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Basic nursing interventionsLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: HT00FB63


5 op


You create and maintain professional care relationships.
You can monitor and assess the patients' conditions systematically.
You can implement nursing interventions.
You know the principles of rehabilitative nursing by applying ergonomics and kinaesthetics.
You know how to ensure the continuity of care with high-quality reporting and recording.
You master CPR and the use of advisory defibrillators.
You can act in situations requiring first aid.
You know how to encounter and treat dying patients and support their loved ones.
You can identify the signs of impending death and know how to care for patients after dead.


How to create and maintain professional care relationships?
How to use the ABCDE protocol to assess patients' wellbeing?
How to use the NEWS criteria for the early identification of disorders of basic vital functions?
How to identify patient care needs and respond to them with nursing interventions?
How to observe the principles of rehabilitative nursing?
How do you take care of work ergonomics?
How do you use kinaesthetics?
How to report according to the ISBAR protocol?
How to record patient information according to the national recording model?
How to resuscitate and use defibrillators?
What are the theoretical foundations of basic resuscitation and how to use advisory defibrillators?
What do you do in first aid situations?
How to encounter dying patients and their loved ones?
How to nurse dying patients and to care for the deceased?


04.11.2024 - 17.11.2024


20.01.2025 - 27.04.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Department of Social Services and Health Care


Mikkeli Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 50

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Pirjo Oikarinen
  • Sirpa Gardemeister
  • SHMI25KM
    Nursing, part-time studies


You create and maintain professional care relationships.
You can monitor and assess the patients' conditions systematically.
You can implement nursing interventions.
You know the principles of rehabilitative nursing by applying ergonomics and kinaesthetics.
You know how to ensure the continuity of care with high-quality reporting and recording.
You master CPR and the use of advisory defibrillators.
You can act in situations requiring first aid.
You know how to encounter and treat dying patients and support their loved ones.
You can identify the signs of impending death and know how to care for patients after dead.


How to create and maintain professional care relationships?
How to use the ABCDE protocol to assess patients' wellbeing?
How to use the NEWS criteria for the early identification of disorders of basic vital functions?
How to identify patient care needs and respond to them with nursing interventions?
How to observe the principles of rehabilitative nursing?
How do you take care of work ergonomics?
How do you use kinaesthetics?
How to report according to the ISBAR protocol?
How to record patient information according to the national recording model?
How to resuscitate and use defibrillators?
What are the theoretical foundations of basic resuscitation and how to use advisory defibrillators?
What do you do in first aid situations?
How to encounter dying patients and their loved ones?
How to nurse dying patients and to care for the deceased?


Teoria ja laborointi:
Blomqvist, Rummukainen, Sainio ym, 2022, Hoitotyön perusosaaminen, SanomaPro

Learnissa annetut linkit tarvittaviin materiaaleihin.

Yksilölliset oppimisväylät

Opiskelet teoriaosuuden itsenäisesti annettuja päivämääriä noudattaen. Opiskelusi rytmittyvät itsenäisten oppimistehtävien, välitestien ja lopputentin mukaisest.

TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö

Ei sisälly oppilaitoksen ulkopuolista harjoittelua, mutta opintojakso antaa pohjan ensimmäiselle harjoittelulle sekä myöhemmin työelämään.

Tentit ja muut määräajat

Opintojaksoon kuuluu numeraalisesti arvioitava lopputentti. Hylätyn suorituksen voi uusia kaksi kertaa erikseen ilmoitettuina päivinä Exam-järjestelmässä.

Kansainvälinen yhteistyö

Ei sisälly.

Opiskelijan työmäärä

Teoria: Opiskelijan työmäärä on 135 tuntia, joka jakaantuu itsenäiseen opiskeluun ja tenttiin valmistautumiseen.

Toteutuksen osien kuvaus

Opintojakso on jaoteltu oppikirjan sisältöjen mukaisesti hoitotyön eri osa-alueisiin, joiden parissa työskennellään rytmissä aihe/viikko.

Further information

Osallistu opintojakson infoon osallistuaksesi opintojaksolle. Oppikirjan hankkiminen heti alkuun on välttämätöntä.

