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Global ethicsLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: VV00EM39


5 op


Upon completing the course, you will have the following skills & knowledge as you are able to
- recognise the major theories on ethics, and morality, - including the concepts as well - and apply those in real-life situations
- assess critically the current trends and debate on social, and environmental concerns
- discover and analyse the primary dilemmas that are prevalent in particularly in global decision-making
- examine the major reasons for socal injustice, and discrimination, and suggest the means and methods for tackling climate change
- participate actively to the discussions related to the issues on ethics, and morality in a reasoned manner
- give you own ethical contribution to the community in which you are engaged in – now and in the future
- understand the significance of virtual interconnections in the digital era, and evaluate own involvement, and role on web particularly what comes to the ethical issues


03.12.2021 - 16.01.2022


17.01.2022 - 30.04.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

RDI portion

4 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Liiketalouden koulutusyksikkö, Kouvola (vanhettu)



Teaching languages
  • English
  • Markku Nikkanen
Teacher in charge

Markku Nikkanen

  • VV2021-2022
    Optional studies 2021-2022


Upon completing the course, you will have the following skills & knowledge as you are able to
- recognise the major theories on ethics, and morality, - including the concepts as well - and apply those in real-life situations
- assess critically the current trends and debate on social, and environmental concerns
- discover and analyse the primary dilemmas that are prevalent in particularly in global decision-making
- examine the major reasons for socal injustice, and discrimination, and suggest the means and methods for tackling climate change
- participate actively to the discussions related to the issues on ethics, and morality in a reasoned manner
- give you own ethical contribution to the community in which you are engaged in – now and in the future
- understand the significance of virtual interconnections in the digital era, and evaluate own involvement, and role on web particularly what comes to the ethical issues


- Widdows, H.(2011), Global Ethics: an Introduction (eBook)
- Hutchings, K (2010), Global Ethics: an Introduction
- Ethics and Business: A Global Introduction (Routledge-Noordhoff International Editions) 1st Edition by Bart Wernaart (Author) eBook/2021
- Rethinking Business Responsibility in a Global Context: Challenges to Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainability and Ethics (CSR, Sustainability, Ethics & Governance; 1st ed. 2020 by Bodo B. Schlegelmilch and Ilona Sz?cs; Editors)
- Set of related online articles (will be announced later)

Contributory Literature:
- Küng, Hans (1993), Global Responsibility: In Search of a New World Ethic
- Nikkanen, M. (2013), Notes & Tones on Aspects of Aesthetics in Studying Harmony and Disharmony: a Dialectical Examination, Publications of Kyamk, Series B, No: 96

Yksilölliset oppimisväylät

Upon completing the course, you will have the following skills & knowledge as you are able to

? recognise the major theories on ethics, and morality, - including the concepts as well - and apply those in real-life situations
? assess critically the current trends and debate on social, and environmental concerns
? discover and analyse the primary dilemmas that are prevalent in particularly in global decision-making
? examine the major reasons for socal injustice, and discrimination, and suggest the means and methods for tackling climate change
? participate actively to the discussions related to the issues on ethics, and morality in a reasoned manner
? give you own ethical contribution to the community in which you are engaged in – now and in the future
? understand the significance of virtual interconnections in the digital era, and evaluate own involvement, and role on web particularly what comes to the ethical issues

TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö

Students complete three discussion/research papers on selected topics, which are related to the themes of the course .

Toteutuksen osien kuvaus

- Introduction (including major theoretical approaches and their application areas)
- co-working, problem resolving, and communicative dialogue with peers online
- virtual and distance learning option will be a applied throughout the course via Learn and via Teams
- Students are requested to complete three discussion papers/essays either in person, with peers (teamwork), or as a collective (community of learners)
- Following themes are particularly in focus: poverty and global inequality, human rights, and climate change.
- Student can take also his/her own subject for an in-depth analysis
- From the pedagogical point of view, peer-learning allows the students to have an opportunity for sharing knowledge, assess their learning experiences and subsequently defend and reflect their own opinions amid student fellows

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

- Three discussion papers & presentations: 30 % each
- Active online participation: 10 %
- All assignments need to be done to pass the course
- Grading: 1-5