and gerontological nursing
07.11.2022 - 18.11.2022
09.01.2023 - 24.03.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
4 op
Mode of delivery
20 % Contact teaching, 80 % Distance learning
Department of Health Care and Emergency Care
Kouvola Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 35
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Health Care
- Marjo Piispa
- Mari Penttilä
- Leena Kosunen
Teacher in charge
Leena Kosunen
THKV21SPHealth care, full-time studies
You can apply information on anatomy and physiology, patophysiology, pharmacology and medical treatment in the planning, implementation and assessment of the patient's safe medical treatment.
You can assess the need for care of a patient needing urgent care.
You can estimate the need of immediate care systematically and can act in acute care situations and emergencies.
In cooperation with a multidisciplinary expert team, you can integrate nutrition therapy and guidance as part of comprehensive care in the treatment of a critically ill patient.
You can apply your knowledge about injuries when threating an injured person.
You can apply evidence based knowledge in acute and intensive care nursing.
You can begin the immediate rescue operations independently and can carry out measures in crises and catastrophe situations.
How do you assess the care need of a patient who needs urgent care? (The assessment of the need for urgent care, ABCDE, News, assessment of the need for care of an emergency patient)
How do you act when taking care of patients needing urgent and/or intensive care, and in emergencies?
How do you estimate the need for nutrients of a critically or acutely ill patient, and how do you follow the fluid consumption/fluid balance?
How do you design, implement and assess the patient's medical treatment in acute and intensive nursing (Applied pharmacology)
How do you support the functional ability of an injured person in acute and intensive nursing? How do you take into account the ethical questions in acute and intensive nursing?
How do you operate in an accident situation?
How do you operate in a crisis and catastrophe situation and in radiation, nuclear, chemical or biological accidents?
How do you apply evidence based knowledge in acute and intensive nursing?
The study material is given in Learn.
Yksilölliset oppimisväylät
Studying includes contact teaching and independent online work. The course includes study assigments, practice exams and final exam.
TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö
Possible expert lectures or working life visits.
Tentit ja muut määräajat
Final exam is electronic exam in the exam rooms. The deadlines for the learning tasks are announced at the beginning of the course in Learn.
The practice exams must be taken before the pre-clinical practice 2, which is closely related to the course (separate registration).
Opiskelijan työmäärä
5 x 27 h , total 135 h
Toteutuksen osien kuvaus
Further information
Approved courses
-Anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology 5 ect
-Basics of clinical nursing 5 ect
-Patient safety and pharmacotherapy 5 ect
-Preclinical training, basics in nursing 4 ect
-Clinical training, basics in nursing
-Nursing in medical wards 5 ect
-Surgical and perioperative nursing 5 ect
-Preclinical training (nursing in medical wards, surgical and perioperative nursing)
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Completing the learning tasks assigned to the student. Evaluation: complemented - passed.
Exam, evaluation: failed-1-5.
First year courses, theory of nursing in medical wards, surgical and perioperative nursing and gerontological nursing
07.11.2022 - 18.11.2022
01.01.2023 - 31.05.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Department of Social Services and Health Care
Savonlinna Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 40
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Nursing
- Marko Issakainen
- Tiia Laukkanen
Teacher in charge
Sari Pölönen
SHSA20SPNursing, fulltime studies
You can apply information on anatomy and physiology, patophysiology, pharmacology and medical treatment in the planning, implementation and assessment of the patient's safe medical treatment.
You can assess the need for care of a patient needing urgent care.
You can estimate the need of immediate care systematically and can act in acute care situations and emergencies.
In cooperation with a multidisciplinary expert team, you can integrate nutrition therapy and guidance as part of comprehensive care in the treatment of a critically ill patient.
You can apply your knowledge about injuries when threating an injured person.
You can apply evidence based knowledge in acute and intensive care nursing.
You can begin the immediate rescue operations independently and can carry out measures in crises and catastrophe situations.
How do you assess the care need of a patient who needs urgent care? (The assessment of the need for urgent care, ABCDE, News, assessment of the need for care of an emergency patient)
How do you act when taking care of patients needing urgent and/or intensive care, and in emergencies?
How do you estimate the need for nutrients of a critically or acutely ill patient, and how do you follow the fluid consumption/fluid balance?
How do you design, implement and assess the patient's medical treatment in acute and intensive nursing (Applied pharmacology)
How do you support the functional ability of an injured person in acute and intensive nursing? How do you take into account the ethical questions in acute and intensive nursing?
How do you operate in an accident situation?
How do you operate in a crisis and catastrophe situation and in radiation, nuclear, chemical or biological accidents?
How do you apply evidence based knowledge in acute and intensive nursing?
Tentit ja muut määräajat
Anestesiologian tentti, 1 op. Tentti Examissa.
Opiskelijan työmäärä
Toteutuksen osien kuvaus
Anestesiologia 1 op
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Anestesiologian tentti: hyväksytty / hylätty
First year courses, theory of nursing in medical wards, surgical and perioperative nursing and gerontological nursing
07.11.2022 - 18.11.2022
01.01.2023 - 31.05.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Department of Social Services and Health Care
Savonlinna Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 40
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Nursing
- Marko Issakainen
- Tiia Laukkanen
Teacher in charge
Sari Pölönen
SHSA20SMNursing, part-time studies
You can apply information on anatomy and physiology, patophysiology, pharmacology and medical treatment in the planning, implementation and assessment of the patient's safe medical treatment.
You can assess the need for care of a patient needing urgent care.
You can estimate the need of immediate care systematically and can act in acute care situations and emergencies.
In cooperation with a multidisciplinary expert team, you can integrate nutrition therapy and guidance as part of comprehensive care in the treatment of a critically ill patient.
You can apply your knowledge about injuries when threating an injured person.
You can apply evidence based knowledge in acute and intensive care nursing.
You can begin the immediate rescue operations independently and can carry out measures in crises and catastrophe situations.
How do you assess the care need of a patient who needs urgent care? (The assessment of the need for urgent care, ABCDE, News, assessment of the need for care of an emergency patient)
How do you act when taking care of patients needing urgent and/or intensive care, and in emergencies?
How do you estimate the need for nutrients of a critically or acutely ill patient, and how do you follow the fluid consumption/fluid balance?
How do you design, implement and assess the patient's medical treatment in acute and intensive nursing (Applied pharmacology)
How do you support the functional ability of an injured person in acute and intensive nursing? How do you take into account the ethical questions in acute and intensive nursing?
How do you operate in an accident situation?
How do you operate in a crisis and catastrophe situation and in radiation, nuclear, chemical or biological accidents?
How do you apply evidence based knowledge in acute and intensive nursing?
Tentit ja muut määräajat
Anestesiologian tentti Examissa.
Akuutti- ja tehohoitotyön tentti Examissa.
Tenttien ja tehtävien ajankohdat käydään läpi opintojakson ensimmäiselle orientaatiotunnilla.
Opiskelijan työmäärä
Toteutuksen osien kuvaus
Anestesiologia 1 op.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Anestesiologia, tentti: hyväksytty / hylätty
Akuutti- ja tehohoitotyön tentti: Hylätty, T1-K5
Tehohoitotyön ryhmätehtävä hyväksytty/hylätty
First year courses, theory of nursing in medical wards, surgical and perioperative nursing and gerontological nursing