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

Oppimistehtävät (hyv-hyl), välitestit (hyv-hyl) ja numeraalisesti arvioitava lopputentti 1-5


04.11.2024 - 17.11.2024


15.01.2025 - 25.04.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Department of Social Services and Health Care


Mikkeli Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 35

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Health Care
  • Pirjo Oikarinen
  • Sirpa Gardemeister
  • THMI25KM
    Health care, part-time studies


You create and maintain professional care relationships.
You can monitor and assess the patients' conditions systematically.
You can implement nursing interventions.
You know the principles of rehabilitative nursing by applying ergonomics and kinaesthetics.
You know how to ensure the continuity of care with high-quality reporting and recording.
You master CPR and the use of advisory defibrillators.
You can act in situations requiring first aid.
You know how to encounter and treat dying patients and support their loved ones.
You can identify the signs of impending death and know how to care for patients after dead.


How to create and maintain professional care relationships?
How to use the ABCDE protocol to assess patients' wellbeing?
How to use the NEWS criteria for the early identification of disorders of basic vital functions?
How to identify patient care needs and respond to them with nursing interventions?
How to observe the principles of rehabilitative nursing?
How do you take care of work ergonomics?
How do you use kinaesthetics?
How to report according to the ISBAR protocol?
How to record patient information according to the national recording model?
How to resuscitate and use defibrillators?
What are the theoretical foundations of basic resuscitation and how to use advisory defibrillators?
What do you do in first aid situations?
How to encounter dying patients and their loved ones?
How to nurse dying patients and to care for the deceased?


Blomqvist, Rummukainen, Sainio ym, 2022, Hoitotyön perusosaaminen, SanomaPro

Learnissa annetut linkit tarvittaviin materiaaleihin.

Yksilölliset oppimisväylät

Opiskelet teoriaosuuden itsenäisesti annettuja päivämääriä noudattaen. Opiskelusi rytmittyvät itsenäisten oppimistehtävien, välitestien ja lopputentin mukaisest.

TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö

Ei sisälly oppilaitoksen ulkopuolista harjoittelua, mutta opintojakso antaa pohjan ensimmäiselle harjoittelulle sekä myöhemmin työelämään.

Tentit ja muut määräajat

Opintojaksoon kuuluu numeraalisesti arvioitava lopputentti. Hylätyn suorituksen voi uusia kaksi kertaa erikseen ilmoitettuina päivinä Exam-järjestelmässä.

Kansainvälinen yhteistyö

Ei sisälly.

Opiskelijan työmäärä

Opiskelijan työmäärä on 135 tuntia, joka jakaantuu itsenäiseen opiskeluun ja tenttiin valmistautumiseen.

Toteutuksen osien kuvaus

Opintojakso on jaoteltu oppikirjan sisältöjen mukaisesti hoitotyön eri osa-alueisiin, joiden parissa työskennellään rytmissä aihe/viikko.

Further information

Osallistu opintojakson infoon osallistuaksesi opintojaksolle. Oppikirjan hankkiminen heti alkuun on välttämätöntä.

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

Oppimistehtävät (hyv-hyl), välitestit (hyv-hyl) ja numeraalisesti arvioitava lopputentti 1-5


04.11.2024 - 17.11.2024


01.01.2025 - 04.05.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

RDI portion

1 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Department of Health Care and Emergency Care


Kotka Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 50

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Tia Kallio
  • Marjo Piispa
  • Satu Untolahti
  • Satu Sällilä
  • SHKT25KM
    Nursing, part-time studies


You create and maintain professional care relationships.
You can monitor and assess the patients' conditions systematically.
You can implement nursing interventions.
You know the principles of rehabilitative nursing by applying ergonomics and kinaesthetics.
You know how to ensure the continuity of care with high-quality reporting and recording.
You master CPR and the use of advisory defibrillators.
You can act in situations requiring first aid.
You know how to encounter and treat dying patients and support their loved ones.
You can identify the signs of impending death and know how to care for patients after dead.


How to create and maintain professional care relationships?
How to use the ABCDE protocol to assess patients' wellbeing?
How to use the NEWS criteria for the early identification of disorders of basic vital functions?
How to identify patient care needs and respond to them with nursing interventions?
How to observe the principles of rehabilitative nursing?
How do you take care of work ergonomics?
How do you use kinaesthetics?
How to report according to the ISBAR protocol?
How to record patient information according to the national recording model?
How to resuscitate and use defibrillators?
What are the theoretical foundations of basic resuscitation and how to use advisory defibrillators?
What do you do in first aid situations?
How to encounter dying patients and their loved ones?
How to nurse dying patients and to care for the deceased?


