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Corporate responsibility and changing operational environment Laajuus (5 cr)

Code: AV00EV11


5 op


You are familiar with the basics of corporate responsibility.
You understand the meaning of the different elements of corporate responsibility for successful business.
You are able to evaluate the implementation of corporate responsibility and sustainability thinking in your company.
You are able to anticipate and identify what key knowledge about business environment is focal for your business.


Corporate responsibility is a requirement for success in a changing business environment. Responsible businesses take into consideration society, the economy and the environment.
What does corporate responsibility mean?
What opportunities can corporate responsibility offer to business?
How do different instructions and regulations guide responsible business?
What do corporate responsibility and sustainability thinking mean in your business?
What is the changing business environment like?
How can the changes in the business environment be anticipated and analyzed?

Further information

This course is a copy of the course KL00ES14 Corporate responsibility and changing operational environment.


22.01.2024 - 30.04.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

RDI portion

1 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Open UAS and Continuing education



Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Avoin ammattikorkeakoulu, osaajakoulutus
  • Heli Kesämaa
  • Anna-Liisa Immonen
  • Ulla Korvenpää
Teacher in charge

Anna-Liisa Immonen

    Avoin AMK: Vastuullisen liiketoiminnan osaaja, 30 op


You are familiar with the basics of corporate responsibility.
You understand the meaning of the different elements of corporate responsibility for successful business.
You are able to evaluate the implementation of corporate responsibility and sustainability thinking in your company.
You are able to anticipate and identify what key knowledge about business environment is focal for your business.


Corporate responsibility is a requirement for success in a changing business environment. Responsible businesses take into consideration society, the economy and the environment.
What does corporate responsibility mean?
What opportunities can corporate responsibility offer to business?
How do different instructions and regulations guide responsible business?
What do corporate responsibility and sustainability thinking mean in your business?
What is the changing business environment like?
How can the changes in the business environment be anticipated and analyzed?


Ilmoitetaan Learnissa opintojakson alkaessa.

Yksilölliset oppimisväylät

Opintojakso suoritetaan itsenäisesti verkossa.

TKI ja työelämäyhteistyö

Opintojaksolla toteutetaan työelämälähtöisiä kehittämistehtäviä (analyysi- ja oppimistehtävät).

Tentit ja muut määräajat

Teams-tapaaminen aloitukseen liittyen ma 22.1.24 klo 15 - 16 (tallenne tehdään) linkki tulee Learn-alustalle. Suosittelemme kaikille osallistumista Teams-tapaamiseen.

Opintojakson tehtävät suoritetaan annetun aikataulun mukaisesti. Aikataulut julkaistaan kurssin alkaessa.
Learn-alusta avautuu automaattisesti opiskelijoille 22.1.2024.

Opiskelijan työmäärä

5 op = 133 h, joka muodostuu aineistoihin perehtymisestä ja erilaisista oppimistehtävistä, kertaustenteistä ym.

Further information

Tämä opintojakso sisältyy Xamk Pulsen Vastuullisen liiketoiminnan osaaja, 30 op -koulutuskokonaisuuteen.
Xamkin tutkinto-opiskelijat eivät voi ilmoittautua tälle toteutukselle.

Opettajat Heli Kesämaa, Anna-Liisa Immonen ja Ulla Korvenpää.

Evaluation scale


Further information

This course is a copy of the course KL00ES14 Corporate responsibility and changing operational environment.