Specific features of intensive careLaajuus (7 cr)
Code: AV00EV90
7 op
You improve your skills in resuscitation and learn how to take advantage of non- technical skills
You know the main procedures in the care of a revived patient in an intensive care unit
You know the pathophysiology of cardiac arrest
You know the special features of observation and treatment of disabled patients in intensive and high-dependency units?
You know the characteristics of neurological observation and treatment in intensive and high-dependency units
You understand the specific characteristics in the intensive care of patients with acute kidney failure
You know how to monitor and treat sepsis patients in intensive and high- dependency units
You understand the particularities of organ donor monitoring and treatment in intensive and high-dependency units
You are able to take into account the specific characteristics in the intensive care for pediatric patients
You understand the importance of family in the care of a pediatric patient
Acute kidney failure
Organ donor treatment
Resuscitation and MET function
Disabled patient
Neurological patient
Pediatric patient
How do you perform resuscitation?
How is a revived patient’s care implemented in an intensive care unit?
What are the causes of cardiac arrest?
What are the main observation and treatment aspects for a disabled patient in intensive and high-dependency units?
What are the main observation and treatment aspects for a neurological patient in intensive and high-dependency units?
What are the main observation and treatment aspects for a patient with acute kidney damage in intensive and high-dependency units?
What are the main observation and treatment aspects for a patient with sepsis in intensive and high-dependency units?
What are the main observation and treatment aspects for organ donor treatment in intensive care?
What are the main observation and treatment aspects for the pediatric patients in intensive and high-dependency units?
How do you implement family-oriented care for a pediatric patient in the intensive and high-dependency units?
01.08.2025 - 15.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
7 op
Virtual portion
6 op
RDI portion
2 op
Mode of delivery
15 % Contact teaching, 85 % Distance learning
Open UAS and Continuing education
Kotka Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Avoin ammattikorkeakoulu, osaajakoulutus
- Marjo Piispa
- Mari Penttilä
- Tiina Haanperä
- Leena Kosunen
AVTEHOOS25KAvoin AMK, Tehohoidon osaajakoulutus 30 op
You improve your skills in resuscitation and learn how to take advantage of non- technical skills
You know the main procedures in the care of a revived patient in an intensive care unit
You know the pathophysiology of cardiac arrest
You know the special features of observation and treatment of disabled patients in intensive and high-dependency units?
You know the characteristics of neurological observation and treatment in intensive and high-dependency units
You understand the specific characteristics in the intensive care of patients with acute kidney failure
You know how to monitor and treat sepsis patients in intensive and high- dependency units
You understand the particularities of organ donor monitoring and treatment in intensive and high-dependency units
You are able to take into account the specific characteristics in the intensive care for pediatric patients
You understand the importance of family in the care of a pediatric patient
Acute kidney failure
Organ donor treatment
Resuscitation and MET function
Disabled patient
Neurological patient
Pediatric patient
How do you perform resuscitation?
How is a revived patient’s care implemented in an intensive care unit?
What are the causes of cardiac arrest?
What are the main observation and treatment aspects for a disabled patient in intensive and high-dependency units?
What are the main observation and treatment aspects for a neurological patient in intensive and high-dependency units?
What are the main observation and treatment aspects for a patient with acute kidney damage in intensive and high-dependency units?
What are the main observation and treatment aspects for a patient with sepsis in intensive and high-dependency units?
What are the main observation and treatment aspects for organ donor treatment in intensive care?
What are the main observation and treatment aspects for the pediatric patients in intensive and high-dependency units?
How do you implement family-oriented care for a pediatric patient in the intensive and high-dependency units?
Verkko-oppimisympäristö Learnin materiaalit.
Ammattikirjallisuus opintojen tueksi:
Lapsen ja perheen hoitotyö/ Storvik-Sydänmaa, Tervajärvi, Hammar. 2019. Soveltuvin osin Lapsi sairaana ja Lapsen tehohoito.
Ensihoito/ Kuisma, Holmström, Nurmi, Porthan, Puolakka. 2021 tai vanhempi. Soveltuvin osin Lapsen tutkiminen, Lapsi ensihoidossa
Ensihoito/ Kuisma, Holmström, Nurmi, Porthan, Puolakka. 2021 tai vanhempi. Soveltuvin osin Vammautuminen
Tehohoitotyö/ Alanen, Hakio, Koskela. 2022. Soveltuvin osin Hengitysvajauspotilaan hoitotyö, Vammapotilas teho-osastolla.
TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö
Mahdollinen asiantuntijavierailu
Tentit ja muut määräajat
Kevään toteutus
Tähän lisäätte päivämäärät harjoituksille, kun tiedossa.
Syksyn toteutus
Teho- ja valvontahoitotyön erityispiirteet: Oppimistehtävien ja opinnot kokoavan lopputentin suoritus ennen opintojakson päättymistä.
Kansainvälinen yhteistyö
Ei sisälly.
Opiskelijan työmäärä
Yksi opintopiste vastaa noin 27 tuntia opiskelijan työtä. Todellinen työmäärä riippuu opiskelutaidoista ja aiemmasta osaamisesta.
Toteutuksen osien kuvaus
Opintokokonaisuus koostuu erillisistä opintojaksoista seuraavasti:
Ammatillinen osaaminen 5 op
Tehohoitotyön perusteet 5 op
Hengitysvajaus 4 op
Verenkiertovajaus 4 op
Teho- ja valvontahoitotyön erityistilanteet 7 op
Neurologisen ja vammapotilaan hoitotyö: neurologisen ja vammapotilaan hoitotyön perusteita tehohoito-ympäristössä
Akuutti munuaisvaurio -potilaan hoitotyö
Lapsen tehohoitotyö: lapsipotilaan hoitotyön perusteita tehohoito-ympäristössä
Elinluovuttajan tunnistaminen ja hoito
Tutkimus- ja kehittämisosaaminen 5 op
Further information
Opettajat aihealueittain:
Marjo Piispa, marjo.piispa@xamk.fi (vammapotilaan ja neurologisen potilaan tehohoitotyö, lapsipotilaan tehohoitotyö)
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Oppimistehtävät: hyväksytty/täydennettävä/hylätty
Tentti: Tehohoitotyön erityistilanteet. Suoritukseen vaaditaan 70% oikein.
08.01.2024 - 17.05.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
7 op
Virtual portion
6 op
Mode of delivery
15 % Contact teaching, 85 % Distance learning
Open UAS and Continuing education
Kotka Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Avoin ammattikorkeakoulu, osaajakoulutus
- Marjo Piispa
- Katri Rissanen
- Mari Penttilä
- Leena Kosunen
Teacher in charge
Marjo Piispa
AVTEHOOS23SAvoin AMK, Tehohoidon osaajakoulutus 30 op
You improve your skills in resuscitation and learn how to take advantage of non- technical skills
You know the main procedures in the care of a revived patient in an intensive care unit
You know the pathophysiology of cardiac arrest
You know the special features of observation and treatment of disabled patients in intensive and high-dependency units?
You know the characteristics of neurological observation and treatment in intensive and high-dependency units
You understand the specific characteristics in the intensive care of patients with acute kidney failure
You know how to monitor and treat sepsis patients in intensive and high- dependency units
You understand the particularities of organ donor monitoring and treatment in intensive and high-dependency units
You are able to take into account the specific characteristics in the intensive care for pediatric patients
You understand the importance of family in the care of a pediatric patient
Acute kidney failure
Organ donor treatment
Resuscitation and MET function
Disabled patient
Neurological patient
Pediatric patient
How do you perform resuscitation?
How is a revived patient’s care implemented in an intensive care unit?
What are the causes of cardiac arrest?
What are the main observation and treatment aspects for a disabled patient in intensive and high-dependency units?
What are the main observation and treatment aspects for a neurological patient in intensive and high-dependency units?
What are the main observation and treatment aspects for a patient with acute kidney damage in intensive and high-dependency units?
What are the main observation and treatment aspects for a patient with sepsis in intensive and high-dependency units?
What are the main observation and treatment aspects for organ donor treatment in intensive care?
What are the main observation and treatment aspects for the pediatric patients in intensive and high-dependency units?
How do you implement family-oriented care for a pediatric patient in the intensive and high-dependency units?
Further information
Tämä toteutus on tarkoitettu Teho- ja valvontahoitotyön osaajakoulutuksen osallistujille.
Evaluation scale