Hoitotaitojen perusosaaminen
Material: the material required is available on the e-learning platform Learn.

Learning support material (optional):
Rautava-Nurmi H.,Westergård A., Henttonen T., Ojala M. & Vuorinen, S. 2019 or later. Hoitotyön taidot ja toiminnot. SanomaPro: Helsinki
Veli-Jukka Anttila, Mari Kanerva, Maria Kuronen. 2018. Hoitoon liittyvien infektioiden torjunta. THL.

Ergonomics skills:
Learn-based material and exercises to support the ergonomics exercises.
Tamminen-Peter L. & Wicksträm G. 2018. Potilassiirrot - taitava avustaja aktivoi ja auttaa
Hantikainen V. (toim.) 2018. Kinestetiikka – Toimintamalli voimavarojen ylläpitämiseen liikkeen avulla

Learn-based material.

Yksilölliset oppimisväylät

Online course (5 sp)

The Hoitotaitojen perusosaaminen -course can be completed independently through online learning. The course involves independent study in an online environment provided by the teacher, with online materials and learning tasks. Teacher-led optional online theory workshops via Teams will support independent learning. The content of the course is the basis for the Hoitotaitojen perusosaamisen harjoitukset (5 sp) and should be completed at the same time or before. The theoretical workshops and timed learning tasks are synchronised with the Hoitotaitojen perusosaamisen harjoitukset -course exercises. Successful completion of the learning tasks and the Exam exam are required for the completion of the course.

A learning pathway to accelerate your studies:
Students with a previous professional qualification in health and working life can complete the theoretical part of the course by taking an exam at the beginning of their studies.

Ergonomics competence:
A valid Ergonomics Card for Patient Transfers 3op entitles the student to accept the ergonomics component.

Students with a previous professional qualification in healthcare and working life can complete the theory of documentation by taking an exam at the beginning of their studies.

TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö

The theoretical workshops on basic nursing skills will be based on examples from working life. The exercises in Hoitotaitojen perusosaaminen, which are strongly linked to the course, use examples from working life in patient case studies and simulation exercises.

Possible expert lectures or working life visits.

Clinical Practicum 1 (work-based training) is 6 credits. This as a separate implementation.

Tentit ja muut määräajat

To complete the course, students must pass the learning tasks and the online exam in Exam mode. Exam rooms are available on Xamk campuses and at partner institutions.

Ergonomics competence: learning tasks passed.

Documentation: learning tasks successfully completed

Kansainvälinen yhteistyö

Not included.

Opiskelijan työmäärä

5 x 27h = 135 h

Toteutuksen osien kuvaus

The basic caregiving skills include the materials and learning activities on the Learn platform. The material is studied independently through optional workshops and competences are demonstrated by examination at the end of the course. The assessment will be 1-5/pass.

Ergonomics theory is studied independently and guided by Learn materials and learning tasks.

Theoretical content:
Ergonomics skills:
* Application of case studies, e.g:
* Functional capacity assessment and activation
* Supporting rehabilitation
* Assessment of rehabilitation and assessment of rehabilitation skills * Supporting rehabilitation and assessment of rehabilitation skills * Supporting rehabilitation and assessment of rehabilitation
* Patient transfer aids and their safe use
* Initial positioning
* Safety in the operating environment
* Risk assessment
* Working postures; walking posture, weight transfer
* Performance-based oral reporting
* Kinesthetics

Documentation includes the materials and learning tasks of the Learn platform. The material is studied independently through an optional workshop.

Basic care and pressure ulcer prevention
- Primary care assistive techniques and aids
- Assisting with personal hygiene, pressure ulcer prevention.

Basics of wound care

Assessment and support of respiration
- Monitoring and examination of breathing, assessment of airway openness
- Respiratory failure, dyspnoea, risk of aspiration
- Observation of clinical signs
- Oxygenation equipment and mask ventilation
- Aspiration of mucus from airways and tracheostoma

Urinary catheterisation and bowel stimulation
- Monitoring urination, maintaining urinary tract function (catheterisation and urinary diversion)
- Monitoring and promoting bowel function (bowel sounds, bowel emptying, bowel obstruction)

Care of the dying patient
- Recognising signs of impending death
- Caring for the dying patient, putting the deceased to bed and meeting relatives

Monitoring and calculating fluid balance, administering basic fluid therapy
- Fluid therapy, selection of basal fluids
- Preparation of infusion
- Cannulation
- Assessment of fluid therapy
- Fluid balance

Nutritional assistance
- Enteral nutrition and tube feeding
- Monitoring and assessment of nutritional status, securing nutritional intake

Assessment of level of consciousness (GCS)

Examination and assessment of circulation and cardiac function, basic resuscitation
- Palpation of heart rate and temperature limits
- Measurement of blood pressure
- Monitoring
- Basic resuscitation and defibrillation
- First aid

Taking blood samples
- Capillary sampling
- Venous blood samples

Other assessment of the patient's condition
- Systematic assessment of the patient's condition according to the ABCDE protocol, assessment of the patient's condition according to the News criteria and reporting according to the Isbar model

Further information

Ergonomiaosaaminen: Satu Sällilä,
Hoitotyö: Marjo Piispa,
Dokumentointi: Satu Untolahti,

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

Successful completion of the learning tasks and practice exams.
Exam-exam: passed 50% correct, grade 1-5/fail.


04.11.2024 - 17.11.2024


01.01.2025 - 04.05.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

RDI portion

1 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Department of Health Care and Emergency Care


Kotka Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 50

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Emergency Care
  • Tia Kallio
  • Marjo Piispa
  • Satu Untolahti
  • Satu Sällilä
  • EHKT25KM
    Emergency Care, part-time studies


You create and maintain professional care relationships.
You can monitor and assess the patients' conditions systematically.
You can implement nursing interventions.
You know the principles of rehabilitative nursing by applying ergonomics and kinaesthetics.
You know how to ensure the continuity of care with high-quality reporting and recording.
You master CPR and the use of advisory defibrillators.
You can act in situations requiring first aid.
You know how to encounter and treat dying patients and support their loved ones.
You can identify the signs of impending death and know how to care for patients after dead.


How to create and maintain professional care relationships?
How to use the ABCDE protocol to assess patients' wellbeing?
How to use the NEWS criteria for the early identification of disorders of basic vital functions?
How to identify patient care needs and respond to them with nursing interventions?
How to observe the principles of rehabilitative nursing?
How do you take care of work ergonomics?
How do you use kinaesthetics?
How to report according to the ISBAR protocol?
How to record patient information according to the national recording model?
How to resuscitate and use defibrillators?
What are the theoretical foundations of basic resuscitation and how to use advisory defibrillators?
What do you do in first aid situations?
How to encounter dying patients and their loved ones?
How to nurse dying patients and to care for the deceased?


Hoitotaitojen perusosaaminen
Material: the material required is available on the e-learning platform Learn.

Learning support material (optional):
Rautava-Nurmi H.,Westergård A., Henttonen T., Ojala M. & Vuorinen, S. 2019 or later. Hoitotyön taidot ja toiminnot. SanomaPro: Helsinki
Veli-Jukka Anttila, Mari Kanerva, Maria Kuronen. 2018. Hoitoon liittyvien infektioiden torjunta. THL.

Ergonomics skills:
Learn-based material and exercises to support the ergonomics exercises.
Tamminen-Peter L. & Wicksträm G. 2018. Potilassiirrot - taitava avustaja aktivoi ja auttaa
Hantikainen V. (toim.) 2018. Kinestetiikka – Toimintamalli voimavarojen ylläpitämiseen liikkeen avulla

Learn-based material.

Yksilölliset oppimisväylät

Online course (5 sp)

The Hoitotaitojen perusosaaminen -course can be completed independently through online learning. The course involves independent study in an online environment provided by the teacher, with online materials and learning tasks. Teacher-led optional online theory workshops via Teams will support independent learning. The content of the course is the basis for the Hoitotaitojen perusosaamisen harjoitukset (5 sp) and should be completed at the same time or before. The theoretical workshops and timed learning tasks are synchronised with the Hoitotaitojen perusosaamisen harjoitukset -course exercises. Successful completion of the learning tasks and the Exam exam are required for the completion of the course.

A learning pathway to accelerate your studies:
Students with a previous professional qualification in health and working life can complete the theoretical part of the course by taking an exam at the beginning of their studies.

Ergonomics competence:
A valid Ergonomics Card for Patient Transfers 3op entitles the student to accept the ergonomics component.

Students with a previous professional qualification in healthcare and working life can complete the theory of documentation by taking an exam at the beginning of their studies.

TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö

The theoretical workshops on basic nursing skills will be based on examples from working life. The exercises in Hoitotaitojen perusosaaminen, which are strongly linked to the course, use examples from working life in patient case studies and simulation exercises.

Possible expert lectures or working life visits.

Clinical Practicum 1 (work-based training) is 6 credits. This as a separate implementation.

Tentit ja muut määräajat

To complete the course, students must pass the learning tasks and the online exam in Exam mode. Exam rooms are available on Xamk campuses and at partner institutions.

Ergonomics competence: learning tasks passed.

Documentation: learning tasks successfully completed

Kansainvälinen yhteistyö

Not included.

Opiskelijan työmäärä

5 x 27h = 135 h

Toteutuksen osien kuvaus

The basic caregiving skills include the materials and learning activities on the Learn platform. The material is studied independently through optional workshops and competences are demonstrated by examination at the end of the course. The assessment will be 1-5/pass.

Ergonomics theory is studied independently and guided by Learn materials and learning tasks.

Theoretical content:
Ergonomics skills:
* Application of case studies, e.g:
* Functional capacity assessment and activation
* Supporting rehabilitation
* Assessment of rehabilitation and assessment of rehabilitation skills * Supporting rehabilitation and assessment of rehabilitation skills * Supporting rehabilitation and assessment of rehabilitation
* Patient transfer aids and their safe use
* Initial positioning
* Safety in the operating environment
* Risk assessment
* Working postures; walking posture, weight transfer
* Performance-based oral reporting
* Kinesthetics

Documentation includes the materials and learning tasks of the Learn platform. The material is studied independently through an optional workshop.

Basic care and pressure ulcer prevention
- Primary care assistive techniques and aids
- Assisting with personal hygiene, pressure ulcer prevention.

Basics of wound care

Assessment and support of respiration
- Monitoring and examination of breathing, assessment of airway openness
- Respiratory failure, dyspnoea, risk of aspiration
- Observation of clinical signs
- Oxygenation equipment and mask ventilation
- Aspiration of mucus from airways and tracheostoma

Urinary catheterisation and bowel stimulation
- Monitoring urination, maintaining urinary tract function (catheterisation and urinary diversion)
- Monitoring and promoting bowel function (bowel sounds, bowel emptying, bowel obstruction)

Care of the dying patient
- Recognising signs of impending death
- Caring for the dying patient, putting the deceased to bed and meeting relatives

Monitoring and calculating fluid balance, administering basic fluid therapy
- Fluid therapy, selection of basal fluids
- Preparation of infusion
- Cannulation
- Assessment of fluid therapy
- Fluid balance

Nutritional assistance
- Enteral nutrition and tube feeding
- Monitoring and assessment of nutritional status, securing nutritional intake

Assessment of level of consciousness (GCS)

Examination and assessment of circulation and cardiac function, basic resuscitation
- Palpation of heart rate and temperature limits
- Measurement of blood pressure
- Monitoring
- Basic resuscitation and defibrillation
- First aid

Taking blood samples
- Capillary sampling
- Venous blood samples

Other assessment of the patient's condition
- Systematic assessment of the patient's condition according to the ABCDE protocol, assessment of the patient's condition according to the News criteria and reporting according to the Isbar model

Further information

Ergonomiaosaaminen: Satu Sällilä,
Hoitotyö: Marjo Piispa,
Dokumentointi: Satu Untolahti,

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

Successful completion of the learning tasks and practice exams.
Exam-exam: passed 50% correct, grade 1-5/fail.


04.11.2024 - 17.11.2024


01.01.2025 - 30.04.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Department of Social Services and Health Care


Savonlinna Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Anu Muhonen
  • Sari Pölönen
  • Pirjo Heimo
  • Anna Makkonen
Teacher in charge

Anu Muhonen

  • SHSA25KM
    Nursing, part-time studies


You create and maintain professional care relationships.
You can monitor and assess the patients' conditions systematically.
You can implement nursing interventions.
You know the principles of rehabilitative nursing by applying ergonomics and kinaesthetics.
You know how to ensure the continuity of care with high-quality reporting and recording.
You master CPR and the use of advisory defibrillators.
You can act in situations requiring first aid.
You know how to encounter and treat dying patients and support their loved ones.
You can identify the signs of impending death and know how to care for patients after dead.


How to create and maintain professional care relationships?
How to use the ABCDE protocol to assess patients' wellbeing?
How to use the NEWS criteria for the early identification of disorders of basic vital functions?
How to identify patient care needs and respond to them with nursing interventions?
How to observe the principles of rehabilitative nursing?
How do you take care of work ergonomics?
How do you use kinaesthetics?
How to report according to the ISBAR protocol?
How to record patient information according to the national recording model?
How to resuscitate and use defibrillators?
What are the theoretical foundations of basic resuscitation and how to use advisory defibrillators?
What do you do in first aid situations?
How to encounter dying patients and their loved ones?
How to nurse dying patients and to care for the deceased?


-Rautava-Nurmi, H. Westergård,A. Henttonen, T. Ojala, M. & Vuorinen, S. 2020 tai vanhempi painos käy. Hoitotyön taidot ja toiminnot. Helsinki: Sanoma Pro Oy


-Blomqvist M., Rummukainen T., Sainio T., Simola T & Tyrisevä-Ryösö M. 2022. Hoitotyön perusosaaminen. Helsinki: Sanoma Pro Oy.

-Oppiportin verkkokurssit
-Muu materiaali Learn-alustalla

Yksilölliset oppimisväylät

Teoriaopetukseen osallistuminen lukujärjestyksen mukaisesti.

Lähihoitajataustainen opiskelija voi halutessaan osoittaa aikaisemmin hankitun osaamisen kliinisen hoitotyön perusteiden AHOT-tentillä. AHOT-tentti mahdollisuus lähihoitajataustaisille EXAM:ssa. Ajankohta ilmoitetaan opintojakson alkaessa orientaatiotunnilla.

TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö

Opittuja taitoja harjoitellaan hoitotyön perusteet harjoittelussa

Tentit ja muut määräajat

- Teoriaopinnot: välitentti ja lopputentti. Ajankohta ilmoitetaan opintojakson alussa orientaatiotunnilla
- Perustaitojen näyttökoe: ajankohta ilmoitetaan orientaatiotunnilla.
- Kirjaamisen harjoitukset Docca-järjestelmässä. Kirjaamisen osuus pitää sisällään yhden arvioitavan tehtävän. Kirjaaminen on integroitu hoitotyön perusteiden harjoituksiin. Ajankohdat tehtävienpalautuksille ilmoitetaan orientaatiotunnilla.

Opiskelijan työmäärä

5 op vastaan 135 h opiskelijan työtä

Toteutuksen osien kuvaus

Hoitotyön perusosaaminen (teoria) 3 op

EA+ peruselvytys (teoria) 1op

Hoitotyön kirjaaminen (teoria ja tehtävät) 1 op

Teoriaopetus toteutuu online luentoina ja itsenäisenä opiskeluna verkossa

Further information

Ensimmäisillä lähitunneilla (=orientaatio) läsnäolo pakollinen.

Opintojaksoon kuuluu perustaitojen näyttökoe oppilaitoksella. Näyttökokeen suorittavat kaikki opiskelijat. Näyttökoe ajankohta ilmoitetaan opintojakson alussa. Hyväksytty suoritus perustaitojen näyttökokeesta toimii edeltävyysehtona sisätautien ja gerontologisen hoitotyön harjoitteluun.

Tenttikirja: Rautava-Nurmi, H., Westergård, A., Henttonen, T. Ojala, M. & Vuorinen, S. 2019 / 2020. Hoitotyön taidot ja toiminnot. Sanoma Pro.

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

Oppimistehtävien tekeminen hyväksysti.
Tehtävien arviointi/arvostelu: hyväksytty – täydennettävä – hylätty arvioinnilla Xamk:n arviointiohjeiden mukaisesti.
Tenttien arviointi: numeerinen (1-5) Xamk:in arviointiohjeiden mukaisesti. Tentin uusintapäivät ilmoitetaan opintojakson orientaatiotunnilla (I ja II uusintapäivä).

Arvioinnin perusteet: opiskelija osaa:
• käyttää johdonmukaisesti ammattikäsitteitä.
• etsiä tietoa alan keskeisistä tiedonlähteistä.
• hahmottaa tehtäväkokonaisuuksia.
• toimia asiakkaiden / potilaiden kanssa, sekä ryhmän ja työyhteisön jäsenenä.
• käyttää keskeisiä hoitotyön toimintoja, menetelmiä ja tekniikoita.
• perustella toimintaansa oman alan eettisten periaatteiden mukaisesti.